Comic Cune

Comic Cune (コミックキューン, Comic Cune) is a Japanese seinen manga magazine which mainly serializes 4-koma manga published by Media Factory. The magazine originally began to be published as a supplement 4-koma magazine in Comic Alive in October 2014 but in June 2015, the publisher announced that Comic Cune would be its own magazine instead of just a supplement for Comic Alive, with the magazine debuting on August 27, 2015 with the titles it had before.[1]

Comic Cune
Cover of Comic Cune featuring Ms. Vampire Who Lives in My Neighborhood
CategoriesSeinen manga
PublisherMedia Factory
First issueAugust 27, 2015
Based inTokyo
WebsiteComic Cune

Serialized titles

Anime adaptations


  1. Loo, Egan. "Comic Alive to Launch 4-Panel Manga Magazine Spinoff". Anime News Network. Retrieved 2 January 2019.
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