Albert Falsan

Claude Alexandre Albert Falsan (14 May 1833, in Lyon 12 February 1902, in Saint-Cyr-au-Mont-d'Or) was a French geologist and glaciologist.

Albert Falsan (1884)

He was a student at the Collège des Minimes and also took classes at the University of Lyon as a pupil of geologist Joseph Jean Baptiste Xavier Fournet. Although he never received a diploma, he dedicated his time and energies to geological research of the Jura, the Lyonnaise region and the Alps.[1]

From 1869 to 1902 he was a member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon, and in 1873, a founding member of the Société de géographie de Lyon. During his career he also received the following awards and distinctions:

  • Lauréat de l'Institut, prix Bordin.
  • Grande médaille du Congrès des sociétés savantes.
  • Médaille d'or du concours de la Sorbonne, 1880.
  • Médaille d'or de l'Académie de Lyon.[1]

Selected works

  • Monographie géologique du Mont-d'Or lyonnais et de ses dépendances, 1866 Geological monograph of Mont-d'Or (Lyon) and outlying areas; with Arnould Locard.
  • Note sur les terrains subordonnés aux gisements de poissons et de végétaux fossiles du Bas-Bugey, 1873 Note on the subordinated deposits of fish and plants in Bas-Bugey; with Eugène Dumortier.
  • Monographie géologique des anciens glaciers et du terrain erratique de la partie moyenne du bassin du Rhône, 1875 Geological monograph on the ancient glaciers and erratic terrain in the middle part of the Rhône basin; with Ernest Chantre.
  • Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Théophile Ebray On the life and work of Théophile Ébray.
  • La période glaciaire étudiée principalement en France et en Suisse, 1889 Glacial age studies, mainly involving France and Switzerland.
  • Les Alpes françaises, la flore et la faune, le rôle de l'homme dans les Alpes, la transhumance, 1893 The French Alps, flora and fauna, the role of humans in the Alps, transhumance.[2]


  1. Albert Falsan at Sociétés savantes de France
  2. OCLC Classify (published works)

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