Kapali (Newar caste)

Kapali is one of the Caste of Newar community in Nepal. It is an ancient caste of Nepal. Kapali caste are found in various parts of Nepal. Newar Kapalis used to possess high tantric power predominantly. Generally, Shiva Gotra are widely found in Nepal. They follow mixed Hinduism as well as Buddhism. They mostly follow Hinduism and consider Shiva as the supreme body whereas Guru Gorakhnath is considered as the supreme deity for Kapali for their welfare. Kapali are taken as kid Lord Shiva. Although, in different time period, Kapali have been they developed their own Tantra system. Kapali used to play Myali ( a musical instrument like Flute made of animal bone) which has the immense power to call God in the stone idol. The musical instrument is also capable to make the rainfall from the sky. Kapalis had served as nurse, doctor or delivery person during the Malla Dynasty of Nepal. They were given lands and home near the Hanuman Dhoka Durbar Square in Kathmandu valley in request by Malla Kings to stay near the palace. In every festival of Newar Culture, a person from Kapali caste is called to play Myali in order to perform pooja to activate the deity of the idol. Kapalis, the children of Yogis, also considered as pure as [Kush] are buried because Yogis and Jogis can't be burnt due to their holiness. The term Kapali is used from the very earlier period as earlier as marriage of Sati Devi and Lord Shiva. Here, Shiva cuts off the arrogant head to Daksha Prajapati [son of Lord Brahma] . Kapala means skull or head. So, they were Kapali. Goddess Kali is also called Kapalini. The Khatvanga used by Buddhist is gift by the Kapali. Khatvanga basically is like stick of arm of skeleton having mystical power developed by tantra sadhana done by Kapalis in the crematory ground. Bhagwan Matsyanendra Nath used Kapali tradition mystics. Predominantly, they are found in Kathmandu Valley (Patan City, Bhaktapur, Kirtipur).


For more detailed information about Kapali Caste please refer to the book published as Kapali Samaj(Kapali Society) in the market.

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