Bannan (TV series)
Bannan (English title: The Ties that Bind) is a Gaelic-language television series produced by Young Films and first broadcast by BBC Scotland in 2014. The seventh season is due to be broadcast in 2020. It tells the story of the return of Màiri MacDonald from Glasgow to the Gaelic-speaking island where she had been brought up, where she comes to terms with the family drama that had caused her to leave eight years earlier. The title, Bannan, is the Gaelic word for "family bonds".
The show was renewed with a contract for additional fouryears in 2017, according to 'The Scotsman' newspaper.[1]
Debbie MacKay as Màiri
Dòl Eoin MacKinnon as Alasdair
Iain MacRae as Tormod
Ali MacLennan as Iain
Alastair MacKay as Donneil
Màiri Morrison as Iseabail
Ellen MacDonald as Ciorstaidh
Ange MacKay as Sarah Jane
Màiri MacLennan as Isla
See also
- "Gaelic TV drama Bannan wins new four-year deal".