International Conference of Reformed Churches
The International Conference of Reformed Churches (ICRC) is a federation of Reformed or Calvinist churches across the world. The ICRC is founded in 1981. The ICRC convenes international meetings every four years. Its theology is more conservative than the larger World Communion of Reformed Churches and is similar to that of the World Reformed Fellowship. The participating churches endorse the Reformed confessions (Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession and Canons of Dort).

Logo of the International Conference of Reformed Churches
List of members
- Canadian and American Reformed Churches
- Christian Reformed Churches in the Netherlands
- Christian Reformed Churches of Australia
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales
- Evangelical Presbyterian Church (Ireland)
- Free Church of Scotland
- Free Church of Scotland (Continuing)
- Free Church in Southern Africa
- Free Reformed Churches of North America
- Free Reformed Churches of South Africa
- Gereja-Gereja Reformasi Calvinis (Indonesia)
- Gereja-Gereja Reformasi di Indonesia
- Independent Reformed Church in Korea
- Heritage Reformed Congregations (North America)
- Orthodox Presbyterian Church (North America)
- Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia
- Presbyterian Church in Korea (Koshin) (South Korea)
- Presbyterian Free Church of Central India
- Reformed Church in the United States
- Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated) (membership suspended as of July 2017)
- Reformed Churches of New Zealand
- Reformed Churches of Brazil (Igrejas Reformadas do Brasil)
- Reformed Churches in Spain
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of India
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland
- Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America
- Reformed Presbyterian Church North East India
- United Reformed Church in Congo
- United Reformed Churches in North America
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