Józef Korbicz
Józef Korbicz (born 1951) – Ph.D., D.Sc., is an engineer and a full-rank professor at the University of Zielona Góra. Ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Józef Korbicz, Ph.D., D.Sc., ordin. member of PAS
Scientific activity areas
- process diagnostics: fault detection and isolation, analytical methods, intelligent computations, robust observers
- artificial intelligence methods and techniques: artificial neural networks, neuro-fuzzy systems, expert systems, evolutionary computations
- modelling and simulation of processes with spatio-temporal dynamics: measurement sensors placement, Kalman filters, parameter identification
- applications: air protection, power engineering and sugar industry
Employment history
University of Zielona Góra (formerly the Technical University of Zielona Góra/Higher College of Engineering):
- head of the Discipline Council of Information and Communication Technology: since 2019
- director of the Institute of Control and Computation Engineering: since 1992 (founder)
- deputy rector for scientific research and international cooperation: 1999–2008
- dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering: 1996–1999
Degrees and titles
- M.Sc.: 1975, Kiev University of Technology, Ukraine
- Ph.D.: 1980, Kiev University of Technology, Ukraine
- D.Sc.: 1986, Kiev University of Technology, Ukraine
- Professor: 1993, Institute of Systems Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Major recent publications
- Kulczycki P., Korbicz J., Kacprzyk J. (Eds.): Automatyka, robotyka i przetwarzanie informacji – Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2020, 768 p. (in Polish)
- Korbicz J., Maniewski R., Patan K., Kowal M. (Eds.): Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering and Bioimages Analysis – Berlin: Springer, 2020, 338 p.
- Korbicz J., Kowal M. (Eds.): Intelligent Systems in Technical and Medical Diagnostics – Berlin: Springer, 2014, 536 p.
- Tadeusiewicz R., Korbicz J., Rutkowski L., Duch W. (Red.): Sieci neuronowe w inżynierii biomedycznej – Inżynieria biomedyczna. Podstawy i zastosowania, tom 9, Warszawa: Akademicka Oficyna Wydawnicza EXIT, 2013, 745 p. (in Polish)
- Korbicz J., Kościelny J.M. (Eds.): Modeling, Diagnostics and Process Control: Implementation in the DiaSter System – Berlin: Springer, 2010, 384 p.
- Korbicz J., Kościelny J.M. (Eds.): Modelowanie, diagnostyka i sterowanie nadrzędne procesami. Implementacja w systemie DiaSter – Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 2009, 446 p. (in Polish)
- Korbicz J., Kościelny J.M., Kowalczuk Z., Cholewa W. (Eds.): Fault Diagnosis: Models, Artificial Intelligence, Applications – Berlin: Springer, 2004, 920 p.
- Korbicz J., Kościelny J.M., Kowalczuk Z., Cholewa W. (Red.): Diagnostyka procesów. Modele, metody sztucznej inteligencji, zastosowania – Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 2004, 828 p. (in Polish)
Research visits abroad
Visiting professor
- Russia: Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivistok, 2015
- France: Nancy University, 2009
- China: University of Hong Kong, 2006
- Australia: Swinburne University, Melbourne, 2006
- USA: University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 2002; University of Colorado, Boulder, 1994 and 1996
- Canada: University of Alberta, Edmonton, 2002; University of Quebec, Hull, 1992
Internships and scholarships
- Germany: University of Duisburg; University of Wuppertal – DAAD scholarship, 1994
- USA: Virginia University, Charlottesville; University of Colorado, Boulder – IREX scholarship, 1991
- Ukraine: Kiev University of Technology; Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences – postdoctoral internship, 1983–1986
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society; Control Systems Society, since 1992; Senior Member since 2002
- International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC): Technical Committee on Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, SAFEPROCESS, since 1997
- Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN): corresponding member, since 2007; ordinary member, since 2020
- Committee on Automatic Control and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since 1993
- Polish Academy of Sciences Team for Cooperation with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria, 2003–2010
- management of the Interuniversity Computerisation Centre, 2008–2012
Posts related to scientific activity
- founder and editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, since 1991
- chairman of the Committee on Automatic Control and Robotics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since 2015; head of the Committee’s Section on Intelligent Systems, 1996-2015
- chairman of the Scientific Council of the Systems Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences: since 2015
- chairman of the Commission on Engineering Cybernetics of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2003-2015
- chairman of the Commission on Automatic Control and Computer Science of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2015-2019)
- chairman of the Commission on Computer Science and Automatic Control of the Poznań Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences, since 2020
- president of the Lubuskie Scientific Society, since 1993
Awards and distinctions
- Rzeszów University of Technology Medal of Merit, 2018
- Medal 50 Years of the Faculty of Computer, Electrical and Control Engineering of the University of Zielona Góra, 2017
- Silver medal of 100 Years of Renewal of Traditions of the Warsaw University of Technology (Faculty of Mechatronics), 2016
- Diploma of an Honorary Ambassador of Polish Congresses – Polish Tourism Organisation and Polish Conference and Congress Association, 2016
- Order of Polonia Restituta, 2012
- Medal of the National Education Commission, 2000
- Gold Cross of Merit, 1999
- scientific team award of the Minister of National Education and Sports, 2003
- individual scientific awards of the Minister of National Education and Sports, 1987 and 1989
- individual and team awards of the Rector of the University of Zielona Góra (previously the Technical University of Zielona Góra), annually since 1987
- Prof. Paweł Jan Nowicki Medal, Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, 2013
- Certificate-Diploma of the Polish Neural Networks Society in recognition of outstanding contribution to the development of computational intelligence, 2014
External links
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