Bavarian Liberation Army

The Bavarian Liberation Army (German: Bajuwarische Befreiungsarmee, BBA) was an Austrian right-wing militant organization. Its goal is to create a single, Teutonic, ethnically homogeneous state.[1]


  • The BBA claimed responsibility for several letter-bomb attacks in 1995, which killed one German (Munich) and two Hungarian women (Linz).[2]
  • Franz Fuchs, a self-declared BBA operator, was found guilty in 1999 of 29 different bombings and committed suicide in jail. Fuchs' attacks, primarily letter bombs, targeted minorities and refugees, as well as Austrian and German advocates for those populations. His worst attack killed four Romani in Oberwart.[3]
  • There is no evidence that the BBA consisted of anybody else besides Fuchs.


  1. Austria: General Background Archived September 30, 2008, at the Wayback Machine Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today, 1996.
  2. Austrian Mail-Bomb Alert The New York Times 12 June 2008.
  3. Racist bomber found hanged BBC News, 27 February 2000.
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