Hamai English High School

Hamai English High School is located in the Eastern region of India, in the state of Manipur, Tamenglong District, Namraining Tamei Hq, and belongs to a minority tribe called, 'Liangmai Naga' The institute is run by their own association, Liangmai Naga Baptist Association (LNBA) under the philosophy of Christian fellowship, to promote quality education.

School Emblem

The school emblem is a cross on top within the circle Under the cross there are the images of seven hills and a book under the cross. A ribbon stating 'Wisdom For Service' is also inscribed.


Hamai English High School is located at the northern side of Namraining Tamei town, Tamenglong District, Manipur, bordering Piuleklong village.

Brief History

Hamai English High School (HEHS) was established in 1975 under the initiatives taken by the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association (LNBA) with 15 Kindergarten students in the first year. In due course of time, the school had been upgraded to a full-fledged High School in 1991 and was recognized by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur (BSEM) in 1992. HEHS thus sent up few candidates for HSLC examination in 1992 for the first time and it became the torch-bearer of quality education in Tamei area. The school was further upgraded to Higher Secondary School level though for a short period in the year 2000 with 13 students in X1 class in private, but after completing their course in the Secondary section it had to put up the shutters due to nonavailability of feeders. The school also started giving free basic computer courses in February 2004 to all the students from class III to X studying in its school.

Hamai English High School was almost close down in the year 1993 due to the Kuki-Naga ethnic conflict which saw most of the students and teachers forsaking the school for their lives. But it slowly grew up again. Slowly, the situation returned to normalcy in 1995 but HEHS was also among the few education institutions which stood its grounds.

The founding fathers of the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association, Manipur had felt the need to set up a Christian Model English Medium Scholl in the Northern Hamai inhabited areas for quite sometime, but their dream could not be materialized immediately due to various reasons. However they never lost their heart and waiting to seize the right opportunity. Subsequently, in the year 1975, which was first established at Namraining Tamei Hq under the name and style of 'Hamai Baptist English School', with 15 students in Kgs in the first year.. The school was sponsored by the Hamai Northern Churches Fellowship (HNCF) of Association No. 4 (also known as Zeliangrong Baptist Association or ZBA in short), under Manipur Baptist Convention and the administrative affairs of the school is looked after by the Education Secretary of HNCF under the supervision of the School Managing Board. The school was shifted from Namraining, Tamei Bazaar to Ritiang (Langmei) Christian Mission Centre in 1977 due to unavoidable circumstances. A new 'Managing Board of School' was formed and they took unanimous decision to rename the 'Hamai Baptist English School' to 'Hamai English School' thus deleting the word 'Baptist'. The school was then looked after by the Hamai Northern Churches Fellowship (HNCF) till it was renamed as Liangmai Churches Fellowship (LCF) in 1982. The LCF further disassociated from ZBA in December 1983 and formed separate Association in Feb 1984 which was recognized by the Manipur Convention (MBC) on 12 March 1987 under the name and mode of the Liangmai Naga Association, Manipur (LNBA-M). In the same year, (i.e. Oct 1987) the Hamai School was further shifted to the present permanent location from Ritiang Christian Mission Centre, LNBA-M, as the leaders had foreseen a better prospect for the institution.

The Hamai English School was upgraded to a full-fledged High School in 1991 and was recognized by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur in 1992. This could have been possible mainly due to the Loving Grace of God the Almighty and the tireless effort of Rev.H.Newmai, the then Chairman of School Board, Mr.(l) John Mathai the then Principal in-charge, Mn.Kikhonbou, Vice Principal, members of the Managing Board and other LNBA-M leaders. Hamai English School was almost closed down in the last part of the year 1993 due to the senseless Kuki-Naga ethnic clash, however the everlasting loving God did not forsake His children even during the darkest hour of the school history. The year 1994 became not only the year of trials and testings but also one of the turning point for the progress and stability of the school as He sent more committed staffs to accept the responsibilities and held the flag high.

The Liangmai Naga Baptist Association, Manipur adopted its constitution in 1995 and the Education Department, LNBA-M became an autonomous department headed by the Education Director, who was given full responsibility to look after all the administrative affairs and financial matter of the Hamai School as the Principal.

The present Education Director of the Liangmai Naga Baptist Association Manipur is Dr. Hunibou Newmai. He was appointed as the Principal of the school on 1 October 1992 and promoted to Education Director on January 1996 and holding the same post till date.


There are well equipped libraries, laboratories and play grounds in the school

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