Consolidation of Labor Laws

The Consolidation of Labor Laws Decree Law No. 5452 (Portuguese: Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho, CLT) is the decree which governs labor relations in Brazil. It was issued in 1943 by Getúlio Vargas, President of Brazil and was officially adopted on May 1st, 1943. The Constitution allowed him to issue decrees to regulate all matters that were supposed to be regulated by the federal legislative branch while the Parliament didn't assemble. The Parliament never assembled during the period in which that Constitution was valid.[1]

The CLT was partly inspired by labor laws under Benito Mussolini in Italy.[2]


  1. Valentin Carrion. Comentários à Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho. Editora Saraiva. Page 19 of the 32nd edition.
  2. "Dois fatores contribuíram, de forma decisiva, na institucionalização da Justiça do Trabalho no Brasil, quais sejam: o surgimento das convenções coletivas de trabalho e a influência da doutrina da Itália, visto que nosso sistema acabou por copiar, em vários aspectos, o sistema italiano da Carta del Lavoro, de 1927, de Mussolini (regime corporativista)." Renato Saraiva and Aryanna Linhares.Curso de Direito Proessual do Trabalho (2016)

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