Alambadi, Cuddalore
Alambadi is a village panchayat in Cuddalore district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is located inside from 2km of the National Highway NH-45 which is from Avatti X Road Bus Stop to Alambadi has 2km. Whole 2km road with fully surrounded by tamarind trees (புளியமரம்). And this village will comes under Tittagudi Taluk as well as constitution.
Alambadi has approximately 2000+ farmers family. And their major work is Agriculture. Also this village has one government school. Which is named as Panjayat Union Middle school. Most of the current youngsters from Alambadi had completed the schooling in this PUM school only. This school has 1st standard to 8th standard. Total area of this school is approximately 5 acres.
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