Fellowship of Vocation
In the Church of Ireland, individuals who feel called to the ministry in its widest sense are asked to meet together regularly in what is known as a Fellowship of Vocation in order to:
- Provide members with opportunities to meet together in worship and on social occasions.
- Enable them to discover their vocation for ministry.
- Help those who believe they are called to Ordination to prepare for the Bishops' Selection Conference.
A person becomes a member after consultation with their Rector who will recommend them to their Diocesan Director of Ordinands. However, membership implies no pledge to ordination either by the member or by the Bishop.
After at least one year of regular participation in Fellowship events, members are able to apply to their Bishop for the next formal stage in their journey to Ordination.
Rule of life
Members are asked to observe the following Rule of Life during their time as a member of the Fellowship:
- To pray each morning and evening.
- To regularly study and meditate upon the Holy Scriptures.
- To be regular in attendance at public worship every Sunday.
- To receive the Holy Communion at least once a month.
- To giver personal service to Church, neighbours and the community.
- To follow the example of Christ in home and daily life, and to bear personal witness to him.
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