David J. Patterson
David Joseph Patterson is a Northern Irish taxonomist specializing in protozoa and the use of taxonomy in biodiversity informatics.

Early life and education
He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland on 19 April 1950 to Doris Mary (née Bell) and Samuel Patterson, with one elder brother (mathematician Samuel James) and a sister (Frances Mary). Father of Alice Mia Vørs Patterson, Daniel Kieran Patterson, and William Zhao Patterson. He was educated at Belmont Primary, Strandtown and Grosvenor High schools in Belfast. He obtained his Bachelor of Science with first-class honours at Queen's University Belfast in 1971.
He obtained a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Bristol in 1976, where he was later employed (1977–1993). He obtained his Doctor of Science in 1990 from Queen's University, Belfast. In 1993 he moved to the University of Sydney in Australia where he became Head of the School of Biological Sciences. In 2004, he moved to the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole (Mass., USA) where he helped to establish the Encyclopedia of Life project with responsibility for the informatics component,[1] basing EOL on the model developed with the micro*scope project. From 2012-2014 he was a Research Professor at Arizona State University; and also was Professor (MBL) at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, and is an Emeritus Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. As a taxonomist, his primary interests are in the diversity of protozoa and the evolution of protists. He and his co-workers have described about 250 new taxa. David Patterson was awarded the Thomas Henry Huxley prize and the Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London; has been Secretary of the British Section of the Society of Protozoologists; President of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology; and Vice-President of the (International) Society of Protozoology. He served as a member of the International Commission for Zoological Nomenclature, as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Union of Biological Sciences, and as a member of the Scientific Committee of the World Data System.. He has published approximately 195 peer-reviewed papers including several books throughout his career. Latterly, his interests shifted to embedding taxonomic expertise in tools that manage biodiversity information. He was Senior Taxonomist on the Encyclopedia of Life project, adviser to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,[2] a coPI of the Data Conservancy and of the NSF-funded Global Names project, and member of the Plazi team.[3] He was a prime mover of the Global Names Architecture project.
Taxa named after him include Pattersoniella vitiphila, Foissner, 1987; Protoopalina pattersonii Delvinquier, 1995; Nuclearia pattersonii, Nerad, Silberman, et al., 2008; Pseudovorticella pattersoni, Sun, Ji, Warren and Song 2009 and Stephanopogon pattersoni Lee Miller and Simpson, 2014.
Taxa described
Actinophrys salsuginosa Mikrjukov & Patterson, 2001 | Dingensia angusta Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Notosolenus hamelini Al Qassab, Lee, Murray & Patterson, 2002 | Ploeotia adhaerens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Actinophrys tauryanini Mikrjukov & Patterson, 2001 | Diplonema ambulator Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus hemicircularis Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Ploeotia amygdala Lee, Brandt, Vørs & Patterson, 2003 |
Adriamonas Verhagen, Zölffel, Brugerolle, & Patterson, 1994 | Diplonema metabolicum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus lashue Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Ploeotia azurina Patterson & Simpson, 1996 |
Adriamonas peritocrescens Verhagen, Zölffel, Brugerolle, & Patterson, 1994 | Dolium Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus mediocanellatus Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Ploeotia corrugata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Amphidiniopsis korewalensis Murray & Patterson , 2002 | Dolium sedentarium Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus navicula Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia decipiens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Amphidinium boggayum Murray & Patterson, 2002 | Eufolliculina uhligi Mulisch & Patterson, 1983 | Notosolenus ostium Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia discoides Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Amphidinium corrugatum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Eumycetes Patterson, 1994 | Notosolenus pyriforme Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Ploeotia heracleum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Amphidinium mootonorum Murray & Patterson, 2002 | Fromentella Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Notosolenus scutulum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia laminae Al Qassab, Lee, Murray & Patterson, 2002 |
Amphidinium yuroogurrum Murray & Patterson, 2002 | Fromentella granulosa Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Notosolenus steini Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Ploeotia longifilum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Ancyromonas melba Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Glissandra Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Notosolenus tamanduensis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia obliqua Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 |
Ancyromonas sinistrae Al Qassab, Lee, Murray & Patterson, 2002 | Glissandra innuerende Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Notosolenus triangularis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia oblonga Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Anehmia Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 | Goniomonas amphinema Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus urceolatus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ploeotia plumosa Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 |
Anehmia exotica Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 | Goniomonas pacifica Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Nuclearia flavescens Patterson, 1984 | Ploeotia pseudanisonema Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Anisonema glaciale Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Gyrodinium oblongum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Nuclearia flavocapsulata Patterson, 1984 | Ploeotia punctata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Apusomonas australiensis Ekelund & Patterson, 1997 | Heteronema exaratum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Nuclearia leuckarti Patterson, 1984 | Ploeotia robusta Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Astasia skvortzovi Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Heteronema larseni Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Nuclearia radians Patterson, 1984 | Ploeotia scrobiculata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Axodines Patterson, 1994 | Heteronema pterbica Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Nuclearia ruber Patterson, 1984 | Ploeotia tasmanica Lee, Simpson & Patterson, 2005 |
Barthelona Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Heteronema splendens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Palustrimonas yorkeensis Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Ploeotia tenuis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Barthelona vulgaris Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Heteronema vittatum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Peranema dolichonema Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Protaspis gemmifera Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Bodo cephaloporus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jakoba Patterson, 1990 | Peranema dolichonema Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Protaspis obliqua Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Bodo cygnus Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Jakoba incarcerata Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Peranema macrostoma Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 | Protaspis tegere Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Bodo platyrhynchus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jakoba libera Patterson, 1990 | Percolomonas Fenchel & Patterson, 1986 | Protaspis verrucosa Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Bodo saliens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jenningsia curvicauda Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas cosmopolitus Fenchel & Patterson, 1986 | Pseudoperanema dolichonema Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Bordnamonas Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jenningsia deflexum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas cuspidata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Pseudophyllomitus apiculatus Lee, 2002 |
Bordnamonas tropicana Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jenningsia furcatum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas descissus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Pseudophyllomitus granulatus Lee, 2002 |
Cabra Murray & Patterson, 2004 | Jenningsia fusiforme Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas elephas Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Pseudophyllomitus vesiculosis Lee, 2002 |
Cabra matta Murray & Patterson, 2004 | Jenningsia glabrum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas membranifera Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Pteridomonas danica Patterson & Fenchel, 1985 |
Caecitellus Patterson, Nygaard, Steinberg & Turley, 1993 | Jenningsia granuliferum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas pyriformis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Quasibodo Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 |
Caecitellus parvulus Patterson, Nygaard, Steinberg & Turley, 1993 | Jenningsia kupfferi Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas salinus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Quasibodo laughtoni Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 |
Cafeteria Fenchel & Patterson, 1988 | Jenningsia limax Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas similis Lee, Brandt, Vørs & Patterson, 2003 | Ramicristates Patterson, 1994 |
Cafeteria ligulifera Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jenningsia macer Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas spinosus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Rhabdomonas mirabilis Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 |
Cafeteria minuta Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Jenningsia macrostomum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Percolomonas sulcatus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Rhinodinium Murray, Hoppenrath, Preisfeld, Larsen, Yoshimatsu, Topriumi, & Patterson, 2006 |
Cafeteria roenbergensis Fenchel & Patterson, 1988 | Jenningsia nigrum Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Petalomonas boadicea Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Rhinodinium broomeensis Murray, Hoppenrath, Preisfeld, Larsen, Yoshimatsu, Topriumi, & Patterson, 2006 |
Carpediemonas Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 | Jenningsia sacculus Lee, Blackmore & Patterson, 1999 | Petalomonas calycimonoides Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Rhizomonas setigera Patterson, Nygaard, Steinberg & Turley, 1993 |
Carpediemonas bialata Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Kamera Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Petalomonas christeni Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Rhynchobodo simius Patterson & Simpson, 1996 |
Carpediemonas membranifera Ekebom, Patterson & Vørs, 1996 | Kamera lens Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Petalomonas compressa Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Sciviamonas Ekelund, Patterson & Vørs in Ekelund & Patterson, 1997 |
Centroheliozoa Patterson, 1994 | Kiitoksia kaloista Tong, Vørs & Patterson, 1997 | Petalomonas intortus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Sciviamonas terricola Ekelund, Patterson & Vørs in Ekelund & Patterson, 1997 |
Cercomonas granulatus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Macappella Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Petalomonas iugosus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Slabyrinthulids Patterson, 1994 |
Chlamydaster fimbriatus Dürrschmidt & Patterson, 1987 | Massisteria Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas labrum Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Slanimals Patterson 1985 |
Ciliophrys azurina Mikrjukov & Patterson, 2001 | Massisteria marina Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas marginalis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Sloomycetes Patterson, 1985 |
Clautriavia cavus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Mastigamoeba psammobia Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas minor Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Slopalinida Patterson, 1985 |
Colpodella turpis Simpson & Patterson, 1996 | Mastigamoeba punctachora Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Petalomonas physaloides Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Sphenomonas alburiae Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 |
Colpodella unguis Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Mastigamoeba schizophrenia Simpson, Bernard, Fenchel & Patterson, 1997 | Petalomonas planus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Stramenochromes Patterson, 1989 |
Cristamonadida Brugerolle & Patterson | Metafolliculina ballerina Mulisch, Harry, Patterson & Wyatt, 1986 | Petalomonas poosilla Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Stramenopiles Patterson, 1994 |
Cryptaulax elegans Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Metopion Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas quinquecarinata Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Tetradimorpha pterbica Mikrjukov & Patterson, in Mikrjukov, 2000 |
Dinema dimorphum Schroeckh, Lee & Patterson, 2003 | Metopion fluens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas raiula Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Thecamonas Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinema inaequale Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Metromonas Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas spinifera Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Thecamonas filosa Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinema litorale Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Metromonas grandis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas virgatus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Thecamonas mutabilis Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinema maculata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Metromonas simplex Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Petalomonas virgatus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Thecamonas trahens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinema platysomum Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Ministeria Patterson, Nygaard, Steinberg & Turley, 1993 | Phyllomitus granulatus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Toshiba Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 |
Dinema validum Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Ministeria marisola Patterson, Nygaard, Steinberg & Turley, 1993 | Phyllomitus vesiculosus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Toshiba vorax Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 |
Dinematomonas inaequale Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Monotrichomonas Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Platychilomonas Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Trimastix inaequalis Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 |
Dinematomonas litorale Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Monotrichomonas carabina Bernard Simpson & Patterson, 2000 | Platychilomonas psammobia Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Urceolus cornutus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinematomonas maculata Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus adamus Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Plaustrimonas Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | Urceolus costatus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
Dinematomonas valida Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Notosolenus alatellus Larsen & Patterson, 1990 | Pleurostomum turgidum Patterson & Simpson, 1996 | |
Dingensia Patterson & Zölffel, 1991 | Notosolenus brothernis Lee & Patterson, 2000 | Ploeotia adhaerens Larsen & Patterson, 1990 |
- Patterson, P. (2007). "The Collector". Nature. 449 (7158): 23. doi:10.1038/449023a. PMID 17805272.
- "Home". sloan.org.
- http://www.plazi.org/