Ileana Sărăroiu
Ileana Sararoiu (Romanian: Ileana Sărăroiu, Romanian pronunciation: [iˈle̯ana sərəˈroju]) (25 September 1936 – 12 May 1979) was a renowned Romanian singer of traditional and popular folk music. While not as famous as Maria Tănase, she still remains one of the most important Romanian female folk singers alongside Maria Tănase, Maria Lătăretu (belonging to the first generation of great Romanian folk singers), or Maria Ciobanu (belonging to the second). Her song-masterpieces, according to Romanian experts, are: "Doi voinici din Valea Mare" (Two Handsome Lads from the Big Valley) and "Unde e Târgoviștea" (Where is My Beloved Târgoviște). The first is a song about two lads who went hunting but, instead, they encountered two sisters to whom they got married. The second is a story of a sad mother who waits for her son in a train station from a Romanian town. She does not see anybody came except a girl who she has never seen before. The girl turns out to be the wife of her son.

Sadly, during a wedding party where she was singing, Ileana Sararoiu suddenly collapsed and died from a brain aneurysm in 1979 at the age of 42.[1]
- Doi voinici din Valea Mare (Two handsome lads from the Big Valley)
- Unde e Târgoviștea on YouTube (Where is My Beloved Târgoviște)
- Vrei să ne-ntâlnim sâmbătă seară? (Do you want to date me Saturday evening?)
- Cine-a pus cârciuma în drum... (Who made the pub on the road...)
- Inimioara cu dor mult (Little heart with much longing)
- Asta seara stam aici pana dimineata on YouTube (Tonight we will be partying till morning)
- Da-ar naiba in tine dragoste (Love, be damned!)
- Foaie verde spic de grau on YouTube (You green leaf, wheat ear)
- Fir-ar ceasu' afurisit (That hour, be doomed!)
- Pasarica, muta-ti cuibul (Little Bird, move your nest!)
- De ce oare eu te-am cunoscut (Why did I met you?)
- Inima de dor nu stii (Heart, you don't know the longing)
- Inima... (Heart...)
- Ionela Stănilă (30 April 2013) FOTO Ultima nuntă. Cum a murit Ileana Sărăroiu pe scenă, la Unirea, în mai 1979.