Almost-contact manifold

In the mathematical field of differential geometry, an almost-contact structure is a certain kind of geometric structure on a smooth manifold. Such structures were introduced by Shigeo Sasaki in 1960.

Precisely, given a smooth manifold M, an almost-contact structure consists of a hyperplane distribution P, an almost-complex structure J on Q, and a vector field ξ which is transverse to Q. That is, for each point p of M, one selects a codimension-one linear subspace Qp of the tangent space TpM, a linear map φp : QpQp such that JpJp = −idQp, and an element ξp of TpM which is not contained in Qp.

Given such data, one can define, for each p in M, a linear map ηp : TpM → ℝ and a linear map φp : TpMTpM by

This defines a one-form η and (1,1)-tensor field φ on M, and one can check directly, by decomposing v relative to the direct sum decomposition TpM = Qp ⊕ {kξp : k ∈ ℝ}, that

for any v in TpM. Conversely, one may define an almost-contact structure as a triple (ξ, η, φ) which satisfies the two conditions

  • for any v in TpM

Then, one can define Qp to be the kernel of the linear map ηp, and one can check that the restriction of φp to Qp is valued in Qp, thereby defining Jp.


    • David E. Blair. Riemannian geometry of contact and symplectic manifolds. Second edition. Progress in Mathematics, 203. Birkhäuser Boston, Ltd., Boston, MA, 2010. xvi+343 pp. ISBN 978-0-8176-4958-6, doi:10.1007/978-0-8176-4959-3
    • Shigeo Sasaki. On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure. I. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 12 (1960), 459–476.
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