Chartered organizations of the Boy Scouts of America

All Boy Scouts of America units are owned and operated by chartered organizations. Of the 103,158 units (Boy Scout troops, Cub Scout packs and Venturing crews) and 3,615,306 youth members in 2010:

  • 65% of all youth members are chartered to faith-based organizations
  • 23.5% of all youth members are chartered to civic organizations
  • 11.5% of all youth members are chartered to educational organizations

Each unit is chartered by a local branch of an organization, not at the national level. The following tables combine all chartering organizations that fall into a religious denomination or national organization.

The following table lists chartered organizations (originally divided into faith-based groups, civic groups, then educational groups) by number of registered youth:

2013 Chartered Organizations associated with the Boy Scouts of America[1]
Name of Organization Total Units % Total Units Total Youth % Total Youth
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints3793336.99%43716017.98%
United Methodist Church1070310.44%34961414.38%
Catholic Church81317.93%25929710.67%
Parent-teacher groups other than PTAs30763%1262075.19%
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)35203.43%1198794.93%
Lutheran churches37283.64%1114834.59%
Private schools25792.51%918283.78%
Baptist churches35323.44%915263.76%
Groups of citizens26332.57%844973.48%
American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary24772.42%648642.67%
Lions Clubs International22002.15%606712.5%
Parent-Teacher Association/Parent Teacher Organization14731.44%601712.47%
Business and industry25552.49%572662.36%
Episcopal Church (United States)11801.15%413401.7%
Unnamed community organizations15031.47%411801.69%
Rotary International12891.26%409961.69%
United Church of Christ11541.13%361941.49%
VFW, Auxiliary, Cootie10781.05%306861.26%
Community churches10090.98%301141.24%
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)10831.06%301131.24%
Fire departments11561.13%297521.22%
Kiwanis International8570.84%265871.09%
Elks lodges (BPOE)7940.77%218920.9%
Unnamed churches8020.78%218040.9%
Community centres8180.8%196610.81%
Boys & Girls Clubs of America5470.53%166280.68%
Nonprofit agencies5700.56%152860.63%
Church of Christ4950.48%135590.56%
Athletic booster clubs3530.34%112010.46%
Playgrounds, recreation centers3790.37%95610.39%
Chamber of commerce, business associations3030.3%88920.37%
Homeowner associations2420.24%87860.36%
Optimist International2440.24%83000.34%
Masons - Eastern Star2600.25%80180.33%
Evangelical/independent churches2990.29%77400.32%
YWCA, YMCA2570.25%73620.3%
Church of God2070.2%43540.18%
Reformed Church in America1240.12%39210.16%
Church of the Nazarene1540.15%38410.16%
Jewish synagogues and centers1460.14%32680.13%
Church of the Brethren1010.1%26140.11%
Islam, Muslim, Masjid750.07%22260.09%
African Methodist Episcopal Church1280.12%20530.08%
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church910.09%20040.08%
The Salvation Army1010.1%17210.07%
Community of Christ660.06%17180.07%
Buddhist Churches of America690.07%16980.07%
Assemblies of God USA740.07%16200.07%

This table gives more information about which type of units are sponsored by which Chartered Organizations, but is more out of date than total units/total youth table:

BSA traditional Scouting membership as of December 2007 — top 25 chartered organizations
OrganizationPacksCub youthTroopsScout youthCrewsVtr youthTotal unitsTotal youth
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints99591351151872619914180286647336713400729
United Methodist Church530723275852011259891187967311695368420
Roman Catholic Church4617189985387897185905101419400297311
Parent-teacher groups other than PTA39111625348742152734086715125192732
Groups of citizens2454850601249242971035201594738129516
Baptist churches21146929619693381335034674433106576
Lutheran churches18757168018884683443637104199122224
Presbyterian churches15316855618935303140835143832125101
Business and industry14324232893117298109613712345973338
Private schools1568468836981517180430458307092512
American Legion1248457621220230233114130277972915
Lions Clubs International1288485391224241741901996270274709
Other community organizations922301926801467181416421241661284
Parent-Teacher Associations177973075330633641971215080382
Community centers7251752150992682114444144531233
Rotary International62527061618155701793225142245856
Fire departments60721636583114992171889140735024
United Church of Christ5652403965316224119966133741229
Episcopal Church55124167608172611611666132043094
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)57121648584120381311027128634713
Source: Boy Scouts of America Membership Report[2]


  1. "Chartered Organizations and the Boy Scouts of America" (PDF). Boy Scouts of America. March 2014.
  2. "Boy Scouts of America Membership Report – 2007" (PDF). P.R.A.Y. January 7, 2008. Archived from the original (PDF) on May 28, 2008. Retrieved May 22, 2008.
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