
Lazare is the French form of the given name Lazarus, which is itself derived from the Hebrew name Eleazar. It is also a surname.

Lazare may refer to:

Given name

  • Lazare de Baïf (1496–1547), French diplomat and humanist
  • Lazare Bruandet (1755–1803), French landscape painter
  • Lazare Carnot (1753–1823), French mathematician, physicist and politician known as the "Organizer of Victory" in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars
  • Lazare Hippolyte Carnot (1801–1888), French politician, son of the above
  • Lazare Escarguel (1816–1893), French politician and newspaper editor
  • Lazare Gianessi (1925–2009), French footballer
  • Lazare Hoche (1768–1797), French general
  • Lazare Lévy (1882–1964), French pianist, organist, composer and pedagogue
  • Lazare Ponticelli (1897–2008), last surviving French veteran of the First World War
  • Lazare Saminsky (1882–1959), Russian performer, conductor and composer, especially of Jewish music
  • Lazare Sèhouéto (born 1963), Beninese politician
  • Lazare Weiller (1858–1928), French engineer, industrialist and politician


Stage name

  • Lars Nedland (born 1976), known as Lazare, Norwegian musician and co-founder of the metal band Solefald
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