Central Theater (film)

Central Theatre is a 2014 Malayalam suspense thriller film written and directed by Kiran Narayanan. The film stars Hemanth Menon, Sidhartha Siva, and Arun A Kumar as the protagonist.[1] The story revolves around a criminal incident, subsequent investigation, and the simmering tension. The entire story happens in a span of six hours and is told in three different perspectives, in four different chapters.[2]

Central Theatre
Directed byKiran Narayanan
Written byKiran Narayanan
StarringHemanth Menon
Sidhartha Siva
Arun A Kumar
Music byRamesh narayan
Thaaraaka Productions
Release date
  • 26 September 2014 (2014-09-26)
Running time
116 minutes


  • Hemanth Menon as Sidharth Vijay
  • Arun A Kumar as Vinay
  • Sidhartha Siva as Aldrin Peter
  • Fayis Salman as Nadeer
  • Kozhikode Narayanan Nair as Vinay's grand father
  • Majeed as Vinay's Father
  • Anjali Aneesh Upasana aka Anjali Nair as Mariya John
  • Ambika Mohan as Sidharth Vijay's mother
  • Rosylynn as Vinay's mother
  • Kaladi Omana as Vinay's grand mother
  • Master Chethanlal as Amruth
  • Master Abhinav as Sreekuttan
  • Baby Prathyusha as Shruthi
  • Baby Arunima as Diya
  • Master Arun as Young Aldrin Peter


The story revolves around a criminal incident, subsequent investigation, and the simmering tension. The entire story happens in a span of six hours and is told in three different perspectives, in four different chapters


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