After the Beep
After The Beep is an Australian television comedy series which screened on the ABC in 1996. This series is about a single, white female who is annoyed with life and is struggling to make sense of the world around her. Every episode in the seven part series starts with a message "after the beep" on Jo's answering machine.
The series is produced by John O'Grady, directed by Geoffrey Portmann and written by Julie Harris.
- Genevieve Lemon as Josephine Donnelly
- Genevieve Mooy as Mae Santos
- June Salter as Kath Dillon
- Kerry Walker as Mary Donnelly
- Emily Weare as Grace Fleming
- Giordano Gangl as Colin Green
- Richard Healy as Steve Baker
- Bruce Spence
- Stan Kouros
- Greg Bepper
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