Jorge Maíz Chacón

Jorge Maiz Chacon (born 26 September 1977) is a medieval historian specializing in Economics, Social Minorities and Historiography. He also writes poetry.

Ph.D. in Medieval History PhD Extraordinary Award from the National University of Distance Education. Is Associate Professor at the Centre of the Balearic Islands - UNED


His works include:

Books - History

  • Viure al marge. La vida quotidiana dels jueus de Mallorca (segles XIII-XIV), Lleonard Muntaner Editor, Palma, 2013. ISBN 978-84-15592-43-3
  • Breve historia de los reinos ibéricos, Ariel, Barcelona, 2013. ISBN 978-84-344-0580-6
  • Los judíos de Baleares en la Baja Edad Media. Economía y política, UNED - Netbiblo, La Coruña, 2010. ISBN 978-84-362-5922-3
  • Actas del IV Simposio Internacional de Jóvenes Medievalistas, Ayutamiento de Lorca - Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 2009. ISBN 978-84-8371-801-8, 287 págs

Books - Poetry

  • Los suculentos quejidos de la turba, Baile del Sol, Tegueste - Tenerife, 2013.
  • Los infractores con la careta de la revancha, Germania, Alzira, 2013. ISBN 978-84-15660-38-5
  • 'Piedra, papel, cizallas' en: Campamento Dignidad. Poemas para la conciencia, Baladre y Zambra, Málaga, 2013.
  • Muchedumbres, Calumnia Ediciones, Palma, 2011.
  • 'El Estado y el Camaleón' en: 65 Salvocheas, Quorum, Cádiz, 2011.
  • La cárcava de los iracundos, Insomnus, Palma, 2010. Poemario ilustrado

Digital Works

Webmaster and editor: - Medieval History Portal
Since 1998 he is editor of Medieval History Site - Academic Web medieval history with more than 550,000 visits. The site coordinates a network of medieval history in excess of 2,000 members on five continents. Functions primarily as a news server, news conferences and specialized in the Middle Ages. Currently the site belongs to the Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Murcia.

International Symposium of Young Medievalists
Spanish Association for Medieval Archaeology
Spanish Society for Medieval Studies

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