Fuchs (surname)

Fuchs (German for "fox") is a surname; it has as variants Fucks, Fuks and Fux. Notable persons bearing it include the following:

Notable people

Fuchs, A - D

  • Arved Fuchs (born 1953), German writer and adventurer
  • Benjamin Fuchs (born 1983), German-Austrian footballer
  • Bernard Fuchs (1916–2005), French pilot and hero of the Second World War
  • Bernie Fuchs (1932–2009), American illustrator
  • Bruce Fuchs, American immunologist and health science administrator
  • Charlie Fuchs (1912–1969), American baseball player
  • Christian Fuchs (born 1986), Austrian footballer
  • Christoph Fuchs von Fuchsberg (1482–1542), bishop of Brixen
  • Daniel Fuchs (1909–1993), American writer and screenwriter
  • Dmitry Fuchs (born 1939), Russian-American mathematician
  • Doris Fuchs (born 1966), German political scientist
  • Doris G. Fuchs (born 1938), American gymnast

Fuchs, E - F

Fuchs, G - I

Fuchs, J

Fuchs, K - M

Fuchs, N - Z


see also:



See also

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