Anna Polovetskaya

Anna Polovetskaya (died 1111), was a Princess of Kiev by marriage to Vsevolod I of Kiev.

She was the daughter of the Cuman khan. She married Vsevolod I in 1068. When she was widowed in 1093, she stayed in Kiev and was regarded with great respect and reverence. In 1097, she was asked to act as a mediator between her warring stepsons, and managed to secure peace and a resolution of the conflict.


    • Филиповский, Ефрем. Краткое историческое и хронологическое описаніе жизни и дѣяній великих князей Россійских, царей, императоров и их пресвѣтлѣйших супруг и детѣй от Р. КH. с 862 года до нынѣ благополучно царствующаго Великаго Государя Императора Александра I. Самодержца Всероссийскаго, Ч.1, 1805 г.

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