Doc Potts

Doc Potts or Doc Potts and Weselly is an animated television series employing the Syncro-Vox technique proposed by Clark Haas and Cambria Studios. Dick Brown and Edwin Gillette prepared a pilot episode in 1960, but the series was never produced.

Haas described Doc Potts as a "lovable old veterinarian, a sort of combination Charley Weaver and Charlie Ruggles," and Weselly as "an eager Boy Ranger, a young innocent who finds all the answers in his Boy Ranger official manual and who contrasts sharply with (Clutch Cargo's) Spinner's relative worldliness."


  • "Don't believe your eyes! How 'Clutch Cargo' cuts corners as a television comic strip." TV Guide December 24, 1960, p. 28-29.

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