Fredericton Fire Department
Fredericton Fire Department is the Fire Department for the City of Fredericton, New Brunswick. It has been serving Fredericton since 1817, and has 96 Suppression personnel , 1 Training Officer, 4 Fire Prevention/Inspectors, 5 Managers and 2 Admin staff.

- Fire Chief- Emergency Measures Organization, Dispatch Services, bi-law Enforcement and Animal Control
- Deputy Fire Chief/Strategic Initiatives
- Assistant Deputy Chief of Operations- 96 Fire Suppression/Operations Personnel
- Assistant Deputy Chief of Fire Prevention, Education, Improvement and Innovation- 4 FPO's
- Logistics Officer
- Daily Minimum Suppression staffing in the Provincial Capital is 16 Fire Fighters and 1 Platoon Captain which meets NFPA 1710 Deployment Model for a low Hazard Building but unfortunately falls below the Industry standard with 1st Due Engine Arrival within 4 minutes, having a minimum of 4 Fire Fighters on truck and 5 in denser or high risk areas. See more at: and
- Station 1: York Street (city centre)
- Station 2: Two Nations Crossing (north) replaced the station covering North and South Devon on Maclaren Avenue in 2009.
- Station 3: Kimble Drive (southeast) Currently covers Barkers Point, Lower St.Marys and Pepper Creek/Noonan as far as Minto Fires Area due to the closure of Marysville and MacLaren Avenue Stations.
- Station 4: Royal Road (northwest)
- Decommissioned Station 5: Harrison Court (Marysville) CLOSED-Amalgamated with station 2 in 2009 with a later reduction of a staffed Tanker and a reduction in the North-side Staffing minimum from 7 to 6 Fire Fighters.
Response Time
The City of Fredericton currently sets a 6-minute road response standard 90% of the time which it is unable to fulfill with its 4 fire station response model. Comparable New Brunswick cities such as Moncton and Saint John offer superior response times and greater staffing levels than Fredericton. Multiple fire service studies have recommended 3 stations in the south side of the city and 3 stations on the city's north side to meet the geographical and response needs of the community.
Hazardous Materials Response Team
The department is a Level 3 HazMat Mat team funded from local service districts and the Province of New Brunswick to administer one of two regional hazardous materials response seams. These agreements total over $1 million in annual funding and include provisions for cost occurrences and service increases.