Greensburg-Salem School District
Greensburg-Salem School District is a public school district in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The district is starting to add in more STEAM education. The City of Greensburg as well as South Greensburg Boro, Southwest Greensburg Boro, and Salem Township are within district boundaries.
There are three K-5 elementary schools, the 6-8 Greensburg-Salem Middle School, and the 9-12 Greensburg-Salem High School.
Elementary Schools - Grades K-5
- Amos K. Hutchinson Elementary School
810 Welty Street
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
- James H. Metzger Elementary School
140 C.C. Hall Drive
New Alexandria, Pennsylvania 15670
- Robert F. Nicely Elementary School
55 McLaughlin Drive
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601

Middle School - Grades 6-8
301 North Main Street
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
High School - Grades 9-12
65 Mennel Drive
Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601
Vocational-Technical Services
Greensburg-Salem HS uses the services of Central Westmoreland Career and Technology Center in New Stanton for the students there who wish to choose a vocational or technical program.
In addition to academics, Greensburg-Salem has historically excelled athletically, fielding a number of quality squads.
Boys Athletics
- Baseball - Class AAA
- Curtis Zucco - MLB Minor Leagues
- Adam Bostick - MLB minor Leagues
- Basketball - Class AAA
- Bowling - Class AAAA
- Cross Country - Class AAA
- Ice hockey - Class AA
- Football - Class AAA
- Al Wesbecher - NFL Cleveland Tigers
- Jesse Quatse NFL Green Bay Packers/Pittsburgh Pirates/N.Y. Giants - Univ. of Pittsburgh (All American)
- Brennan Marion - Tulsa/ Miami Dolphins
- Wayne Wolff - NFL Buffalo Bills - Wake Forest
- Robert Mitinger - NFL San Diego Chargers/ Wash Redskins - Penn State
- Golf - Class AAAA (WPIAL Champions 1943, 1997)
- Soccer - Class AA
- Swimming and Diving - Class AA
- Tennis - Class AAA
- Track and Field - Class AAA
- Wrestling - Class AAA
- Greg Jones - 2 time state champion wrestler for GSHS/ WVU 3 time national champion/ Wrestling Coach WVU
Girls Athletics
- Basketball - Class AAA
- Bowling - Class AAAA
- Cross Country - Class AAA
- Field Hockey - Class AA
- Lacrosse - Class AAAA
- Soccer - Class AAA
- Softball - Class AAA (WPIAL Champions 2013)
- Swimming and Diving - Class AA
- Tennis - Class AAA
- Track and Field - Class AAA
- Volleyball - Class AA (WPIAL & PIAA Champions 1998)