Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping
Československá námořní plavba was a state shipping agent company established in 1959 in Czechoslovakia and closed in 1992. The company owned 44 ocean going vessels. Until 1967, it controlled Chinese ocean ships. It was second-largest fleet owned by a landlocked country.

Year | Name |
1959 | Republika I. |
1959 | Julius Fučík |
1959 | Lidice |
1959 | Mír I. |
1959 | Dukla |
1959 | Ostrava |
1959 | Orava I. |
1959 | Kladno |
1960 | Orlík I. |
1960 | Pionýr |
1961 | Slapy I. |
1961 | Odra |
1961 | Labe I. |
1963 | Jiskra |
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