Edward Kilenyi, Jr.

Edward Kilenyi, Jr. (1910 – 2000) was a classical pianist. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on May 7, 1910. Kilenyi, Jr. studied in Hungary with the composer/pianist Ernő Dohnányi at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, earning a diploma in 1930. He later became a Professor of Music at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida in 1953, four years after Dohnanyi began teaching there. He died on January 6, 2000. A collection of recordings of his concerts is located at the International Piano Archives at the University of Maryland (IPAM).

Kilenyi at FSU

His father, Edward Kilenyi, Sr. (1884 – 1968), also a noted musician, arrived in the United States from Hungary in 1908. Kilenyi, Sr. taught music to George Gershwin for five years[1] and wrote music for the Sam Fox Publishing Company and over 40 movies from the 1910s-1940s.[2]


  1. https://archive.org/stream/ascapbiographica007734mbp#page/n295/mode/2up/search/kilenyi
  2. "Edward Kilenyi, Sr. biography". Kilenyi Family Archive of the Warren D. Allen Music Library, Florida State University. Retrieved 20 August 2018.

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