Health care in Veliko Tarnovo
Health care in Veliko Tarnovo is mixed - public and private. The city has a multidisciplinary hospital and a medical college.

At present there is no accurate information as to whether there were any medical establishments in the Second Bulgarian State. Many scientists mention that there were folk healers on the area: Hekimi, Jerahi, Billerie, Akhtari, Znahari, Bayachki, who mostly treat the injuries and diseases with herbs and other methods, based by folk medicine.[1] Dr. Marko Pavlov,[2] the founder of the pharmacy business in Bulgaria, arrived in Tarnovo in 1822 A year later, he opened the first pharmacy called Lekarnya (On Bulgarian:Лекарня) in the city, which is located in a shop opposite the Constituent Assembly Building.[3] In 1854, a second pharmacy was opened in the town from Yanaki Zlatev and Dr. Margarit. Hadji Mincho Hadjistanov takes the initiative to raise funds for the construction of a hospital. In 1854 the first hospital in the Tarnovo and Bulgaria was opened.[4] Initially, the hospital was housed in several small buildings. Mikhail Kefalov, bequeathed part of his property to build a large hospital building at the end of the city.[5][6] Since the beginning of the twentieth century, the hospital has been called Prince Boris State Hospital. On September 15, 1950 the Medical College for Medical Assistants and Medical Officers was opened. Dr. Varban Genchev.[7]
- История на фармацията Златка Димитрова УИ "Св. Климент Охридски" 1999
- проф.дфн. Златка Димитрова История на болничното и фармацевтичното дело в българските земи
- "Първата българска аптека" (PDF). 16 March 2020. Retrieved 16 March 2020.
- "Българска национална телевизия 150 години болница във Велико Търново". 16 March 2020. Retrieved 16 March 2020.
- "Преди 150 години дарители създават първата болница в България". Retrieved 16 March 2020.
- "Зам.-министър Светлана Йорданова присъства на 150-та годишнина от създаването на МОБАЛ "Д-р Стефан Черкезов" - Велико Търново". Retrieved 16 March 2020.
- Държавен архив Велико Търново Ф.735 State Archive Veliko Tarnovo Fund №735