List of Anthribidae genera
This is a list of 450 genera in the family Anthribidae, fungus weevils.[1][2][3][4]
Anthribidae genera
- Acanthopygus c g
- Acanthothorax c g
- Acarodes c g
- Acaromimus Jordan, 1907 i c g b
- Achoragus c g
- Acorynus c g
- Adapterops Frieser, 2010 g
- Adoxastia c g
- Aethessa c g
- Afrocedus c g
- Afrophaenotherium c g
- Allandrus LeConte, 1876 i c g b
- Allochoragus c g
- Allochromicis c g
- Alloderes c g
- Alloplius c g
- Alloschema
- Alticopus c g
- Altipectus c g
- Ambonoderes
- Amecus
- Anacerastes c g
- Analotes c g
- Anaulodes c g
- Ancylotropis c g
- Androceras c g
- Androporus Holloway, 1982 g
- Aneurhinus c g
- Aneurrhinus c g
- Anhelita c g
- Anthiera c g
- Anthrenosoma c g
- Anthribidus c g
- Anthribisomus c g
- Anthribites c g
- Anthribulus c g
- Anthribus Geoffroy, 1762 i c g b
- Anthrimecus c g
- Antioxenus c g
- Antribisomus c g
- Apatenia c g
- Aphaulimia c g
- Apinotropis c g
- Apolecta c g
- Apolectella c g
- Apteroxenus c g
- Arachnocaulus c g
- Araecerus Schoenherr, 1823 i c g b
- Araeocerodes c g
- Araeocerus c g
- Araeocorynus c g
- Araeoderes Schaeffer, 1906 i c g b
- Aranthribus Kuschel, 1998 g
- Arecopais c g
- Asemorhinus c g
- Astianus c g
- Atinella c g
- Atinellia c g
- Atophoderes c g
- Atoporhis c g
- Atropideres c g
- Aulodina c g
- Aurigeripilus Mermudes g
- Autotropis c g
- Balanodes c g
- Barra c g
- Barridia c g
- Basarukinia c g
- Baseocolpus c g
- Basidissus c g
- Basitropis c g
- Batyrhinius c g
- Blaberops c g
- Blaberus Serville, 1831 i c g
- Blabirhinus c
- Bothrus c g
- Botriessa c g
- Brachetrus c g
- Brachycorynus Valentine, 1998 i g b
- Brachylaenus c g
- Brachytarsoides c g
- Brachytarsus c g
- Branconymus c g
- Brevibarra c g
- Breviurodon c g
- Bruchela c g
- Bruchella c g
- Bythoprotus c g
- Caccorhinus c g
- Cacephatus c g
- Caenophloeobius c g
- Caliobius Holloway, 1982 g
- Callanthribus c g
- Camaroderes c g
- Cappadox c g
- Caranistes c g
- Catephina c g
- Cedocus c g
- Cedus c g
- Cenchromorphus c g
- Cerambyrhynchus c g
- Cercomorphus c g
- Cercotaphius c g
- Cerius Holloway, 1982 g
- Chirotenon c g
- Choragus Kirby, 1819 i c g b
- Cisanthribus c g
- Citacalus c g
- Cleorisintor c g
- Cleranthribus c g
- Commista c g
- Conauchenus c g
- Contexta c g
- Cornipila c g
- Corrhecerus c g
- Corynaecia c g
- Cratoparis c g
- Cretanthribus Legalov, 2009 g
- Cretochoragus Soriano, Gratshev & Delclòs, 2006 g
- Cybosoma c g
- Cylindroides c g
- Cyptoxenus Valentine, 1982 g
- Dasyanthribus Holloway, 1982 g
- Dasycorynus c g
- Dasyrhopala c g
- Decataphanes c g
- Dendropemon c g
- Dendrotrogus c g
- Derisemias c g
- Derographium c g
- Deropygus c g
- Deuterocrates c g
- Diastatotropis Lacordaire, 1866 g
- Dinema Fairmaire, 1849 i c g
- Dinephrius c g
- Dinocentrus c g
- Dinomelaena c g
- Dinosaphis c g
- Directarius c g
- Discotenes Labram & Imhoff, 1839 i c g b
- Disphaerona c g
- Disphaeronella c g
- Dissoleucas c g
- Doeothena c g
- Dolichocera c g
- Domoptolis c g
- Doticus c g
- Dysnocryptus c g
- Dysnos c g
- Ecelonerus c g
- Echotropis c g
- Ecprepia c g
- Ectatotarsus c g
- Eczesaris
- Electranthribus Legalov, 2013 g
- Enedreutes c g
- Enedreytes c g
- Ennadius
- Enspondus c g
- Entaphioides c g
- Entromus c g
- Eothaumas c g
- Epargemus c g
- Epicerastes c g
- Epidysnos c g
- Epiplaterus c g
- Epitaphius c g
- Erichsonocis c g
- Erotylopsis c g
- Esocus c g
- Ethneca
- Etnalidius Kuschel, 1998 g
- Etnalis c g
- Euciodes c g
- Eucloeus c g
- Eucorynus c g
- Eucyclotropis c g
- Eugigas c g
- Eugonissus c g
- Eugonodes c g
- Eugonops c g
- Eugonus Schoenherr, 1833 i c g b
- Eupanteos c g
- Euparius Schoenherr, 1823 i c g b (fungus weevils)
- Euphloeobius c g
- Eurometopus c g
- Eurymycter LeConte, 1876 i c g b
- Euscelus
- Eusintor c g
- Eusphyrus LeConte, 1876 i c g b
- Euxenulus Valentine, 1960 i c g b
- Euxenus LeConte, 1876 i c g b
- Euxuthus c g
- Exechesops c g
- Exechontis c g
- Exilis c g
- Exillis Pascoe, 1860 i c g
- Exurodon c g
- Garyus c g
- Genethila c g
- Gibber c g
- Glaesotropis Gratshev & Zherikhin, 1995 g
- Gnathoxena c g
- Gnoticarina c g
- Gomphides c g
- Gomyaccudus Frieser, 1980 g
- Goniocloeus Jordan, 1904 i c g b
- Gonops c g
- Gonotropis LeConte, 1876 i c g b
- Griburiosoma c g
- Gulamentus c g
- Gymnognathus Schoenherr, 1826 i c g b
- Gynandrocerus c g
- Habrissus c g
- Habroxenus Valentine, 1998 i g b
- Hadromerina c g
- Haplopygus Kuschel, 1998 g
- Helmoreus Holloway, 1982 g
- Heniocera c g
- Hiera c g
- Holophloeus c g
- Holostilpna c g
- Homalorhamphus c g
- Homocloeus c g
- Homoeodera c g
- Homoeotropis c g
- Hoplorhaphus Holloway, 1982 g
- Hormiscops c g
- Howeanthribus c g
- Hucus c g
- Hybosternus c g
- Hylopemon c g
- Hylotribus c g
- Hypselotropis c g
- Hypseus c g
- Icospermus c g
- Idiopus
- Illis c g
- Indotaphius c g
- Isanthribus Holloway, 1982 g
- Ischnocerus Schoenherr, 1839 i c g b
- Japanthribus c g
- Jordanthribus c g
- Lagopezus c g
- Lawsonia Sharp, 1873 g
- Lemuricedus c g
- Leptonemus c g
- Lichenobius c g
- Limiophaula c g
- Litocerus c g
- Litotropis c g
- Macrocephalus Luo & Hu, 1999 c g
- Macrotrichius c g
- Mallorrhynchus c g
- Mauia Blackburn, 1885 i c g
- Mecocerina c g
- Mecocerinopis c g
- Mecocerus c g
- Meconemus c g
- Mecotarsus c g
- Mecotropis c g
- Meganthribus c g
- Megatermis c g
- Megax c g
- Melanopsacus c g
- Mentanus c g
- Merarius c g
- Meriolus c g
- Mesidiotropis c g
- Mesocranius Kuschel, 1998 g
- Messalius c g
- Mionus Kuschel, 1998 g
- Misthosima c g
- Misthosimella c g
- Monocloeus c g
- Monosirhapis c g
- Morphocera c g
- Mucronianus c g
- Mycteis c g
- Mylascopus c g
- Nausicus c g
- Neanthribus c g
- Nemotrichus c g
- Neoxenus Valentine, 1998 i g b
- Nerthomma c g
- Neseonos c g
- Nesidobius c g
- Nessia c
- Nessiabrissus c g
- Nessiara c g
- Nessiaropsis c g
- Nessiodocus c g
- Nistacares c g
- Notiana c g
- Notioxenus c g
- Notochoragus c g
- Notoecia c g
- Noxius c g
- Opanthribus c g
- Opisolia c g
- Ormiscus G. R. Waterhouse, 1845 i c g b
- Orthotropis c g
- Oxyconus c g
- Oxyderes c g
- Ozotomerus c g
- Pachygenia c g
- Paecilocaulus c g
- Palazia c g
- Panastius c g
- Pantorhaenas c g
- Papuatorhaenas c g
- Parablops
- Paramesus c g
- Paranthribus c g
- Paraphloeobius c g
- Parexillis c g
- Paropus c g
- Peltorrhinus c g
- Penestica c g
- Peribathys c g
- Perichoragus c g
- Perroudius Holloway, 1982 g
- Phaenithon Schönherr, 1826 c g b
- Phaeniton Schoenherr, 1823 i
- Phaenotheriolum c g
- Phaenotherion c g
- Phaenotheriopsis c g
- Phaenotheriosoma c g
- Phaenotherium c g
- Phaeochrotes c g
- Phanosolena c g
- Phaulimia c g
- Phides c g
- Phloeobiopsis c g
- Phloeobius Schoenherr, 1823 i c g
- Phloeomimus c g
- Phloeopemon c g
- Phloeophilus c g
- Phloeops c g
- Phloeotragus c g
- Phoenicobiella Cockerell, 1906 i c g b
- Phoenicobius c g
- Phrynoidius c g
- Physopterus c g
- Piesocorynus Dejean, 1834 i g b
- Piezobarra c g
- Piezocorynus c g
- Piezonemus c g
- Pilitrogus c g
- Pioenia c g
- Pioenidia c g
- Pistorhinus Kuschel, 1998 g
- Platyrhinus Clairville, 1798 c
- Platystomos c g
- Platystomus c g
- Plesiobasis c g
- Plintheria c g
- Polycorynus c g
- Proscoporhinus c g
- Proscoporrhinus c g
- Proscopus
- Protaedus c g
- Protomerus c
- †Protoscelis Medvdev, 1968[5]
- Prototropis c g
- Pseudeuparius c g
- Pseudobasidissus c g
- Pseudocedus c g
- Pseudochoragus Petri, 1912 i c g b
- Pseudomecorhis c g
- Ptychoderes c g
- Raphitropis c g
- Rawasia c g
- Rhaphidotropis c g
- Rhaphitropis c g
- Rhinanthribus c g
- Rhinobrachys c g
- Rhinotropis c g
- Rhynapion c g
- Saperdirhynchus Scudder, 1893 g
- Schimatocheilus c g
- Scirtetinus c g
- Scymnopis c g
- Sharpius Holloway, 1982 g
- Sicanthus Valentine, 1998 i g b
- Sintor c g
- Sintorops c g
- Solox Kuschel, 1998 g
- Sophronus Kuschel, 1998 g
- Spatorrhamphus c g
- Sphinctotropis c g
- Stenocerus Schoenherr, 1826 i c g b
- Stenorhis c g
- Stenorhynchus Lamarck, 1818 i c g
- Sternocyphus c g
- Stiboderes c g
- Strabops c g
- Straboscopus c g
- Streneoderma c g
- Styphlochoragus c g
- Sympaector c g
- Synchoragus c g
- Syntophoderes c g
- Systaltocerus c g
- Taburnus c g
- Talpella c g
- Taphrodes c g
- Tapinidius c g
- Telala c g
- Telphes c g
- Teratanthribus c g
- Tetragonopterus
- Tophoderellus c g
- Tophoderes c g
- Toxonotus Lacordaire, 1866 i c g b
- Toxotropis c g
- Trachitropis b
- Trachycyphus c g
- Trachytropis Jordan, 1904 i c g
- Tribasileus Holloway, 1982 g
- Tribotropis c g
- Trigonorhinus Wollaston, 1861 i c g b
- Trigonorrhinus c g
- Triplodus c g
- Tropideres c g
- Tropiderinus c g
- Tropidivisus c g
- Tropidobasis c g
- Ulorhinus c g
- Uncifer c g
- Urodon c g
- Urodontus Louw, 1993 i
- Uterosomus c g
- Valenfriesia Alonso-Zarazaga & Lyal, 1999 g
- Vitalis
- Xanthoderopygus Senoh, 1984 g
- Xenanthribus c g
- Xenocerus c g
- Xenognathus c
- Xenopternis c g
- Xenorchestes c g
- Xenotropis c g
- Xylinada c g
- Xylinades c g
- Xylopoemon c g
- Xynotropis c g
- Xynotrupis c g
- Zopyrinus c g
- Zygaenodes c g
Data sources: i = ITIS,[1] c = Catalogue of Life,[2] g = GBIF,[3] b =[4]
- "Anthribidae Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- "Browse Anthribidae". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- "Anthribidae". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- "Anthribidae Family Information". Retrieved 2018-04-21.
- Legalov, A.A. (2013). "Review of the family Anthribidae (Coleoptera) from the Jurassic of Karatau: subfamily Protoscelinae. Genus Protoscelis Medvedev". Paleontological Journal. 47 (3): 292–302. doi:10.1134/S0031030113030064.
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