Arab Women's Executive Committee

Arab Women's Executive Committee (AWE) was a Palestinian women's organization, founded in 1929. It was the first women's organization in Palestine, and the start point of the Palestinian women's movement.[1]

It was formed in Jerusalem in 1929. Its purpose was to found a women's movement in Palestine. The founding members were Wahida al-Khalidi (president), Matiel Mogannam and Katrin Deeb (secretaries), Shahinda Duzdar (treasurer), Naʿimiti al-Husayni, Tarab Abd al-Hadi, Mary Shihada, Anisa al-Khadra, Khadija al-Husayni, Diya alNashashibi, Melia Sakakini, Zlikha al-Shihabi, Kamil Budayri, Fatima al-Husayni, Zahiya alNashashibi, and Saʿdiyya al-Alami.

It organized and hosted the First Palestine Arab Women's Congress or First Arab Women's Congress in Jerusalem in 1929, which was the first international women's conference it the Arab world and a predecessor of the First Eastern Women's Congress.


  1. Fleischmann, E. (2000). The Emergence of the Palestinian Women's Movement, 1929-39. Journal of Palestine Studies, 29(3), 16-32. doi:10.2307/2676453
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