2014-15 Macedonian student protests

The 2014-15 Macedonian student protests was a wave of student strikes and Teacher-ins, Student protests, Sit-ins and Occupations against a government plan to replace university-run examinations with state 'testing'. Mass protests and rallies by students and Colleges started on 10 October, against the plan but turned into public protests and Civil disobedience against the government of Nikola Gruevski and the results of the 2014 Macedonian general election. Rallies by students consisted of Marches and Flash mob tactics while Security forces used Tear gas and Water cannon against the protesters, demanding the resignation of the government and fresh elections, an end to Corruption and Police brutality and university fees to decrease. Rent strikes, Wildcat strikes and University Occupations occurred amid growing opposition protests and street demonstrations in early 2015 led by mostly high school students, angry at the plan of to replace university-examinations with state-run testing. Mass protests was quelled in January 2015, after major rallies attracted hundreds of thousands of Students and Teachers nationwide.[1][2][3]

See also


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