
ActiveJDBC is a Java implementation of the Active Record design pattern developed by Igor Polevoy. It was inspired by ActiveRecord ORM from Ruby on Rails. It is based on convention over configuration.

Writing models

Similar to Ruby on Rails, the ActiveJDBC infers meta data from a database. The result is that models do not require setters and getters.


Creating and updating records

Creation of and saving new records in a table:

Employee e = new Employee();
e.set("first_name", "John");
e.set("last_name", "Doe");

or the same on one line:

Employee.createIt("first_name", "John", "last_name", "Doe");

And for updating an existing record:

Employee e = Employee.findFirst("first_name = ?", "John");
e.set("last_name", "Steinbeck").saveIt();

Finding records

ActiveJDBC does not have a query language. Search criteria are written in abbreviated SQL.

List<Employee> employees = Employee.where("first_name = ?", "John");

While ActiveJDBC is a general purpose Java ORM, it served as a first building block for ActiveWeb

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