List of English words of French origin (S–Z)
A great number of words of French origin have entered the English language to the extent that many Latin words have come to the English language.
- sabbat
- sable
- sabot
- sabotage
- saboteur
- sabre
- sac
- saccade
- sacerdotal
- sachet
- sack
- sackbut
- sacrament, Old Fr. sacrament, compare Mod. Fr. sacrement
- sacramental
- sacré bleu
- sacred
- sacrifice
- sacrilege
- sacristy
- sadism
- safe, Old Fr. sauf
- safeguard, Middle Fr. sauvegarde
- safety
- saffron
- sagacity
- sage
- saint
- Saint-Louis (named for Louis IX of France)
- salad
- salamander
- salary
- saline
- salmagundi
- salmon
- salon
- saloon, compare salon
- salsify
- saltire
- saltpetre
- salutary
- salutation
- salvage
- salver
- samite
- sample, Old Fr. essample
- sanctify
- sanctimony
- sanctity
- sanctuary
- sandal
- sang-froid
- sangrail
- sanguine
- sanitary
- sanity
- sans
- sans-culotte
- sap (v.)
- sapience
- sapient
- saponification
- sapphire
- Saracen, Old Fr. saracin
- sardine
- sardonic
- sash [window], Fr. châssis
- sashay, Fr. chassé
- satchel
- satellite
- satiety
- satin
- satiric
- satisfy
- sauce, Old Fr. sauce
- saucer
- sault
- sausage
- sauté
- sauterne
- savage, Old Fr. sauvage
- savant
- savate
- save, Anglo-Fr. sa(u)ver, from Old Fr. salver, compare Mod. Fr. sauver
- saveloy
- savior
- savoir-faire
- savor
- savory
- savvy, pidgin, from Fr. savez(-vous)
- saxifrage
- saxophone
- scabbard
- scaffold
- scald
- scale
- scallion
- scallop
- scandal
- scandalous
- scantling
- scar
- scarab
- Scaramouche
- scarce
- scarcity
- scarification
- scarlet
- scavenger, Anglo-Fr. scawager, from Old N. Fr. escauwage
- scene
- scenic
- scent
- scepter or sceptre
- schedule
- schism
- schismatic
- schist
- scholar
- scholastic
- sciatic
- science
- scientific
- scimitar
- scion
- scissors
- sconce
- scorn
- scorpion
- scoundrel
- scourge
- scout, Old Fr. escouter
- screen, Anglo-Fr., from Old N. Fr. escren, compare Old Fr. escran and Mod. Fr. écran
- screw, Middle Fr. escroue
- script
- scrivener, Anglo-Fr scrivein, from Old Fr. escrivain compare Mod. Fr. écrivain
- scruple
- scrupulous
- scullery
- scullion
- sculpt
- scuttle
- seal, Old Fr. seel, compare Mod. Fr. sceau, sceller
- séance
- search, Old Fr. cerchier, compare Mod. Fr. chercher
- season, Old Fr. seison, compare Mod. Fr. saison
- seat
- secateurs
- second
- secrecy
- secret
- secretariat
- secretion
- sect
- section
- secular
- security
- sedentary
- sediment
- sedimentary
- sedition
- seditious
- seduction
- see (n.)
- seigneur
- seigniorage
- seisin
- seize
- semantic
- semaphore
- semblance
- seminal
- sempiternal
- senate
- seneschal
- senile
- sense
- sensitive
- sensuality
- sentence, Old Fr. sentence
- sentiment, Fr. sentiment
- sentinel
- sepal
- separable
- separation
- septillion (from sept seven)
- sepulchre
- sepulture
- sequel
- sequence
- sequent
- sequester
- sequin
- serenade
- serenity
- serf (Old Fr. serf)
- serge
- sergeant or serjeant, from Old French, compare modern Fr. sergent
- serious
- sermon
- serolous
- serpent
- serpentine
- servant
- serve
- service
- serviceable
- serviette
- servitude
- sesame
- session
- set
- sever
- several, Anglo-Fr. several, from Old Fr. seperalis
- severance
- severe
- severity
- sewer
- sex
- sexton
- Seychelles, named for Jean Moreau de Séchelles
- shallop
- shallot
- shammy
- shanty
- shawm
- shay, corruption of chaise mistaken as a plural
- shivaree
- siege
- sign
- signal
- signature
- signet
- signification
- signify
- silage
- silence
- silhouette
- similar, Fr. similaire
- similarly
- similitude
- simnel
- simple, Old Fr. simple
- simplicity
- simplification
- simplify
- simulation
- simultaneity
- sincere
- sincerity
- single
- singular
- singularity
- sinister
- Sioux
- siphon
- sir
- sire
- siren
- sirloin
- site
- situation
- size
- skein
- skew
- skiff
- skillet
- skim
- skink
- skirmish, Old Fr. escarmouche
- slander
- slat
- slate
- slave
- slender
- slice, Old Fr. esclis
- slot, Old Fr. esclot
- sluice
- soar
- sober, Old Fr. sobre
- sobriety, Fr. sobriété
- sobriquet
- sociable, Fr. sociable
- social, Fr. social
- socialism, Fr. socialisme
- society, Old Fr. société
- sociology
- socket
- sodality
- soigné
- soil
- soirée
- sojourn (Old Fr. sojorn)
- solace
- solder
- soldier
- sole
- solemn
- solemnity
- solemnize
- solicit, Old Fr. solliciter
- solicitation
- solicitor, Old Fr. solliciteur
- solicitude
- solid
- solidarity, Fr. solidarité
- solidary
- solidification
- solidify
- solidity
- solitaire
- solitude
- solstice
- soluble
- solution
- solvent
- somatic
- sombre or somber, Fr. sombre
- somersault
- sommelier
- somnolence
- somnolent
- sonde
- sonnet
- sonority
- sophistry
- soporific
- sorb
- sorbet
- sorcerer
- sorcery
- sorrel
- sort, Old Fr. sorte
- sortie
- sot
- soubrette
- soubriquet
- soufflé
- souk, Fr. souk, from Arabic suq
- sound, (n.) Old Fr. son, (v.) Old Fr. sonder
- soup
- soupçon
- source
- sous-chef
- souse
- souteneur
- souvenir
- sovereign, Old Fr. soverain, compare Mod. Fr. souverain
- sovereignty
- space, Old Fr. espace
- spacious
- Spain, Anglo-Fr. Espayne, from Old Fr. Espaigne
- spandrel
- Spaniard, Old Fr. Espaignart
- spaniel, Old Fr. espagneul
- spasm
- spavin
- spawn
- spay
- special
- speciality
- specific
- specificity
- specify
- spectacle
- spectre
- speculation
- speculative
- sphere
- sphincter
- spice, Old Fr. espice, compare Mod. Fr. épice
- spinach
- spine, Old Fr. espine, compare Mod. Fr. épine
- spinney
- spiral
- spirit, Old Fr. espirit, compare Mod. Fr. esprit
- spiritual
- spirituality
- spleen
- splendour or splendor, Middle Fr. esplendour, compare Mod. Fr. splendeur
- spoil
- spool
- sport, Old Fr. desport, compare Mod. Fr. sport
- spouse
- sprite
- spume
- spurge
- spy, Old Fr. espier, compare Mod. Fr. épier
- squad, Fr. esquade
- squadron, Middle Fr. esquadron
- square
- squash
- squat
- squirrel
- stability
- stable
- stage, Old Fr. estage
- stagnant
- stallion
- stance
- stanch
- stanchion
- standard, Old Fr. estandard, compare Mod. Fr. étendard
- state, Old Fr. estat, compare Mod. Fr. état
- station
- statue
- statuette
- stature
- statute
- staunch
- stay
- stere
- steppe
- stereotype
- sterile
- stethoscope
- stew
- stipe
- stipule
- stolid
- stomach
- store
- story, Old Fr. estorie
- stour
- stout
- strain (v.)
- strait
- strange
- strangle
- stratagem
- strategy
- stratify
- stratosphere
- stray
- stress,Old Fr. estresse
- strident
- strife
- strive
- strop
- structure, Old Fr. structure
- strychnine
- stubble
- student
- study, Old Fr. estudier, compare Mod. Fr. étudier
- stuff, Old Fr. estoffe, compare Mod. Fr. étoffe
- stupefaction
- stupefy
- stupid, Middle Fr. stupide
- sturdy
- sturgeon, Old Fr. esturgeon
- style
- suave
- subaltern
- subdue
- subject, Old Fr. suget, subget, compare Mod. Fr. sujet
- subjection
- sublime
- submission
- subordination
- subsequent
- subsidiary
- subsidy
- substance
- substantial
- substitution
- subterfuge
- subtle
- subtlety
- subvention
- subversion
- subvert
- succeed
- succession
- successor
- succinct
- succour
- succulence
- succulent
- succumb, Middle Fr. succomber
- sucrose
- sudden
- sue
- suede
- suet
- suffer, Old Fr. sufrir, compare Mod. Fr. souffrir
- suffice
- sufficient
- suffocation
- suffragan
- suffrage
- sugar
- suggestion
- suit
- suite
- suitor
- sullen
- sully
- sulphate
- sulphur
- sulphuric
- sultan
- sum
- sumac
- summer (horizontal beam)
- summit
- summon
- sumpter
- sumptuous
- superfluity
- superior
- superiority
- superlative
- supernal
- superposition
- superscript
- supersede
- superstition
- superstitious
- supper
- supplant
- supple
- suppliant
- supplication
- supply
- support, Old Fr. supporter
- suppose, Old Fr. supposer
- supreme
- surcease
- surcharge
- surcingle
- surcoat
- sure, Old Fr. sur, seur, compare Mod. Fr. sûr
- surety, Old Fr. seurté, compare Mod. Fr. sûreté
- surface
- surfeit
- surge
- surgeon, Anglo-Fr. surgien, from Old Fr. serurgien, cirurgien, compare Mod. Fr. chirurgien
- surgery, Anglo-Fr. surgerie, from Old Fr. serurgie, cirurgie, compare Mod. Fr. chirurgie
- surmise
- surmount, Old Fr. surmounter, compare Mod. Fr. surmonter
- surname, Anglo-Fr. surnoun later respelled, from Old Fr. surnom
- surpass
- surplice
- surplus
- surprise
- surreal
- surrealism, Fr. surréalisme
- surrender, Old Fr. surrendre
- surtax
- surveillance
- survey
- surveyor
- survive
- suspect
- suspend
- suspense, Old Fr. suspens
- suspension
- suspicion
- suspicious
- sustain
- sustenance
- sustentation
- suzerainty
- svelte
- swage, Old Fr. souage
- Swiss
- sycamore
- syllable
- syllogism
- symbolise
- symbolist
- sympathy
- symphony
- synagogue
- syndic
- syndicalism
- syndicate
- syntax
- synthetic
- syrup
- tabard
- tabby
- tabernacle
- tablature
- table
- tableau
- table d'hôte
- tablet
- tabor
- tacit
- taciturn
- tack
- tactile
- taffeta
- tail
- tailor, Old Fr. tailleor
- taint
- talc
- talent
- talisman
- tally
- talon
- talus
- tambour
- tambourine
- tamp
- tampion
- tampon
- tan
- tangerine
- tangible
- tanner
- tannery
- tannin
- tansy
- tantamount, Anglo-Fr. tant amount, from Old Fr. tant (as much) + amonte (amount)
- tap (v.)
- tapenade
- tapestry
- tapir
- tapis
- tardy
- tare
- target
- tarnish, Middle Fr. terniss-, from ternir
- tarot
- tart [pie], Old Fr. tarte
- tartan
- tartar, Old Fr. tartre
- tartare, Fr. tartare
- tartuffe
- task, Old North. Fr. tasque, Old Fr. tasche, compare Mod. Fr. tâche
- tassel
- taste, Old Fr. taster
- Tatar, Old Fr. Tartare
- taupe
- tavern
- tawny, Anglo-Fr. tauné, from Old Fr. tané
- tax, Old Fr. taxer
- taxation
- taximeter, Fr. taximètre
- taxonomy
- tay
- teat, Old Fr. tete
- technique
- tedious
- telecommunication
- telegraph, Fr. télégraphe
- telemeter
- telephone
- television
- temerity
- temperance
- tempest, Old Fr. tempeste, compare Mod. Fr. tempête
- Templar, Anglo-Fr. templer, from Old Fr. templier
- temple [anatomy]
- temporal, Old Fr. temporel
- temporize
- tempt, Old Fr. tempter, compare Mod. Fr. tenter
- temptation, Old Fr. temptation, compare Mod. Fr. tentation
- tenable
- tenacity
- tenant
- tench, Old Fr. tenche
- tend, Old Fr. tendre
- tender
- tendon, Middle Fr. tendon
- tendril
- tenebrous
- tenement
- tennis, Old Fr. tenez, to start the game
- tenon
- tenor
- tense
- tension
- tent
- tentative
- tenter
- tenure
- tercel
- term
- termagant
- terrace, Old Fr. terrasse
- terrain
- terrible
- terrier
- terrify
- terrine
- terror, Old Fr. terreur
- terrorism (first used during French Revolution)
- terse
- test
- testament
- tetany
- tete
- tête-à-tête
- text
- texture
- theatre
- theme
- theodicy
- theologian
- theology, Old Fr. theologie
- theorem, Middle Fr. théorème
- theory
- thermal
- thermometer
- throne
- thyme
- tic
- ticket
- tier
- tierce
- tiffany
- tiger
- tigress
- till (n.)
- tillage
- tiller
- timbre
- timbrel
- timid
- timidity
- timocracy
- timorous
- Timothy
- tinsel
- tirade
- tisane
- tissue
- title
- titration
- titre
- titular
- toast
- toboggan
- tocsin
- tog
- toil
- toile
- toilet, Middle Fr. toilette
- toilette
- tole
- tolerable
- tolerance
- tolerant
- toleration
- tomb
- tome
- tonality
- tone
- tonnage
- tonne
- tonneau
- tonsure
- tontine
- topaz
- toque
- torch
- torchere
- torment
- tormentor
- torrent
- torsion
- tort
- tortfeasor
- tortious
- tortuous
- torture
- total
- toucan
- touch
- touche
- toupée
- tour
- tourbillon
- tour de force
- tournament
- tournedos
- tourney
- tourniquet
- tout de suite or toot sweet, compare tout de suite
- towel, Old Fr. toaille
- toxic
- toxicology
- trace
- track
- tradition
- traffic
- tragedian
- tragedy
- tragicomedy
- trail
- train
- trait
- traitor
- trammel
- trance
- tranche
- tranquil
- tranquillise
- tranquillity
- transaction
- transfigure
- transfix
- transform
- transformation
- transgress
- transgression
- transitivity
- transitory
- translation
- translator
- transmutation
- transmute
- transpiration
- transpire
- transport
- transpose
- transposition
- trapeze
- Trappist
- traumatise
- travail
- trave
- travel
- traverse
- travesty
- Travis
- travois
- treacherous
- treachery
- treacle
- treason
- treasure
- treasury
- treat
- treatise
- treatment
- treaty
- treble
- trebuchet
- trefoil
- trellis
- tremble
- tremor
- trench
- trenchant
- trepan
- très
- trespass
- tress
- trestle
- trey
- triage
- trial
- triangle
- tribe, Old Fr. tribu
- tribulation
- tribunal
- trick
- tricolour
- tricot
- tricycle
- trifle
- trillion
- trimester
- trine
- trinity
- trip
- tripe
- trist
- Tristan
- trite
- triumph
- trochanter
- trochee
- trompe l'œil
- troop, Middle Fr. troupe
- trophy
- troposphere
- trot
- troubadour
- trouble
- trounce
- troupe
- trousseau
- trout
- trove
- trowel
- troy
- truant
- truck (v.)
- truckle
- truculence
- truculent
- truffle
- trumeau
- trump
- trumpery
- trumpet
- truncheon
- trunk
- trunnion
- truss
- try, Old Fr. trier
- tryst
- tuba
- tube
- tuff
- tuffet
- tuft
- tuition
- tulip
- tulle
- tumbrel
- tumescence
- tumour
- tumult
- tumultuous
- tunic
- tunnel
- tunny
- turban
- turbine
- turbot
- turbulent
- tureen
- Turk
- turmoil
- turn
- turpentine
- turpitude
- turquoise
- turret
- turtle
- tutor
- tutu
- typography
- tyranny
- tyrant Old Fr. tyrant
- ubiquity
- ulcer
- ultramontane
- umber
- umbrage
- umbrageous
- umpire
- unanimity
- uncle
- unctuous
- unicorn
- uniform
- uniformity
- unify
- union
- unique
- unison
- unity
- universal
- universality
- universe
- university
- urbane
- urbanise
- urbanity
- urchin
- urea
- urethane
- urgent
- urgent
- uric
- urinal
- urine
- usable
- usage
- use
- usher
- usual
- usurer
- usurious
- usurp
- usurp
- usurpation
- usurper
- utensil
- uterine
- utile
- utilisation
- utilise
- utility
- vacant
- vacation
- vacuole
- vagabond
- vagrant
- vague
- vail
- vain
- vainglorious
- vainglory
- vair
- valance
- vale
- valerian
- Valerie
- valet
- valiance
- valiant
- valid
- validation
- validity
- valise
- valley
- valour
- valuation
- value
- vampire
- vandalism
- vanguard
- vanish
- vanity
- vanquish
- vantage
- vaporisation
- vaporous
- vapour
- variable
- variance
- variant
- variation
- variety
- various
- varlet
- varnish
- varvel
- vary
- vase
- vassal
- vassalage
- vast, Middle Fr. vaste
- vaudeville
- vault
- vaunt
- veal, Anglo-Fr. vel, from Old Fr. veel, compare Mod. Fr. veau
- vedette
- veer
- vegetable
- vegetation
- vegetative
- vehemence
- vehement
- vehicle
- veil
- vein
- velcro, from velours, velvet, and crochet, hook
- vellum
- velocipede
- velocity
- velodrome
- velour
- velvet
- venal
- venality
- vend
- vendor
- venerable
- veneration
- venge
- vengeance
- venial
- venison
- venom
- venomous
- vent
- ventilation
- ventral
- ventre à terre
- venue
- veracity
- verb
- verbal
- verbalise
- verbiage
- verbosity
- verdant
- verdict
- verdigris
- verdure
- verge
- verger
- verification
- verify
- verisimilitude
- veritable
- verity
- vermeil
- vermilion
- vermin
- Vermont
- vermouth
- vernier
- verse
- versicle
- versify
- version
- vers libre
- vert
- vertical
- vertiginous
- vervain
- verve
- vervet
- very, Old Fr. verai, compare Mod. Fr. vrai
- vesicle
- vesper
- vessel, Old Fr. vessel, compare Mod. Fr. vaisseau
- vest
- vestibule
- vestige
- vestment
- vestry
- vesture
- vetch
- veteran
- vex
- vexation
- viable
- viand
- vibrant
- vibration
- vicar
- vice
- viceroy
- vichyssoise
- vicious
- vicissitude
- victim
- victimology
- victory
- victual
- vie, Old Fr. envier
- view, Old Fr. veue, compare Mod. Fr. vue
- vigil
- vigilance
- vigneron
- vignette
- vigorous
- vigour
- vile
- village, Old Fr. village
- villain, Old Fr. villain
- villainous
- villainy
- villein
- vinaigrette
- Vincent
- vindicative
- vine
- vinegar
- vintage
- vintner
- viol, Middle Fr. viole
- violation
- violence, Old Fr. violence
- violet
- violon d’Ingres
- viper
- virgin, Old Fr. virgine
- virginal
- virginity
- virgule
- virile
- virility
- virion
- virology
- virtue
- virulence
- visa
- visage
- vis-à-vis
- visceral
- viscosity
- viscount
- viscous
- vise
- visibility
- visible
- vision
- visionary
- visit
- visitant
- visitation
- visitor
- visor
- visualisation
- visualise
- vital
- vitalise
- vitality
- vitreous
- vitrify
- vitrine
- vitriol
- vitriolic
- vivify
- vocal
- vocative
- vogue
- voice
- void
- voilà
- voile
- voir dire
- volant
- volatile
- volcanic
- volcanism
- volition
- volley
- volte-face
- voltigeur
- voluble
- volume, Old Fr. volume
- voluntary
- volunteer
- voluptuous
- volute
- voodoo
- voracity
- vote
- votive
- vouch
- voucher
- vow
- vowel
- voyage, Old Fr. veiage, compare Mod. Fr. voyage
- voyeur
- vue
- vulture
Many imported words beginning with "w" in English have cognates in French that start with a "g" or "gu". This is because the English word was not borrowed directly from French or Old French, but from some of the northern langue d'oïl dialects such as Picard and Norman, where the original "w" sound was preserved (the majority of these words are words of Germanic origin, and stem mainly from either the Frankish language, or other ancient Germanic languages, like Burgundian). In Old French, the initial "w" sound was prefixed by the letter "g" as "gw" and then the "w" sound was later lost. The "w" survives in orthography as "u" in "gu", but only to produce a hard "g" sound.
- wafer (Cf Old Fr. gaufre, gofre)
- wage (Cf Old Fr. gage)
- wager, (Cf Old Fr. gager).
- wait, Old N. Fr. waitier [to watch] (compare modern Fr. guetter), from Frankish *wahton
- waive, Anglo-Fr. weyver, from Old Fr. weyver, guever, probably from a Scandinavian source
- wallet
- wallop
- Walter, Old N. Fr. Waltier (Old Fr. Gautier), of Germanic origin
- war, Old N. Fr. werre, (compare Fr. guerre), from Frankish *werra
- warble, Old N. Fr. werbler, from Frankish *werbilon
- warden, Old N. Fr. wardein, (compare Fr. gardien), from Frankish *warding-
- warder, Anglo-Fr. wardere, from Old N. Fr. warder, (compare Fr. garder [to guard])
- wardrobe, Old N. Fr. warderobe (Old Fr. garderobe)
- warrant, Old N. Fr. warant (Old Fr. guarant), from Frankish *warand
- warranty, Anglo-Fr. and Old N. Fr. warantie (Old Fr. guarantie)
- warren, Anglo-Fr. and Old N. Fr. warenne (Old Fr. garenna), possibly from Gaulish *varenna
- warrior, Old N. Fr. werreieor (Old Fr. guerreor)
- waste (Old Northern Fr. wast, Cf Modern French gâter "to spoil, waste")
- wicket, Old N. Fr. wiket (compare Fr. guichet), from a Germanic source
- wile, Old N. Fr. wile (Old Fr. guile)
- William, Old N. Fr. Willaume (Old Fr. Guillaume), of Germanic origin
- wince, Old N. Fr. wenchier (Old Fr. guenchir), from Frankish *wenkjan
- Wisconsin, from Ouisconsin, a French variant of a Native American word
- xebec Fr. chébec, from Italian sciabecco, from Arabic shabbak
See also
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For a list of words relating to with French language origins, see the English terms derived from French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Middle French origins, see the English terms derived from Middle French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Old French origins, see the English terms derived from Old French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Old Northern French origins, see the English terms derived from Old Northern French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Anglo-Norman language origins, see the English terms derived from Anglo-Norman category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Norman language origins, see the English terms derived from Norman category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Canadian French origins, see the English terms derived from Canadian French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Louisiana French origins, see the English terms derived from Cajun French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
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For a list of words relating to with Louisiana French origins, see the English terms derived from Louisiana Creole French category of words in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
- French phrases used by English speakers
- Law French
- Glossary of fencing, (predominantly from French).
- Glossary of ballet (predominantly from French)
- Lists of English loanwords by country or language of origin
- List of English words of Gaulish origin
- List of English words of Latin origin
- List of English Latinates of Germanic origin
- List of English words of Frankish origin
- Latin influence in English
- List of French words of Germanic origin
- List of French words of Gaulish origin
- List of French words of Arabic origin