Janine Bailly-Herzberg

Janine Bailly-Herzberg (1920-2005) was a French art historian, specialising in 19th century art.


Bailly-Herzberg was an author as well. Her book Pissarro et Paris was published in 1992 by Flammarion.[1] She also co-wrote L'eau-forte de Peintre Au Dix-neuvième Siècle: La Société Des Aquafortistes 1862-1867, published in 1972 by Leonce Laget,[2] Correspondence of Camille Pissarro: 1886-1890, published by University Presses of France,[3] and Daubigny which was published in 1975 by publishers Éditions Geoffroy-Dechaume.[4]

Dictionnaire de l'estampe en France, 1830-1950

This is a 384-page-long dictionary. Just like Bailly-Herzberg's book Pissaro et Paris, this dictionary was also published by Flammarion in 1985.[5]


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