Gian Antonio Selva
Gian Antonio Selva (2 September 1751 - 22 January 1819) was an Italian neoclassical architect.
He was born in Venice, the son of scientist Lorenzo Selva. He studied architecture in Venice, and was a pupil of Tommaso Temanza. Selva visited Rome (where he met Antonio Canova), London, Paris, and also travelled to Belgium and the Netherlands (1778-1781).
His works include the renovation of Palazzo Dolfin Manin for doge Ludovico Manin, the Villa Manfrin detta Margherita a Sant'Artemio, near Treviso (c. 1790), the original Teatro La Fenice (designed in 1798 and destroyed in 1996), renovation of Palazzo Smith Mangilli Valmarana (1784), the Teatro Nuovo of Trieste (1798), Teatro de La Sena of Feltre, cathedral of Cologna Veneta (1807–10) and the church of San Maurizio in Venice (1806).
He died in Venice in 1819.