ʻAbdu'l-Hamíd Ishráq-Khávari
ʻAbdu'l-Hamíd Ishráq-Khávari (1902 – 1972) was a prominent Iranian Baháʼí scholar. He became a Baháʼí in 1927. He was a teacher in one of the Baháʼí schools in Iran, until the schools were closed in 1934. He prepared many compilations of Bahá'í writings, commentaries, apologetic works, and historic studies.

ʻAbdu'l-Hamíd Ishráq-Khávari
Some of his more important works are as follows:
- Abvábu'l-Malakút, a vocalized collection of Arabic Baháʼí prayers.
- Aqdáḥu'l-Faláḥ (volumes 1 and 2), comments on various subjects pertaining to the Abrahamic religions.
- Áthár-i-Qalam-i-Aʻlá, volumes 3 and 4; collections of the writings of Baháʼu'lláh.
- Dáʼiratu'l-Maʻárifu'l-Amrí, a Baháʼí Encyclopedia in 16 volumes.
- Ganjíniy-i-Ḥudúd va Aḥkám, a collection of writings on Baháʼí laws and ordinances.
- Ganj-i-Sháygán, a chronological survey of Baháʼuʼlláh's writings.
- Jannát-i-Naʻím (volumes 1 and 2), collections of the poems of Naʻím-i-Sidihí, a celebrated Baháʼí poet.
- Máʼidiy-i-Ásmání
- Muḥáḍirát (volumes 1, 2, and 3), transcribed oral conversations with Ishráq-Khávarí on various subjects.
- Núrayn-i-Nayyirayn, a biography of the Núrayn-i-Nayyirayn, two early Baháʼí martyrs.
- Payám-i-Malakút, a thematically-arranged compilation of Baháʼí writings.
- Qámús-i-Kitáb-i-Íqán, a commentary on the Kitáb-i-Íqán (Book of Certitude), four volumes.
- Qámús-i-Tawqíʻ-i-Maníʻ-i-Naw-Rúz-i-108 Badíʻ, a concordance to Shoghi Effendi's Naw-Rúz 108 BE message (in Persian).
- Raḥíq-i-Makhtúm (volumes 1 and 2), a selection of different subjects in alphabetical order in two volumes. Commentary on Shoghi Effendi's centennial letter Lawḥ-i-Qarn.
- Risáliy-i-Ayyám-i-Tisʻih, a collection of Baháʼí writings on the nine Baháʼí Holy Days.
- Risáliy-i-Nuṣús-i-Alváḥ dar báriy-i-Baqáy-i-Arváḥ, a collection of Baháʼí writings on the immortality of the human soul.
- Risáliy-i-Tasbíḥ va Tahlíl, a vocalized collection of Arabic prayers by Baháʼuʼlláh.
- Sharḥ-i-Ḥayát-i-Ḥaḍrat-i-Valíyy-i-Amru'lláh, a brief biography of Shoghi Effendi.
- Taqrírát dar báriy-i-Kitáb-i-Mustaṭáb-i-Aqdas, a transcribed verse-by-verse analysis of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in Persian.
- Táríkh-i-Amríy-i-Hamadán, a history of the Baháʼí Faith in the city of Hamadán.
- Yádigár, transcribed oral remarks from Ishráq-Khávarí on various subjects.
See also
- Mírzá Abu'l-Faḍl (1844–1914)
- Mírzá Asadu'llah Fádil Mázandarání (1881–1957)
- Adib Taherzadeh (1921–2000)
- Smith, Peter (2000). "Ishráq-Khávari, ʻAbdu'l-Hamíd". A concise encyclopedia of the Baháʼí Faith. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. pp. 211. ISBN 1-85168-184-1.
Further reading
- Ṣáliḥ Mawlavínizhád, Ishráq-Khávarí: Zindigí, Áthár, va Kháṭirát (Madrid: Bunyád-i-Farhangíy-i-Niḥal, 2009).
- Sulaymání, ʻAzízu'lláh, Maṣábíḥ-i-Hidáyat, vol. 9 (Tehran: Muʼassisiy-i-Millíy-i-Maṭbúʻát-i-Amrí, 1975), pp. 8–122; available online at the Afnán Library.
External links
- EŠRĀQ ḴĀVARĪ, ʿABD-AL-ḤAMĪD, Encyclopedia Iranica
- International Baháʼí Library: Collections - Ishráq-Khávari (archived, 2008)
- H-Bahai: ʻAbdu'l-Hamid Ishraq-Khavari – Collected Works in Arabic and Persian
- Mr. Ishraq Khavari: Books and Publications, by Adel Shafipour (2008)
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