
Duodonasto (Georgian: დუოდონასტო; Ossetian: Дыууæдонастæу; Dywwædonastæu) is a settlement in the Dzau district/Java Municipality in South Ossetia[1]/Shida Kartli, Georgia.[2]

See also


  1. South Ossetia's status is disputed. It considers itself to be an independent state, but this is recognised by only a few other countries. The Georgian government and most of the world's other states consider South Ossetia de jure a part of Georgia's territory.
  2. Президиум Верховного Совета Грузинской Советской Социалистической Республики (1988). Грузинская ССР. Административно-территориальное деление на 1 января 1987 г. Тбилиси: Сабчота Сакартвело. p. 272.

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