Canadians for Equal Marriage

Canadians for Equal Marriage is a Canadian public interest group representing Egale Canada, PFLAG Canada, the Canadian Federation of Students, the Canadian Labour Congress, the Canadian Psychological Association, the Canadian Association of University Teachers, and the Canadian Association of Social Workers, among others to promote the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Canada. It has been relatively inactive since its goals were achieved with the passage and acceptance of the Civil Marriage Act in 2005.

The legalization of same-sex marriages in each Canadian province:

Thanks to many different organizations and active groups, same-sex marriage is finally legalized and recognized in Canada. Same sex-marriage is still a brand new concept in Canada. It wasn’t all at once that provinces begin to accept same-sex marriages. Some provinces took longer than others to make this happen. In 2003 Ontario and British Columbia became the first two provinces to legalize same-sex marriage. In 2004 Quebec followed suit with Yukon, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador. New Brunswick followed in 2005 whereas the rest of Canada legalized sex-same marriage when the federal Civil Marriage Act came into effect. This made Canada the fourth country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage.

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