Ibrahim Miri

Ibrahim Miri (Arabic: إبراهيم ميري , born 1973) is a Lebanese-Kurdish criminal. He was the boss of the violent and criminal organisation Miri-Clan. This clan recruits its members mostly from a Mhallami-Kurdish family based structure and is now based in Europe. Miri was deported to Lebanon in 2018, returned illegally to Germany and got deported again in November 2019 to Beirut. His case caused discussions about dealing with organized crime by large clan-structures in Germany.[1]


The Miri-Clan consists of about 35 extended families who arrived in Germany in the 1980s as refugees from Lebanon. The whole clan is said to have 3.600 members in Germany.[2][3]

Ibrahim Miri is said to have come to Germany in 1986 at the age of 13 years. In 1989 he was convicted for the first time, then again and again. He was convicted for crimes including robbery, extortion and kidnapping. He founded a chapter of the Mongols Motorcycle Club in Bremen to claim his area of organized crime against the opponent Hells Angels chapter in this city. In 2013 as Minister for the Interior in Bremen Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) prohibited the most the violent motorcycle gangs, Hells Angels and Mongols.[4]

Most recently, he was imprisoned from 2014 to March 2019 for gang-related drug trafficking. In 1998 the state of Bremen issued a first deportation order. However, the authorities were unable to clarify Miris nationality for a long time. That was the reason, why he was not deported to Lebanon for years.

Miri came back to Germany in summer 2019. He reported to the authorities in Bremen, admitted entering the country illegally and requested asylum, claiming his life had been threatened in Lebanon. Additionally, he filed a suit against the city of Bremen for his allegedly illegal deportation.[5] A court denied his right of asylum in Germany. On July 10, 2019 special forces of police woke up Miri in his home. He was flown to Berlin by helicopter and taken from there by jet to Lebanon. According to Die Welt, the President of the Federal Police, Dieter Romann, personally made sure that Miri could be deported. He is said to have ensured that Miri has been issued the necessary papers by the Lebanese authorities.


  1. "Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Behörden". tagesschau.de. Retrieved 25 November 2019.
  2. "Neue Achse des Bösen in Bremen: Verbrecher-Clan Miri baut Drogengeschäfte mit Rockerbande Mongols aus - Bremen" (in German). Bild.de. Retrieved 2012-07-03.
  3. Online, FOCUS. "Großfamilie verdrängt Rocker aus kriminellem Milieu". FOCUS Online (in German). Retrieved 2019-10-20.
  4. "Hells Angels are back in Bremen". Weser Kurier. Retrieved 1 November 2019.
  5. "Ibrahim Miri zurück in Bremen - Gericht ordnet Abschiebehaft an" Spiegel.de vom 29. Oktober 2019
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