Future Station: The 2015 Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art

Future Station was the 9th exhibition of the Alberta Biennial of Contemporary Art. It took place between January 24-May 3, 2015 in Edmonton at the Art Gallery of Alberta and Enterprise Square Galleries at the University of Alberta. The exhibition was curated by Kristy Trinier.

Participants [1]

  • Arbour Lake Sghool
  • Ashleigh Bartlett
  • Kyle Beal
  • Brittney Bear Hat
  • Devon Beggs
  • Nika Blasser
  • Christian Bök
  • Steven Cottingham
  • Hannah Doerksen
  • Joseph Doherty
  • Brenda Draney
  • Gordon Ferguson
  • Jason Frizzell
  • Sarah Fuller
  • Jude Griebel
  • Aryen Hoekstra
  • Dara Humniski
  • Mary Kavanagh
  • Kristen Keegan
  • Robin Lambert
  • Mathieu Lefèvre
  • Tyler Los-Jones
  • Amy Malbeuf
  • Travis McEwen
  • Brendan McGillicuddy
  • Jay Mosher
  • Yvonne Mullock
  • Wil Murray
  • Brad Necyk
  • Ali Nickerson
  • Erik Osberg
  • Josée Aubin Ouellette
  • Giulliano Palladino
  • Evan Prosofsky
  • Scott Rogers
  • Erin Schwab
  • Sergio Serrano
  • Leslie Sharpe
  • Jill Stanton
  • Alma Louise Visscher
  • Adam Waldron-Blain
  • Nicole Kelly Westman


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