Jane Ellison (Borden)

Jane Ellison was a fictional character created in the 1920s by Borden to promote its Eagle Brand condensed milk. Jane, called a "culinary expert", promoted her "Magic Recipes" in magazine articles, on the radio, and in her 1930s pamphlets Magic! The most amazing short-cuts in cooking you ever heard of and New magic in the kitchen: quick, easy recipes made with sweetened condensed milk.[1] Like Betty Crocker, she was also used as the contact point for consumers.[2]

Her "Magic!" book is especially notable for its "Magic Lemon Cream Pie (uncooked filling)", the ancestor of Key lime pie.[3][4]


  1. "Jane Ellison", New magic in the kitchen: quick, easy recipes made with sweetened condensed milk, p. 3 full text
  2. (ad) Good Housekeeping, April 1923, p. 194
  3. New magic, p. 27
  4. Stella Parks. BraveTart: Iconic American Desserts, 2017, ISBN 0393634272, p. 171-172
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