Bernard Moses
Bernard Moses (1846−1931) was professor of history and political science at the University of California.

Bernard Moses
Moses was a member of the U.S. Philippine Commission from 1900 to 1902, and subsequently took part in the Panamerican Scientific Congress in Chile and in the International Conference of American States in Argentina. He was minister plenipotentiary to Chile.[1]
Selected publications
- "Social Science at its Method", 1880, Berkeley Quarterly, v.1, p. 1
- "The Communism of Early Christianity", 1880, Berkeley Quarterly, v.1, p. 211
- "The Crown and Parliament in Sweden", 1880, Berkeley Quarterly, v.1, p. 268
- "Early Swedish Literature", 1881, Berkeley Quarterly, v.2, p. 12
- "About Swedish Literature in the Eighteenth Century", 1881, Berkeley Quarterly, v.2, p. 225
- "The Extension of the Curriculum", 1881, Berkeley Quarterly, v.2, p. 336
- Politics: An introduction to the study of comparative constitutional law with W.W. Crane, 1883 [1898 ed, av]
- Imperial Germany: a lecture, 1886
- Social Infelicities of Half-knowledge: an address, 1886
- Data of Mexico and United States' History, 1887
- "The Establishment of Municipal Government in San Francisco", 1889, JHU Studies
- The Federal Government of Switzerland: An essay on constitution, 1889
- "The Social Sciences as Aids in Teaching History", 1891, Addresses before the California Teachers' Association, p. 16
- "The Economic Condition of Spain in the Sixteenth Century", 1893, JPE (Sep), p. 513
- "The Economic Condition of Spain in the Sixteenth Century", 1894, Annual Report of AHA,
- "The Nature of Sociology" Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 3, No. 1 (Dec., 1894), pp. 24–38.
- The Railway Revolution in Mexico, 1895
- "Certain Tendencies in Political Economy", 1897, QJE (Jul) , p. 372
- The Establishment of Spanish Rule in America: An introduction to the history and politics of Spanish America, 1898 [bk, av]
- "The Economic Situation in Japan", 1898, JPE (Mar), p. 168
- Democracy and Social Growth in America, 1898
- "The Recent War with Spain from a Historical Point of View", 1899, Univ Chron, p. 400
- "New Problems in the Study of Society", 1900, Univ Chron, p. 13
- "The Ethical Importance of Our New Problems", 1900, Univ Chron, p. 205
- "The Western experiment with personal independence", 1904–05, Univ Chron, p. 25
- "The Control of dependencies inhabited by the less developed races", 1904–05, Univ Chron, p. 84
- "The Organisation of Public Instruction in the Philippines", 1905–06, Univ Chron, p. 93
- "Results of the War between Russia and Japan", 1905–06, Univ Chron, p. 118
- "Arbitration", 1906, Univ Chron, p. 259
- The Government of the United States, 1906
- South America on the Eve of Emancipation, 1908
- Spanish Dependencies in South America: an introduction to the history of their civilization, 1914, v.1, v.2 [av1, av2]
- Spain's Declining Power in South America, 1730-1806, 1919
- Spanish Colonial Literature in South America, 1922
- Spain Overseas, 1929
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