Integrated Visual Augmentation System

The Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS) is a United States Army program to provide infantry with an augmented reality headset.

As of October 2020 the system is on its third iteration. Previous tests used commercial Microsoft HoloLens 2 headsets which were not resistant to inclement weather. A ruggedized version of the system was tested in late October 2021 at Fort Pickett by some Marines and members of the 82nd Airborne. The test was to get soldier feedback and refine the system for eventual battlefield use.

After nearly 2 years in development, the final IVAS Capability Set 4 system is scheduled to be fielded in 2021. Over 40,000 sets are to be issued.[1]


  1. Keller, Jared. "The Army's next-generation headset is almost ready for prime time". Task & Purpose. Retrieved 18 November 2020.

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