List of Greek and Latin roots in English/A–G
The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in the English language from A to G. See also the lists from H to O and from P to Z.
Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are not listed here but instead in the entry for List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes.
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ab-, a-, abs-, au-[1] | away from, down, off | Latin | ab | abduction, aberrant, abnormal, abrasion, absent, absorb, abstain, abstemious, abstraction, aversion, avulsion |
abac-[2] | slab | Greek | ἄβαξ, ἄβακος (ábax, ábakos), ἀβακίσκος (abakískos) | abaciscus, abacus, abax |
ac-, acm-, acr-[3] | point | Greek | ἀκή (akḗ), ἀκίς, ἀκίδος (akís, akídos), ἀκόνη (akónē), ἄκρος (ákros), ἄκρον (ákron), ἄκρα | acidanthera, acme, acmeism, acmesthesia, acmic, acne, paragon |
ac-[4] | cure | Greek | ἀκεῖσθαι (akeîsthai), ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκος, ἄκεος (ákos, ákeos) | autacoid, panacea |
academ- | Akademos | Greek | Ἀκάδημος (Akádēmos) | academe, academia, academic, academy |
acanth- | thorn | Greek | ἀκή, ἄκανθα (ákantha) | Acanthaster, acanthion, acanthite, Acanthocephala, acanthocephaliasis, acanthocyte, Acanthomintha, Acanthosaura, Acanthus, Metriacanthosaurus, neuroacanthocytosis |
acar-[5] | mite | Greek | ἀκαρί (akarí) | acariasis, acarid, acariphagous, acaroid, acarology, acarophobia, acarus |
accipitr- | hawk | Latin | accipiter | Accipiter, accipitrine |
acer-, acri- | bitter, sharp, sour | Latin | ācer, ācris, acerbus, acere | acerbic, acrid, acrimonious, acrimony, exacerbate |
acet- | sour, vinegar | Latin | acētum | acetabulum, acetate, acetic, acetone, acetum, triacetate |
acid- | acidic, sour | Latin | acidus | acidiferous, acidity, acidosis, acidulation, acidulous |
acr- | height, summit, tip, top | Greek | ἀκή (akḗ), ἄκρος (ákros) "high", "extreme", ἄκρον (ákron) | acrobat, acrobatics, acrochordon, acromegalia, acromegaly, acromion, acronym, acrophobia, acropolis, acrostic, acroterion, acrotomophilia |
actin-[6] | beam, ray | Greek | ἀκτίς, ἀκτῖνος (aktís, aktînos) | actinic, actinism, actinium, actinocerid, actinodrome, actinoid, actinomere, actinometer, actinomorphic, actinomyces, actinophryid, actinopod, Actinopterygii, actinotherapy, actinozoa |
acu-, acut- | sharp, pointed | Latin | acutus, past participle of acuere "to sharpen", from acus "needle" | acerose, acupuncture, acumen, acute, acutifoliate |
ad-, a-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, am-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-[7] | movement to or toward; in addition to | Latin | ad "to", "toward" | accept, accurate, adapt, addition, address, adept, adherent, adhesive, adjust, admit, admonish, advertisement, affect, agglomerate, aggregate, aggression, allege, allude, ammunition, annectent, approximate, arreption, arride, arrogant, ascend, assault, assimilate, attend, attract |
aden-[8] | gland | Greek | ἀδήν, ἀδένος (adḗn, adénos) | adenocarcinoma, adenoid, adenoidectomy, adenology, adenoma, adenomyosis, adenosis |
adip- | fat | Latin | adeps, adipis "fat" | adipocellular, adipose |
aer- (ΑΕΡ)[9] | lift, raise | Greek | ἀείρειν (aeírein), ἀορτή (aortḗ), αἰρόμενον, ἀϝείρω | aorta, aortic, endaortitis, meteor, meteorology |
aer-[10] | air, atmosphere | Greek | ἀήρ, ἀέρος (aḗr, aéros) "air" | aerobic, aerodynamic, aeronautics, aeroplane, aerorrhachia, aerosol, aerotitis |
aesth- | feeling, sensation | Greek | αἰσθητός (aisthētós), αἰσθητικός (aisthētikós) "of sense perception" from αἰσθάνεσθαι (aisthánesthai) "to perceive" | aesthesia, aesthesis, aesthete, aesthetics, anaesthetic, synesthesia |
aether-, ether- | upper pure, bright air | Greek | αἴθειν (aíthein), αἰθήρ (aithḗr) | ether, ethereal, etheric, hypaethros |
aev-, ev- | age | Latin | aevum | age, coeval, eon, eternal, longevity, medieval, primeval |
ag-, -ig-, act- | do, go, move | Latin | agere, actus | act, action, activation, activity, actor, agenda, agent, agile, agitate, ambiguous, castigate, cogent, cogitate, cogitation, deactivate, excogitate, mitigate, navigate, proactive, react, transaction |
ag-[11] | lead | Greek | ἄγειν (ágein) (cognate with Latin agere), ἀγωγός (agōgós) | agony, antagonist, antagonize, demagogue, pedagogue, pedagogy, strategy, synagogue |
agap-[12] | love | Greek | ἀγάπη (agápē) | agape |
agr-[13] | field | Greek | ἀγρός, ἀγροῦ (agrós, agroû) | agronomist, agronomy |
agri-, -egri- | field | Latin | ager, agris "field, country" | agriculture, peregrine |
ailur-[14] | cat | Greek | αἴλουρος (aílouros) | Ailuroedus, ailuromancy, ailurophile, ailurophilia, ailurophobia |
alac- | cheerful | Latin | alacer | alacrity, allegro |
alb- | dull white | Latin | albus | albedo, albino, albumen |
alcyon-[15] | kingfisher | Greek | ἀλκυών, ἀλκυόνος (alkuṓn, alkuónos) | Halcyon, halcyon |
ale-[16] (ΑΛ) | wheat flour | Greek | ἀλέω, ἄλευρον (áleuron), ἀλείατα | aleuromancy, aleurone, aleuronic |
alg-[17] | pain | Greek | ἄλγος (álgos), ἀλγεινός, ἀλγεῖν (algeîn), ἄλγησις (álgēsis) | analgesic, arthralgia, neuralgia, nostalgia |
ali-, alter- | other | Latin | alius | alias, alibi, alien, alter, alternate, altruism |
all-[18] | other | Greek | ἄλλος (állos) | allegory, allogenic, allograph, allophone, parallactic, parallax |
allel-[19] | one another | Greek | ἀλλήλων (allḗlōn) | allele, allelomorph, allelotaxis, parallel, parallelism, parallelogon, parallelogram |
alph-[20] | A, a | Greek | Α, α, ἄλφα (álpha) | alphabet, alphabetic, analphabetic, panalphabetic, polyalphabetic |
alphit- | barley | Greek | ἀλφός (alphós), ἄλφιτον, ἀλφίτου (álphiton, alphítou) | alphitomancy |
alt- | high, deep | Latin | altus, altitudo | altimeter, altitude, alto, altocumulus, contralto, exalt |
am-, amat- | love, liking | Latin | amāre, amatus, amor | amateur, amatory, amenity, amorous, enamoured |
am-, amic-, -imic- | friend | Latin | amicus | amiable, amicable, amity, enemy, enmity, inimical |
amath- | sand | Greek | amathophobia | |
ambi-, am-, amb-, ambo-, an- | both, on both sides | Latin | ambi | ambidexterity, ambient, ambiguous, ambit, ambition, ambivalent, amboceptor, amputation, ancipital, andante |
ambly-[21] | dull | Greek | ἀμβλύς (amblús) | amblygeustia, amblygonite, amblyopia, Amblypoda |
ambul- | walk | Latin | ambulare | ambulance, ambulatory, amble, perambulate, preamble, somnambulist |
amm-[22] | sand | Greek | ἄμμος (ámmos), ἄμαθος (ámathos) | amathophobia, Ammophila |
amn-[23] | lamb | Greek | ἀμνός (amnós), ἀμνεῖος, ἀμνειός, ἀμνίον (amníon) | amniocentesis, amnion, amnioscope, amniote, amniotic, anamniote |
amph-, amphi-[24] | both, on both sides of, both kinds | Greek | ἀμφί (amphí) "on both sides" | amphibian, amphibious, amphibole, amphibolic, amphimacer, Amphipoda, amphistyly, amphitheatre, amphoterism |
ampl- | ample, abundant, bountiful, large | Latin | amplus | ample, amplify, amplitude |
amygdal-[25] | almond | Greek | ἀμυγδάλη (amugdálē), ἀμύγδαλον (amúgdalon) | almond, amygdala, amygdale, amygdalin, amygdaloid, amygdule |
an-, a-, am-, ar- | not, without | Greek | Greek ἀν-/ἀ- "not" | ambrosia, anaerobic, anarchy, anemia, anesthesia, anhydrous, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, arrhythmia, atheism, atypical |
ana-, am-, an-[26] | again, against, back, up | Greek | ἀνά (aná) | anagram, anabaptist, anaphylaxis, anarrhexis, anion, anode |
andr-[27] (ΑΝΕΡ) | male, masculine | Greek | ἀνήρ, ἀνδρός (anḗr, andrós), ἀνδρότης | Andrew, Alexander, androcentric, androcentrism, androgen, androgenous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, android, andrology, androphobia, androspore, diandry, misandry, monandry, philander, polyandrous, polyandry, protandry, pseudandry, synandrous |
anem-[28] (ΑΝ) | wind | Greek | ἄνεμος (ánemos) | anemograph, anemometer, anemometric, anemone, anemophilous, anemophily, anemophobia, anemoscope, anemotropism |
anim- | breath, life, soul, spirit | Latin | anima "breath" | animal, animation, anime, animism, animus, inanimate, equanimity |
ann-, -enn- | year, yearly | Latin | annus "year" | anniversary, annual, centennial, millennium, perennial |
ant-, anti-[29] | against, opposed to, preventive | Greek | ἀντί (antí) "against" | antagonist, antagonize, antibiotic, antibody, antichrist, antidepressant antidote, antifreeze, antifungal, antigen, antinomies, antipathy, antipodes, antirrhinum, antiseptic, antisocial, antithesis |
ante-, anti-[30] | before, in front of, prior to; old | Latin | ante "before", "against"; see also antiquus "old" | antebellum, antecedent, antedate, antediluvian, anteroom, anticipate, antiquarian, antiquate, antique, antiquity |
anth-[31] | flower | Greek | ἀνθεῖν (antheîn), ἄνθος (ánthos), ἄνθησις (ánthēsis), ἄνθημα (ánthēma), ἀνθηρός (anthērós) | anther, anthesis, Anthocoridae, anthodite, anthology, anthophobia, anthophore, Anthozoa, chrysanthemum, dianthus, enanthem, enanthema, exanthem, exanthematic, hydranth, hypanthium, perianth, zoanthid |
anthrac- | coal | Greek | ἄνθραξ, ἄνθρακος (ánthrax, ánthrakos) | anthracite, anthracnose, anthracycline, anthrax |
anthrop- | human | Greek | ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos) "man" | anthropology, anthroposophy, anthropomorphic, misanthrope, philanthropy |
ap-, apo-[32] | away from, separate, at the farthest point | Greek | ἀπό (apó) "from, away, un-, quite", sometimes "changed, switched" | aphelion, apocrine, apocryphal, apogee, aporrhinosis, apostasy, apostate |
aper- | open | Latin | aperire | aperient, apéritif, aperitive, aperture, overt, overture, pert |
aphrod- | Aphrodite | Greek | Ἀφροδίτη (Aphrodítē), Ἀφροδίσιος (Aphrodísios), ἀφροδισιακόν (aphrodisiakón) | aphrodisiac, pseudohermaphroditism |
api- | bee | Latin | apis | apian, apiary, apicula, apium; Petrus Apianus |
aqu- | water | Latin | aqua | acquacotta, akvavit, aqua vitae, aquaculture, aquamarine, aquarelle, aquarium, Aquarius, aquatic, aquatile, aqueduct, aqueous, aquifer, aquiferous, aquiform, gouache, semiaquatic |
ara- | plow, till | Latin | ărāre | arability, arable, aration, aratory, exarate, exaration, inarable, nonarable |
arachn- | spider | Greek | ἀράχνης, ἀράχνη (arákhnē) | Arachne, arachnid, arachnodactyly, arachnoid, arachnology, arachnophobia |
arbit- | judge | Latin | arbiter (from ad "to" + baetere "to come, go") | arbiter, arbitrage, arbitrary, arbitration |
arcan- | box | Latin | arcanus | arcane, arcanum |
arch-, arche-, archi- | ruler | Greek | ἄρχειν (árkhein), ἄρχων (árkhōn), ἀρχή (arkhḗ) "rule" (in compounds: ἀρχε-, ἀρχι-) | anarchism, anarchist, anarchy, andrarchy, antarchy, archangel, archetype, architect, archon, autarch, autarchism, autarchy, eparch, eparchy, exarch, gynarchy, monarch, monarchism, monarchist, monarchy, navarch, octarchy, oligarchy, patriarchy, plutarchy, polyarchy, synarchism, synarchy, tetrarchy, triarchy, trierarch |
archae-, arche- | ancient | Greek | ἀρχαῖος (arkhaîos) "ancient" from ἀρχή (arkhḗ) "rule" | Archaea, archaeoastronomy, archaeology, archaic, archaism, archegonium, archeology |
arct- | Relating to the North Pole or the region near it; relating to cold | Greek | ἄρκτος (árktos) "bear", ἀρκτικός (arktikós) | Antarctic, arctic, Arctic Ocean, palearctic |
ard- | heat, glow, passion | Latin | ardere "to burn", arsus | ardent, ardor, arson |
ardu- | difficult | Latin | arduus "high, steep" | arduous |
aret- | virtue | Greek | ἀρετή, ἀρετῆς (aretḗ, aretês) | aretaic, arete |
argent- | silver | Latin | argentum | argent, Argentina |
arid- | be dry | Latin | ārēre "be dry or parched" | arid |
arist- | excellence | Greek | ἄριστος (áristos) | aristocracy, aristocrat |
arithm- | count, number | Greek | ἀριθμός (arithmós), ἀριθμέω, ἀριθμητικός (arithmētikós) | antilogarithm, arithmetic, arithmomania, logarithm, logarithmic |
arm- | weapon | armament, armistice, armor, armory, arms, army, disarm, rearm | ||
arsen-[33] | male | Greek | ἄρσην, ἄρσενος (ársēn, ársenos), ἀρσενικός (arsenikós) | arsenic, arsenopyrite |
art- | art, skill | Latin | ars, artis | artifact, artifice, artificial, artificiality, artisan |
arthr- | joint | Greek | ἄρθρον (árthron) | anarthria, arthritic, arthritis, arthrogryposis, arthropathy, arthroplasty, arthropod, arthroscope, arthroscopic, arthroscopy, arthrosis, dysarthria, osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathy |
arti- | even | Greek | ἄρτιος (ártios), ἀρτιότης "evenness", ἀρτιάκις | artiodactyl, artiodactylous |
asc-[34] | bag | Greek | ἀσκός (askós), ἀσκίδιον (askídion) | ascidium, ascites, ascitic, ascocarp, ascoma, ascomycete, Ascomycota, ascospore, ascus |
asin- | ass | Latin | asinus | asinine, ass, easel |
asper- | rough | Latin | asper "rough" | asperity, exasperate |
aspr-[35] | white | Greek | ἄσπρος (áspros) | diaper |
aster-, astr- | star, star-shaped | Greek | ἀστήρ, ἀστέρος (astḗr, astéros), ἄστρον (ástron) "star" | aster, asterisk, asteroid, astrology, astronomy, astronaut, diasterism geaster, monaster |
asthen- | weak | Greek | ἀσθενής (asthenḗs) | asthenopia, asthenosphere, asthenozoospermia |
ather-[36] | gruel | Greek | ἀθάρη (athárē) | atherogenic, atheroma, atherosclerosis |
athl- | contest | Greek | ἆθλος (âthlos) "contest, feat", ἄεθλος | athlete, athletic, decathlon, pentathlon, triathlon |
-athroid- | gathered or lumped together | Greek | ἀθροίζειν (athroízein) "to gather together" | epiathroid, hypoathroid |
audac- | daring | Latin | audax "brave, bold, daring", from audere "to dare" | audacious, audacity |
aud- | hearing, listening, sound | Latin | audire "to hear" | audible, audience, audio, audiobook, audiology, audiovisual, audit, audition, auditorium, auditory |
aug-, auct- | grow, increase | Latin | augēre, auctus "to increase" | auction, augend, augment, augmentation, augur, augury, august, author, auxiliary, inauguration |
aul- | flute, tube | Greek | ἄημι (ἄϝημι), αὐλός (aulós), αὐλέω, αὔλησις, αὐλητής (aulētḗs) | aulete, aulos, hydraulic, hydraulus |
aur- | relating to gold, or gold-colored | Latin | aurum "gold" | aureate, aureole |
auri-, aus- | relating to the ear | Latin | auris "ear" | aural, auricle, aurinasal, auscultate, auscultation |
aut-, auto-[37] | self; directed from within | Greek | αὐτός (autós) "self", "same" | autarchism, autarchy, autarky, authentic, autism, autistic, autobiography, autocracy, autograph, autoimmune, automatic, automaton, automobile, autonomy, autopilot |
aux-[38] | increase | Greek | αὔξειν (aúxein), αὐξάνειν auxánein, αὔξησις (aúxēsis), αὐξητικός (auxētikós) | auxanogram, auxanography, auxanology, auxanometer, auxesis, auxetic, auxin, auxochrome, auxology, auxotroph, auxotrophy |
av- | desire | Latin | avere "crave, long for" | avarice, avaricious, avarous, ave, avid, avidity |
avi-, au- | bird | Latin | avis | auspice, auspicious, avian, aviary, aviation, aviator |
axi-[39] | merit, worth | Greek | ἄξιος (áxios) "worth", ἀξίωμα (axíōma) | axiogenesis, axiology, axiom, axiomatic |
axi- | axis | Latin | axis | axis, axisymmetry |
axon-[40] | axis, axle | Greek | ἄξων, ἄξονος (áxōn, áxonos) | axon, axonography, axonometric, axonotmesis |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ba-[41] (ΒΑ[42]) | Greek | βαίνειν (baínein), βατός (batós), βάσις (básis), βῆμα, βήματος (bêma, bḗmatos), βάτης (bátēs), βάθρον (báthron), βατεῖν | acrobat, acrobatic, adiabatic, aerobatic, anabasis, anabatic, antiparabema, base, basic, basidiocarp, basidioma, basidiomycete, basidiospore, basidium, basion, basionym, basis, basophilic, bema, catabasis, catabatic, diabase, diabatic, diabetes, diabetic, dibasic, hyperbaton, hypobasis, katabasis, katabatic, monobasic, polybasic, stereobate, stylobate, tribasic | |
bac- | rod-shaped | Latin | baculum | baculiform, baculum, bacteria |
bal-, bel-, bol- (ΒΑΛ[43]) | throw | Greek | βάλλειν (bállein), βολή (bolḗ), βλῆμα (blêma) | ametabolic, ametabolism, amphibole, amphibolic, amphibolite, amphibolous, amphiboly, anabolic, anabolism, astrobleme, ball, ballism, ballista, ballistic, ballistospore, belomancy, belonephobia, bolide, bolometer, catabolic, catabolism, devil, diabolic, emblem, emblematic, embolic, embolism, embolismic, embolize, embolon, embolus, emboly, hemiballismus, holometabolism, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperboloid, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metabolize, palaver, parable, parabola, parabolic, paraboloid, parle, parley, parol, parole, problem, problematic, symbol, symbolic, symbolism, symbolist, symbolize, symbology, taurobolium, thromboembolism |
bapt- (ΒΑΦ[44]) | dip | Greek | βάπτειν (báptein), βάμμα (bámma) | abaptiston, Anabaptist, baptism, baptize |
bar-[45] | weight, pressure | Greek | βαρύς (barús), βάρος (báros) | abarognosis, antibaryon, baresthesia, bariatric, baritone, barognosis, barogram, barograph, barometer, barometric, barophobia, barostat, barycentre, barycentric, baryogenesis, baryon, barysphere, baryton, barytone, hyperbaric, hypobaric, isobar, isobaric |
bas- | step | Greek | βάσις | |
bath- | deep, depth | Greek | βαθύς (bathús), βάθος (báthos) | batholith, bathophobia, bathos, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, bathysphere, isobathic |
be-, beat- | bless | Latin | beare, beatus | beatification |
bell-, belli- | war | Latin | bellum, belli | antebellum, bellicose, belligerent, rebellion |
ben- | good, well | Latin | bene (adverb) | beneficence, benefit, benevolent, benign, benignant, benignity |
bi-, bin-, bis- | two | Latin | bis, "twice"; bini, "in twos" | bicycle, biennial, bifocal, bisexual, bigamy, binary, binoculars, biscotti |
bib- | drink | Latin | bibere, bibitus | bib, beer, beverage, imbibe |
bibl-[46] | book | Greek | βίβλος (bíblos), βιβλίον (biblíon) "book" | bible, biblioclasm, biblioclast, bibliogony, bibliographic, bibliography, biblioklept, bibliomancy, bibliomania, bibliophile, bibliophilia, bibliophobe, bibliophobia, bibliotaph |
bio-, bi-[47] | life | Greek | βιοῦν (bioûn), βίος (bíos) "life", βιωτός (biōtós), βιωτικός (biōtikós), βίωσις (bíōsis) | abiogenesis, abiotic, aerobiology, anhydrobiosis, anoxybiosis, antibiotic, astrobiology, autobiography, biocentrism, biochron, biocoenosis, biogenesis, biographic, biography, biologism, biologist, biology, biome, biometric, biomorph, biomorphism, biophilia, biophysicist, biophysics, biopoiesis, biopolymer, biopsy, biorhythm, biosemiotic, biosphere, biostasis, biosynthesis, biota, biotic, biotin, biotope, biotype, biozone, chemobiosis, cryobiosis, cryptobiosis, ectosymbiosis, endosymbiont, endosymbiosis, enterobiasis, exobiology, macrobiotic, microbiology, osmobiosis, probiotic, symbiogenesis, symbiology, symbiont, symbiosis, symbiotic |
blast-[48] | germ, embryo, bud, cell with nucleus | Greek | βλαστάνειν (blastánein), "I put forth shoots", βλαστός (blastós), βλάστημα (blástēma) | blastema, blastochyle, blastocoel, blastocoele, blastocyst, blastoderm, blastoma, blastula, cytotrophoblast, diploblasty, ectoblast, endoblast, entoblast, fibroblast, osteoblast, sideroblast |
blenn- | slime | Greek | βλέννος (blénnos) | blennadenitis, blennophobia, blennosperma, blennorrhagia |
bol- | throw | Greek | ||
bol-[49] | clod, lump | Greek | βῶλος (bôlos) | bole, bolus, embolism |
bomb-[50] | boom | Greek | βομβεῖν, βόμβος, βόμβησις | bomb, bound |
bon- | good | Latin | bonus | bonify, bonitary |
bore- | north | Latin from Greek | borealis "northern" from Βορέας (Boréas) "the north wind" | borealis |
botan- | plant | Greek | βοτάνη, βότανον (botánē, bótanon), βοτανικός | botanic, botanist, botanology, botany |
bov-, bu- | cow, ox | Latin | bos (genitive bovis) "ox, cow" | beef, boor, bovine, bucinator muscle |
brachi-, brachio- | arm | Latin from Greek | bracchium | brachiferous, brachial artery, brachiocubital |
brachi-, brachio-, brachion-, brachioni- | arm | Greek | βραχίων (brakhíōn) | brachialgia, brachionerysipelas, brachionigraph, brachiorrhachidian, brachiosaurus |
brachy-[51] | short | Greek | βραχύς (brakhús) | amphibrach, brachistochrone, brachycephaly, brachydactyly, brachyury, dibrach, tribrach |
brady-, bradys-[52] | slow | Greek | βραδύς (bradús), βράδος (brádos) | bradycardia, bradysuria, bradytelic |
branchi- | gill | Greek | βράγχιον (bránkhion) | branchiopneustic, branchiopod, nudibranch |
brev- | brief, short (time) | Latin | brevis, breviare | abbreviate, brevextensor, brevicaudate, brevity, brief |
bromat-, bromato-, broma-, bromo- | food | Greek | βρῶμα (brôma) | bromatium, bromateccrisis, bromatherapy, bromatology, bromography |
brom-[53] | oats | Greek | βρόμος, βρόμη (brómos, brómē) "oats" | brome, Bromus, Bromus ramosus |
brom- | stench | Greek | βρῶμος (brômos) "stench, clangor" | bromate, bromide, bromine, bromoderma, organobromine |
bronch-[54] | windpipe | Greek | βρόγχος (brónkhos), βρόγχια (brónkhia) | bronchia, bronchiole, bronchion, bronchitis, bronchomalacia, bronchopneumonia, bronchus, tracheobronchomalacia |
bront-[55] | thunder | Greek | βροντή (brontḗ) | brontology, brontophobia, Brontosaurus |
brot-[56] | mortal | Greek | βροτός (brotós) | ambrosia, ambrotype |
bucc- | cheek, mouth, cavity | Latin | bucca | buccal, buccilingual, buccolingual |
bulb- | bulbous | Latin | bulbus | bulbiform, bulbiparous, bulboartrial, bulborrhexis, bulbous, bulbule |
bull- | bubble, flask | Latin | bullire, bulla | bullectomy, bulliferous, ebullient, ebullism |
burs- | pouch, purse | Latin | bursa | bursa, bursalogy, bursar, bursary, bursectomy, bursiform, disburse |
butyr-[57] | butter | Greek | βούτυρον (boúturon) | butyric |
byss-[58] | bottom | Greek | βυσσός, βυσσοῦ (bussós, bussoû) | abyss, abyssopelagic, hypabyssal |
byss-[59] | flax | Greek | βύσσος (bússos) | byssus |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
cac-, kak-[60] | bad | Greek | κακός (kakós), κάκιστος (kákistos) | cachexia, cacistocracy, cacodemon, cacoepy, cacography, cacophonous, cacophony, cacorrhacitis, kakistocracy, kakistocrat |
cad-, -cid-, cas- | fall | Latin | cadere, casus | accidence, accident, accidental, cadaver, cadaverine, cadaverous, cadence, cadency, cadent, cadential, cadenza, caducity, caducous, cascade, case, casual, casualty, casuistry, chance, cheat, chute, coincide, coincidence, coincident, coincidental, decadence, decadent, decay, decidua, decidual, deciduate, deciduation, deciduous, demicadence, escheat, escheatable, escheatage, escheatment, escheator, incidence, incident, incidental, nonaccidental, nondeciduous, nonincidental, parachute, postaccident, procidentia, recidivous, semelincident |
caed-, -cid-, caes-, -cis- | cut, kill | Latin | caedere, caesus | caespitose, caesura, cement, cementation, cementitious, cementum, cespitose, chisel, circumcise, circumcision, concise, concision, decidability, decidable, decide, decision, decisive, deciso, excide, excise, excision, excisional, germicide, homicide, imprecise, imprecision, incise, incision, incisive, incisor, incisory, incisure, indecision, indecisive, occision, précis, precise, precision, scissors, semidecidable, succise, succision |
cal-, call- | beautiful | Greek | καλός (kalós) "beautiful"; κάλλος (kállos) "beauty", κάλλιστος (kállistos) | calisthenics, calligraphy, Callista, Callisto, calophyllous, kaleidoscope |
cal- | call | Latin | calare | calendar, claim, class, conciliate, conciliatory, council, intercalate, nomenclature |
cal- | heat | Latin | calere, calor "heat" | caldarium, caldera, calefacient, calefaction, calefactive, calefactory, calenture, calescent, calid, calor, calore, caloric, calorie, calorifacient, calorific, calorigenic, calorimeter, caudle, cauldron, chafe, chafery, chalder, chaldron, chaud-froid, chauffer, chauffeur, chauffeuse, decalescence, decalescent, nonchalance, nonchalant, recalescence, scald |
calc- | stone | Latin and Greek | from Latin calx (genitive calcis) "lime", from Greek χάλιξ (khálix) "pebble", "limestone" | calcite, calcitrant, calcium, calculate, calculus, chalicothere, chalk, recalcitrant |
calv-, calum- | trick, lie, deceive | Latin | calumnia "slander, trickery", from calvi "to trick, deceive" | calumnious, calumny, cavil, challenge |
calyp-[61] | cover | Greek | καλύπτειν (kalúptein), καλυπτός (kaluptós), κάλυξ, κάλυκος (kálux, kálukos) | apocalypse, apocalyptic, apocalypticism, calyce, calyptra, Calyptrogyne, calyx, epicalyx, eucalypt, eucalyptus |
cameria- | vault | Latin | camera | antechamber, bicameral, camaraderie, camber, camera, chamber, chamberlain, comrade, concamerate, concameration, multicamera, tricameral, unicameral |
camiso- | shirt | Latin | camisia | camisade, camisado, Camisard, camisole, chemise |
camp- | field | Latin | campus "field", "level ground" | camp, campaign, campesino, campestral, campicolous, campimetry, campo, campsite, campus, champertous, champerty, champignon, champion, decamp, decampment, encamp, encampment |
can- | dog | Latin | canis | canaille, canary, canicular, canicule, canid, canine, Canis, Canis Major, postcanine |
can- | reed, rod | Latin | κάννα (kánna), κανών (kanṓn) | cane, canister, canon, canonic |
can-, -cin-, cant-, -cent- | sing | Latin | canere, cantus | accent, accentual, accentuate, accentuation, canción, canorous, cant, cantabile, cantata, cantation, cantatory, cantatrice, canticle, canticum, cantiga, cantilena, cantillate, cantillation, cantion, canto, cantor, cantus, canzona, canzone, Carmen, chanson, chansonnier, chant, chanteur, chanteuse, chanticleer, charm, concent, descant, discant, discantus, disenchant, disenchantment, disencharm, disincentive, enchant, enchantment, enchantress, incantation, incantational, incentive, plainchant, precentor, recant, recantation, succentor, vaticinate, vaticination, vaticinator |
cand-, cend- | glowing, iridescent | Latin | candere "to be white or glisten" | candela, candid, candidate, candle, candor, incandescent, incendiary, incense |
cap-, -cip-, capt-, -cept- | hold, take | Latin | capere, captus "take or hold" (vowel changes from a to i in compounds) | capable, capacious, captive, caption, captivate, capture, conception, except, forceps, incipient, intercept, recipient |
capit-, -cipit- | head | Latin | caput, capitis | achievable, achieve, achievement, ancipital, ancipitous, biceps, bicipital, cabotage, cad, caddie, cadet, cape, capital, capitular, capitulate, capitulation, captain, chapter, chaptrel, chattel, chef, chief, chieftain, co-captain, co-captaincy, decapitate, decapitation, occipital, occiput, precipitation, precipitous, quadriceps, recap, recapitulate, sincipital, sinciput, sous-chef, subcaptain, triceps, tricipital, unicipital, vice-captain, vice-captaincy |
capn-[62] | smoke | Greek | καπνός (kapnós), καπνόομαι | capnogram, capnograph, capnography, capnolagnia, capnomancy, capnometer, capnometry, capnomor, capnophile, hypercapnia, hypocapnia |
capr- | goat | Latin | caper (genitive capri) "goat", also capreolus "wild goat" | cab, caper, caprice, Capricorn, caprine |
caps- | box, case | Latin | capsa | capsule |
carbon- | coal | Latin | carbo, carbonis | bicarbonate, carbon, carbonara, carbonate, carbonation, Carboniferous, carbuncle, radiocarbon |
carcer- | jail | Latin | carcer, carcerare, cancelli | chancel, chancellery, chancellor, chancery, incarcerate, incarceration, subchancel |
carcin- | cancer (disease) | Latin from Greek | Latin from Greek καρκίνος (karkínos) "crab" | carcinogenic, carcinoma |
cardi-[63] | heart | Greek | καρδιά (kardiá) | cardiac, cardialgia, cardiograph, cardioid, cardiologist, cardiology, cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, cardioplegia, cardioplegic, cardiospasm, electrocardiogram, electrocardiography, endocardium, epicardium, hemicardia, myocardium, neurocardiology, pericardium |
cardin- | hinge | Latin | cardo, cardinis | cardinal, cardinality, kern |
carn- | flesh | Latin | caro, carnis | carnage, carnal, carnality, carnary, carnate, carnation, carneous, carnival, carnivore, carnose, carnosity, carrion, caruncle, carunculate, charcuterie, charnel, discarnate, incarnadine, incarnate, incarnation, reincarnate, reincarnation |
carp-[64] | fruit | Greek | καρπός (karpós) | acarpous, acrocarpous, amphicarpous, angiocarpous, anisocarpic, Carpo, carpogonium, carpology, carpophagous, carpophore, carpospore, cystocarp, dipterocarp, endocarp, epicarp, exocarp, Karpos, mericarp, mesocarp, monocarpic, pericarp, polycarpic, procarp, pseudocarp |
carp-[65] | wrist | Greek | καρπός (karpós) | carpal, carpal tunnel syndrome, carpus, metacarpus |
cast- | pure, cut | Latin | castrare and castus, from kes- (to cut) | caste, castigate, castrate, chaste, chastity, incest |
cata-, cat- | down, against, back | Greek | κατά (katá) "down, against, back" | catabolic, catacomb, catalyst, catarrhine, catastrophe, catatonia, cathode, cation |
caten- | chain | Latin | catena | catenary, concatenation |
cathar-[66] | pure | Greek | καθαρός (katharós) | catharsis, cathartic |
caud- | tail | Latin | cauda | caudal, coda |
caus-, -cus- | cause or motive | Latin | causa | accuse, because, causal, causative, cause, excuse |
caust-, caut- | burn | Greek | καίειν (kaíein), καυστός, καυτός (kaustós, kautós), καυστικός (kaustikós), καῦσις (kaûsis), καῦμα (kaûma) | calm, catacaustic, causalgia, causalgic, caustic, cauter, cauterize, cautery, diacaustic, encaustic, holocaust, hypocaust |
cav- | hollow | Latin | cavus | cave, cavity, excavation |
ced-, cess- | move, yield, go, surrender | Latin | cedere, cessus | accede, cede, concede, precede, procedure, proceed, procession, recede, secede, succeed, success |
cel- | hide | Latin | celare "to hide" | ceiling, clandestine, conceal, occult |
celer- | quick | Latin | celer, celerare | acceleration, celerity |
cen-, caen-[67] | new | Greek | καινός (kainós) | caenogastropod, caenogenesis, Cenozoic |
cen- | empty | Greek | κενός (kenós) | cenotaph, kenosis |
cen-, coen-[68] | common | Greek | κοινός (koinós) | cenobite, coenesthesia, coenocyte, epicene, epicœne, koinonos, koinophilia |
cens- | to assess | Latin | censere | censure, census |
cent- | hundred | Latin | centum | cent, centennial, centurion, percent |
centen- | hundred each | Latin | centeni | centenarian, centenary |
centesim- | hundredth | Latin | centesimus | centesimal, centesimation |
centr- | center | Greek | κεντεῖν, κέντησις, κέντρον (kéntron) "needle", "spur", κεντρικός, κεντρισμός | acentric, acrocentric, amniocentesis, anthropocentric, anthropocentrism, barycenter, biocentric, biocentrism, centaur, centauromachy, centesis, centre, centric, centrism, centrist, centroid, centromere, centromeric, centrosphere, centrosymmetric, centrosymmetry, centrum, eccentric, eccentrism, eccentrist, ecocentric, ecocentrism, ecocentrist, egocentric, egocentrism, enterocentesis, epicentre, holocentric, metacentric, monocentric, neocentromere, orthocenter, orthocentric, paracentesis, pericardiocentesis, technocentric, technocentrism, telocentric, thoracentesis, thoracocentesis |
centri- | center | Latin | centrum | central, center, concentrate, concentric, centrifugal, centripetal |
cephal- | head | Greek | κεφαλή (kephalḗ) | acephalic, acephaly, anencephaly, autocephaly, brachiocephalic, brachycephalic, cephalic, cephalomancy, cephalometry, cephalon, cephalopagus, cephalopod, diencephalon, dolichocephalic, encephalitis, encephalogram, encephalopathy, holoprosencephaly, hydrocephalus, macrocephaly, mesaticephalic, mesencephalic, mesocephalic, metencephalon, microcephaly, myelencephalon, neencephalon, paleencephalon, prosencephalon, rhombencephalon, rhombencephalosynapsis, syncephalus, telencephalon |
ceram- | clay | Greek | κέραμος (kéramos) | ceramic |
cerat- | horn | Greek | κέρας (kéras), κέρατος (kératos) | keratin, triceratops |
cern-, cer- | sift | Latin | cernere "to sift, separate" | ascertain, certain, concern, concert, decree, discern, excrement, secern, secret |
cervic- | relating to the neck, relating to the cervix | Latin | cervix, cervicis "neck" | cervix, cervical |
ceter- | other | Latin | ceterus | et cetera |
chaet-[69] | hair, bristle, or seta | Greek | χαίτη (khaítē) "long hair" | chaetophobia, chaetophorous, Chaetomium, Chaetomorpha, Oligochaeta, Polychaeta, polychaete, spirochaete, spirochete |
chir-[70] | of the hand or hands | Greek | χείρ (kheír) "hand" | chiral, chiropractic, chiroptera, chirurgy, enchiridion, Haplocheirus |
chelon- | relating to a turtle | Greek | χελώνη (khelṓnē) "tortoise" | Archelon, chelonia |
chlor-[71] | green | Greek | χλωρός (khlōrós) | chloranthy, chlorine, chlorophobia, chlorophyll, chloroplast, pyrochlore |
chondr- | cartilage | Greek | χόνδρος (khóndros) | hypochondriasis, osteochondritis |
chore- | relating to dance | Greek | χορεία (khoreía) "dancing in unison" from χορός (khorós) "chorus" | chorea, choree, choreia, choreography, chorus, hemichorea |
chord-[72] | cord | Latin and Greek | chorda "rope" from χορδή (khordḗ) | chordata, cord, hexachord, monochord, polychord, tetrachord |
chres- | use | Greek | χράω, χρῆσθαι (khrêsthai), χρηστός (khrēstós), χρήστης, χρῆσις (khrêsis), χρήσιμος | chresard, chresonym, chrestomathic, chrestomathy, heterochresonym, heterochresonymy, orthochresonym, orthochresonymy |
chro-, chrom- | color | Greek | χρῶμα (khrôma) | achromat, achromatic, achromatism, achromatopsia, achromatopsic, amphichroic, apochromat, auxochrome, chroma, chromatic, chromatid, chromatophore, chrome, chromium, chromogen, chromolithography, chromophobia, chromophore, chromosome, dichroic, dichroism, dichromatic, heliochrome, heterochromatic, heterochromatin, microchromosome, monochromatic, monochrome, photochromism, pleochroism, polychromatic, polychrome, trichroism, trichromatic, trichromic |
chron-[73] | time | Greek | χρόνος (khrónos) | anachronism, asynchronous, biochronology, chronaxie, chronic, chronicle, chronogram, chronograph, chronology, chronometer, chronometry, chronophobia, chronophotography, chronostasis, geochronology, heterochrony, hydrochronometer, isochron, protochronism, synchronic, synchronism, synchronize, synchronous, tautochrone |
chrys-[74] | gold | Greek | χρυσός (khrusós), χρύσεος "golden" | chrysalis, chryselephantine, chrysolite, chrysophobia |
cili- | eyelash | Latin | cilium | cilia, supercilious |
ciner- | ash | Latin | cinis, cineris | incineration |
cing-, cinct- | gird | Latin | cingere, cinctus | succinct |
circ- | circle, ring | Latin | circulus, circus | circle, circular, circulate, circus |
circum- | around | Latin | circum | circumcise, circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumscribe |
cirr-[75] | orange | Greek | κιρρός (kirrhós) | cirrhosis |
cirr- | curl, tentacle | Latin | cirrus | cirrus |
cit- | call, start | Latin | citare, frequentative of ciere | citation, cite, excite, incite, solicit, solicitous |
civ- | citizen | Latin | civis | civic, civil, civilian, civility, civilization |
clad-[76] | branch | Greek | κλάδος (kládos) | clade, cladistics, cladogenesis, cladogram, heterocladic |
clam- | cry out | Latin | clamare | acclaim, claim, clamor, exclamation, proclamation, reclamation |
clar- | clear | Latin | clarus, clarare | clarity, clear, declaration |
clast- | broken | Greek | κλᾶν, κλαστός (klastós), κλάσις, κλάσμα | anorthoclase, antanaclasis, clastic, iconoclast, orthoclase, osteoclast, plagioclase, pyroclastic, synclastic |
claud-, -clud-, claus-, -clus- | close, shut | Latin | claudere, clausus | clause, claustrophobia, conclude, exclude, exclusive, include, occlusion, occult, recluse, seclude |
clav- | key | Greek | κλείς (kleís) "key" from κλείειν, (kleíein) "to close" | clavichord, clavicle, conclave |
cleist- | closed | Greek | κλείειν, κλειστός (kleistós), κλεῖσμα | cleistogamy, cleistothecium, enterocleisis, kleisma |
cleithr- | bar, key | Greek | κλεῖϑρον (kleîϑron) | Clathrus, cleithrophobia, cleithrum |
cle-[77] | call | Greek | ἐκκλησίᾱ, κλῆσις, κλητός (ekklēsíā, klêsis, klētós) | ecclesia, Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiology, ecclesiophobia, epiclesis, paraclete |
clement- | mild | Latin | clemens, clementis | clemency, inclement |
clin- | bed | Greek | κλίνη (klínē) | clinic |
clin- | lean, recline | Latin | -clinare | decline, declination, incline, inclination, recline |
cochl-[78] | snail, spiral shell | Greek | κόχλος (kókhlos) | cochlea |
coel- | hollow | Greek | κοῖλος (koîlos) | blastocoel, coelom, coelomate, coelomic, enterocoely, pseudocoelomate, sarcocele, schizocoelomate, schizocoely, spongocoel |
col- | strain | Latin | colare, cōlum | colander, coulee, coulis, coulisse, couloir, cullender, cullis, percolate, percolation, percolator, piña colada, portcullis |
col-, cult- | cultivate, till, inhabit | Latin | colere, cultus | acculturate, acculturation, agriculture, apiculture, bicultural, colonial, colony, countercultural, counterculture, cult, cultivable, cultivate, cultivation, cultivator, cultural, culturati, culture, deculturate, deculturation, incult, inculturation, inquiline, inquilinity, inquilinous, intercultural, multicultural, postcolonial, precolonial, subcultural, subculture |
coll- | hill | Latin | collis | colliculus |
coll- | neck | Latin | collum | accolade, col, collar, decollate, decollation, décolletage, encollar |
color- | color | Latin | color | bicolor, Colorado, coloration, coloratura, concolorous, decolor, discolor, discoloration, encolor, multicolor, quadricolor, recolor, tricolor, unicolor, versicolor |
com- | friendly, kind | Latin | cōmis "courteous, kind" | comity |
con-, co-, col-, com-, cor-[79] | with, together | Latin | cum | coagulate, collide, compress, connect, connote, contain, corrode, quondam |
con-[80] | cone | Greek | κῶνος (kônos), κωνικός (kōnikós) | conic, conical, conicoid, conodont, conoid, conoscope, orthocone, orthoconic, polyconic |
condi- | season | Latin | condire | condiment |
contra- | against | Latin | contra | contraband, contraception, contradict, contraindicate, contrast, contravene |
copi- | plenty | Latin | copia | copious, copy, cornucopia |
copr-[81] | dung | Greek | κόπρος (kópros) | copremia, coprographia, coprolagnia, coprolalia, coprolite, coprolith, coprology, coprophagia, coprophagy, coprophilia, copropraxia, encopresis, encopretic |
copul- | bond | Latin | copula "that which binds" | copula, copulation, couple |
cor-, cord- | heart | Latin | cor, cordis | accord, accordance, accordant, accordatura, concord, concordance, concordant, concordat, corcle, cordate, cordial, cordiality, cordiform, core, courage, courageous, discord, discordance, discordant, discourage, discouragement, encourage, encouragement, misericord, nonaccordant, obcordate, record, scordatura |
corac-[82] | raven | Greek | κόραξ, κόρακος (kórax, kórakos) | coracoid |
cori- | hide, leather | Latin | corium, corii | coriaceous, corious, corium, cuirass, cuirassier, cuirie, excoriate, excoriation |
corn- | horn | Latin | cornū | bicorn, bicorne, Capricorn, cornea, corneal, corneous, corner, cornicle, corniculate, corniferous, cornification, corniform, cornucopia, quadricorn, quadricornous, tricorn, tricorne, tricornigerous, tricornute, unicorn, unicornous |
coron- | crown | Latin | corona, coronare | corona, coronation, coronavirus, coroner, coronet, coroniform, Coronilla, crown, incoronate |
corpor- | body | Latin | corpus, corporis | accorporate, bicorporal, concorporate, concorporation, corporal, corporality, corporate, corporation, corporative, corporature, corporeal, corporeality, corporeity, corps, corpse, corpulence, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, corpuscular, disincorporate, disincorporation, extracorporeal, incorporal, incorporality, incorporate, incorporation, incorporeal, incorporeality, incorporeity, tricorporal |
cortic- | bark | Latin | cortex, corticis | cortical, corticate, corticiform, corticifugal, corticipetal, decorticate, decortication, decorticator |
cosm-[83] | universe | Greek | κόσμος (kósmos) | cosmic, cosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, cosmos, microcosm |
cosmet- | the art of dress and ornament | Greek | κοσμεῖν (kosmeîn), κοσμητική (kosmētikḗ) from κόσμος (kósmos) | cosmesis, cosmetics, cosmetologist, cosmetology |
cost- | rib | Latin | costa | accost, bicostate, coast, coastal, costa, costal, costate, curvicostate, entrecôte, infracostal, intercostal, intracoastal, multicostate, quadricostate, supracostal, tricostate, unicostate |
cotyl-[84] | cup | Greek | κοτύλη (kotúlē) | cotyledon, dicotyledon, dicotyledonous, eudicotyledon, monocotyledon, monocotyledonous, tricotyledonous |
-cracy, -crat | government, rule, authority | Greek | κράτος (krátos), κρατία (kratía) | acrasia, akrasia, akratic, anocracy, aristocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, bureaucracy, democracy, democratic, pancratium, plutocracy, technocracy, technocrat, theocracy |
crani-[85] | skull | Greek | κρανίον (kraníon) | craniologist, craniometry, craniosynostosis, cranium, hemicrania, megrim, migraine |
crass- | thick | Latin | crassus | crass, crassitude, crassulaceous |
crea- | make | Latin | creare, creatus | creation, creative, creator, creature, creole, procreation, recreation |
cred- | believe, trust | Latin | credere, creditus | accreditation, credence, credentials, credibility, credible, credit, creditor, credo, credulity, credulous, creed, discredit, incredible, incredulous, miscreant, recreant |
crepid-[86] | boot, shoe | Greek | κρηπίς, κρηπίδος (krēpís, krēpídos), κρηπίδιον, κρηπίδωμα | crepidoma |
cresc- | grow, rise | Latin | crescere | accresce, accrescence, accrescent, accrete, accretion, accrue, concrete, crescendo, crescent, crew, decrease, increase, recruit, recruitment, surcrew |
cribr- | sieve | Latin | cribrum, cribrare | cribble, cribellate, cribellum, cribrate, cribriform, garble |
cric-[87] | ring | Greek | κρίκος (kríkos), κρικοειδής (krikoeidḗs) | cricoid, cricoidectomy, Cricosaurus, cricothyroid, cricothyrotomy, cricotomy |
crisp- | curled | Latin | crispus | crape, crepe, crêpe, crisp, crispate, crispation |
crist- | crest | Latin | crista | crease, crest, cristate |
crit-, crisi-[88] | judge, separate | Greek | κρίνειν (krínein), κρίσις (krísis), κρίμα (kríma) | apocrine, crisis, criterion, critic, critical, criticaster, criticise, criticism, critique, diacritic, eccrine, eccrinology, eccrisis, eccritic, endocrine, endocrinology, exocrine, heterocrine, holocrine, hypercriticism, hypocrisy, hypocrite, kritarchy, Kritosaurus, merocrine, syncrisis |
cross-[89] | fringe, tassel | Greek | κροσσός (krossós) | crossopterygii |
cruc- | cross | Latin | crux, crucis | cross, crucial, cruciate, crucifer, cruciferous, crucifix, crucifixion, cruciform, crucify, crucigerous, cruise, crusade, cruzeiro, discruciate, excruciate, intercross, recross |
crur- | leg, shank | Latin | crus, cruris | bicrural, crural, crus, equicrural |
-cry | wail, shriek | Latin | critare, from quiritare | cry, decry, descry |
crypt-[90] | hide, hidden | Greek | κρύπτειν (krúptein) "to hide", κρυπτός (kruptós) | apocrypha, apocryphal, archaeocryptography, crypt, cryptanalysis, crypteia, cryptic, cryptobiosis, cryptobiotic, cryptochrome, cryptogam, cryptogenic, cryptography, cryptology, cryptomonad, cryptophyte, cryptosystem, grot, grotesque, grotto |
cten-[91] | comb | Greek | κτείς, κτενός (kteís, ktenós) | ctenidium, ctenoid, ctenophore |
cub-[92] | cube | Greek | κύβος (kúbos) | cubic, cuboctahedron, cuboid, hemicube, hypercube |
cub- | lie | Latin | cubare | incubation, succuba |
culin- | kitchen | Latin | culīna | culinarian, culinary, kiln |
culp- | blame, fault | Latin | culpa | culpability, culpable, culprit, exculpate, exculpatory, inculpable, inculpate, inculpatory, mea culpa |
cune- | wedge | Latin | cuneus | coign, coigne, coin, cuneate, cuneiform, cuneus, encoignure, obcuneate, precuneus, quoin, sconcheon, scuncheon |
cur- | care for | Latin | cūra, curare | accuracy, accurate, assecure, assurance, assure, curability, curable, curacy, curate, curative, curator, cure, curettage, curette, curio, curiosity, curious, ensure, inaccuracy, inaccurate, incurable, insecure, insecurity, insurability, insurable, insurance, insure, manicure, pedicure, pococurante, proctor, proctour, proctorage, proctorial, procurable, procuracy, procuration, procurator, procure, procurement, proxy, reassurance, reassure, reinsurance, reinsure, scour, scourage, secure, security, sinecural, sinecure, sure, surety |
curr-, curs- | run, course | Latin | currere, cursus | concur, concurrent, corridor, courier, course, currency, current, cursive, cursor, cursory, discourse, excursion, incur, occur, recur, recursion, recursive, succor |
curv- | bent | Latin | curvus "crooked, curved", from curvare "to bend" | cavort, curb, curvaceous, curvate, curvation, curvature, curve, curviform, curvilinear, curvity, incurvate, incurvature, incurve, recurvate, recurve, recurvous |
cuspid- | lance, point | Latin | cuspis, cuspidis | bicuspid, bicuspidate, cusp, quadricuspid, tricuspid |
cut- | hide, skin | Latin | cutis | cutaneous, cuticle, cuticolor, cuticular, cutin, cutis, cutisector, intracutaneous, subcutaneous |
cyan-[93] | blue | Greek | κυανός (kuanós) | cyanic, cyanide, cyanogen, cyanophobia, cyanophore, cyanosis, cyanotic, isocyanic |
cycl-[94] | circle | Greek | κύκλος (kúklos), κυκλικός (kuklikós) | acyclic, anticyclone, anticyclonic, bicycle, cycle, cyclic, cyclide, cycloid, cyclone, cyclops, cyclosis, cyclotomic, dicyclic, eccyclema, epicycle, epicycloid, hemicycle, hemicyclium, heterocyclic, homocyclic, hypercycle, hypocycloid, isocyclic, mesocyclone, monocyclic, polycyclic, pseudocyclosis, tetracyclic, tricycle, tricyclic, unicycle |
cylind-[95] | roll | Greek | κυλίνδειν (kulíndein), κύλινδρος (kúlindros) | cylinder, cylindric, cylindroid, cylindroma, pseudocylindric |
cyn-[96] | dog | Greek | κύων, κυνός (kúōn, kunós) | cynic, cynicism, cynodont, cynology, cynophagy, cynophilia, cynophobia, Cynosaurus, cynosure, eucynodont |
cyst-[97] | capsule | Greek | κύστις (kústis) | cysteine, cystic, cysticercus, cystine, cystolith, cystoma, oocyst, polycystic |
cyt-[98] | cell | Greek | κύτος (kútos) | astrocyte, cnidocyte, cytapheresis, cytaster, cytokine, cytokinesis, cytokinin, cytology, cytoplasm, cytostasis, cytostatic, exocytosis, gonocyte, hypercytosis, leukocyte, leukocytosis, monocyte, monocytopoiesis, pancytopenia, phagocytosis, polycythaemia, polycythemia, syncytium |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
da-, dida-[99] (ΔΑ) | learn | Greek | δάω | autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic, didacticism |
dacry-[100] | tear | Greek | δάκρυον, δακρύειν, δάκρυμα (dákruma) | dacryoadenitis |
dactyl-[101] | digit, finger, toe | Greek | δάκτυλος (dáktulos) | anisodactyly, antidactylus, arachnodactyly, artiodactyl, brachydactyly, clinodactyly, dactyl, dactylic, dactylology, dactylomancy, dactylomegaly, dactylus, dactyly, date, didactyly, ectrodactyly, heterodactylous, heterodactyly, leptodactylous, monodactyly, oligodactyly, pamprodactyly, pentadactyl, pentadactylous, pentadactyly, perissodactyl, polydactyly, pterodactyl, schizodactyly, syndactylous, syndactyly, tetradactylous, tetradactyly, tridactyly, zygodactyly |
dam-[102] (ΔΑΜ) | tame | Greek | δάμασις (dámasis), ἀδάμας (adámas) "untameable, invincible" | adamant, adamantine, adamantinoma, Damian |
damn-, -demn- | to inflict loss upon | Latin | damnum, damnāre | condemn, condemnation, damage, damnation, indemnify, indemnity |
de-[103] | bind | Greek | δεῖν (deîn), δετός, δέσις (detós, désis), δέμα (déma), δεσμός (desmós), δέσμα (désma) | arthrodesis, asyndeton, desmid, desmitis, desmoid, desmoplasia, desmosome, diadem, plasmodesma, polysyndeton, syndesis, syndesmosis, syndetic, syndeton |
de- | down, away from, removing | Latin | dē | decay, decide, declare, decline, decompose, dedicate, deduce, defend, deletion, delineate, delude, demarcate, dementia, depress, derogatory, desecrate, descend, destroy, detract |
deb- | owe | Latin | debere, debitus | debit, debt |
dec-[104] | ten | Greek | δέκα (déka) "ten", δεκάς, δεκάδος (dekás, dekádos), δεκάκις (dekákis) "ten times", δεκαπλάσιος (dekaplásios) "ten-fold" | decad, decade, decagon, decagram, decahedron, Decalogue, decamer, decamerous, decameter, decapod, decathlon |
decim- | tenth part | Latin | decimus, tenth; from decem, ten | decimal, decimate, decimation, decimator, decuman, dime |
decor- | ornament | Latin | decorus "fit, proper" and decorare "to decorate", from decor "beauty, ornament" and decus "ornament" | decor, décor, decorament, decorate, decoration, decorative, decorator, decorous, decorum, redecorate |
del- | delete | Latin | delere (from dē + linere) | delete, deletion, indelible |
delt-[105] | D, d | Greek | Δ, δ, δέλτα (délta) | delta, deltoid |
dem-, dom-[106] | build | Greek | δέμειν (démein), δῶμα, δῶματος, δομή, δόμος (dómos), δέμας (démas) | apodeme, monodomy, opisthodomos, polydomy |
dem-[107] | people | Greek | δῆμος (dêmos) | Damocles, demagogue, deme, democracy, demographic, demography, demonym, demophobia, demotic, ecdemic, endemic, epidemic, epidemiology, pandemic |
den- | ten each | Latin | dēnī | denar, denarian, denarius, denary, denier, dinar, dinero, dinheiro |
dendr-[108] | tree | Greek | δένδρον (déndron); akin to δρύς (drús) "tree" | dendric, dendrite, dendrochronology, dendrogram, dendromancy, Epidendrum, rhododendron |
dens- | thick | Latin | densus | condensable, condensate, condensation, condensational, condensative, condense, dense, density, nondense, superdense |
dent- | tooth | Latin | dens, dentis | bident, bidental, dandelion, dental, dentary, dentate, dentation, dentelle, denticity, denticle, denticulate, dentiferous, dentiform, dentifrice, dentigerous, dentil, dentin, dentinal, dentine, dentition, denture, indent, indentation, indenture, interdental, interdentil, intradental, multidentate, quadridentate, trident, tridentate |
der-[109] | skin | Greek | δέρειν (dérein), δέρμα, δέρματος (dérma, dérmatos) | Dermaptera, dermatology, dermis, ectoderm, endoderm, epidermis, hypodermic, mesoderm, scleroderma, taxidermy, xeroderma |
despot-[110] | master | Greek | δεσπότης, δεσπότου, δεσποτικός, δεσποτεία, δεσποτίσκος | despot, despotic, despotism |
deuter-[111] | second | Greek | δεύτερος (deúteros) | deuteragonist, deuteranomaly, deuteranopia, deuteride, deuterium, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, Deuteromycota, deuteron, Deuteronomy, deuterostome |
dexi-[112] | right | Greek | δεξιός (dexiós) | Dexiarchia |
dexter- | right | Latin | dexter | ambidexterity, ambidextrous, dexterity, dexterous, dextral, dextrality, dextrin, dextrorse, dextrose |
di- | two | Greek | δι- (di-) | diatomic, dicot, digamy, diode, dipole |
dia-[113] | apart, through | Greek | διά (diá) | deacon, diagram, dialysis, diameter |
diacosi-[114] | two hundred | Greek | διακόσιοι (diakósioi), διακοσιάκις "two hundred times" | diacosigon, diacosipentecontaheptagon |
dic-, dict- | say, speak, proclaim | Latin | dīcere, dictus, dictare | benediction, condition, contradict, dictate, dictation, dictator, diction, dictionary, dictum, edict, indictment, interdiction, malediction, predict, prediction, valediction, verdict |
dida- | teach | Greek | διδάσκειν (didáskein) | autodidact, Didache, didact, didactic |
digit- | finger | Latin | digitus | bidigitate, digit, digital, digitate, digitiform, digitigrade, multidigit, multidigitate |
din-[115] | terrible, fearfully great | Greek | δεινός (deinós) | dinosaur |
dipl-[116] | twofold | Greek | διπλόος (diplóos), δίπλωσις (díplōsis), δίπλωμα (díplōma) | diploblasty, diploid, diploidy, diploma, diplomacy, diplomat, diplomatic, diplomatics, diplonema, diplophase, diplopia, diplosis, diplotene, haplodiploid, haplodiploidy |
do-[117] (ΔΟ[118]) | give | Greek | διδόναι (didónai), δοτός, (dotós,), δόσις (dósis), δόμα, δόματος (dóma, dómatos) δῶρον, διδόμενον | anecdote, antidoron, antidote, apodosis, dose |
doc-, doct- | teach | Latin | docere, doctus | docile, doctor, doctrine, document, indoctrinate, indoctrination |
dodec-[119] | twelve | Greek | δώδεκα (dṓdeka) | dodecagon, dodecahedron, Dodecanese, dodecaphony, dodecastyle, dodecasyllabic, hemidodecahedron |
dog-, dox- | opinion, tenet | Greek | δοκεῖν (dokeîn) "to appear, seem, think", δόξα (dóxa) "opinion", δόγμα (dógma) | dogma, dogmatic, dogmatism, doxology, heterodox, orthodox, paradox |
dol- | pain | Latin | dolere "to grieve", also dolus "grief" and dolor "pain" | condolence, dol, doleful, dolorous, indolence |
dom- | house | Latin | domus | dame, domal, dome, domestic, domesticate, domestication, domesticity, domestique, domicile, domiciliary, major-domo, semidome |
domin- | master | Latin | dominus "master"; (from domus "house") | beldam, beldame, belladonna, codomain, codominance, codominant, condominium, dam, dame, damsel, danger, demesne, demoiselle, domain, dominance, dominant, dominate, domination, dominative, dominator, dominatrix, domine, domineer, dominicide, dominion, dominium, domino, duenna, dungeon, madam, madame, mademoiselle, madonna, predominance, predominant, predominate, quasidominance, semidominance, subdominant, superdominant |
domit- | tame | Latin | domitare, frequentative of domare | daunt, domitable, indomitable |
don- | give | Latin | dōnum, donare | condonation, condone, donate, donation, donative, donator, donatory, donor, pardon, pardonable |
dorm- | sleep | Latin | dormire | dormant, dormitory |
dors- | back | Latin | dorsum | disendorse, dorsal, dorsiferous, dorsiflexion, dorsiflexor, dorsigrade, dorsiventral, dorsum, dossier, endorse, endorsee, endorsement, indorse, indorsement, reredos |
dra-[120] | do | Greek | δρᾶν (drân), δραστικός (drastikós), δρᾶσις (drâsis), δρᾶμα, δράματος (drâma, drámatos), δραματικός (dramatikós) | dramatic, dramaturgy, drastic, melodramatic, monodrama |
drach-[121] | grasp | Greek | δράσσεσθαι (drássesthai), δράγμα (drágma), δραχμή (drakhmḗ) | didrachm, drachm, drachma, dram, tetradrachm |
dram-, drom- (ΔΡΑΜ) | run | Greek | δραμεῖν (drameîn), δρόμος (drómos) | aerodrome, anadromous, antidromic, catadromous, diadromous, dromaeosaurid, heterodromous, hippodrome, loxodrome, monodromy, palindrome, syndrome |
dros-[122] | dew | Greek | δρόσος, δρόσου (drósos, drósou) | drosometer, Drosophila |
dry-[123] | tree | Greek | δρῦς, δρυός (drûs, druós), Δρυάς | dryad, dryadic, hamadryad |
du- | two | Latin | duo | deuce, doubt, dual, duality, duet, duo, duplex, duplicity, duumvirate, duumviri, nonduality |
dub- | doubtful | Latin | dubius | doubt, dubiety, dubious |
duc-, duct- | lead | Latin | ducere, ductus | abduce, abduct, adduce, adduct, conduce, deduce, induce, introduce, produce, reduce, seduce, traduce |
dulc- | sweet | Latin | dulcis | billet-doux, dolce, dolcetto, douce, doux, dulcet, dulcian, dulcify, dulcimer, edulcorant, edulcorate, subdulcid |
dur- | hard | Latin | durus, durare | dour, dura, durability, durable, durain, dural, duramen, durance, durancy, duration, durative, dure, duress, durity, durous, durum, endurable, endurance, endurant, endure, indurate, induration, nondurable, obduracy, obdurate, obduration, perdurable, perdurance, perdure, subdural |
dy-[124] | two | Greek | δύο (dúo), δυάς, δυάδος (duás, duádos) | dyad, dyadic |
dyna-[125] | power | Greek | δύνασθαι (dúnasthai), δυνατός, δύναμις (dúnamis), δυνάστης (dunástēs) | aerodynamic, aerodynamics, antidynastic, autodyne, didynamous, dynamic, dynamism, dynamite, dynamo, dynast, dynastic, dynasty, heterodyne, metadynamics |
dys- | badly, ill | Greek | δυσ- (dus-) | dysentery, dysphagia, dysphasia, dysplasia, dystrophy |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ec-[126] | out | Greek | ἐκ (ek) | eccentric, ecstasy, ecstatic |
ecclesi- | assembly, congregation | Greek | ἐκκλησία (ekklēsía) from ἐκκαλέω (ekkaléō) "I summon" or "I call out" | Ecclesiastes, ecclesiastical |
ech- | sound | Greek | ἠχή, ἠχώ, ἠχοῦς, ἠχεῖν (ēkheîn), ἤχημα | anechoic, catechesis, catechism, catechist, catechize, catechumen, echo, echoic |
eco- | house | Greek | οἶκος (oîkos) | ecology, economics, economy, ecumenism |
ecto-[127] | outside | Greek | ἐκτός (ektós) | ectoderm, ectoparasite, ectotherm |
ed-, es- | eat | Latin | edere, esus | comedo, comestible, edacity, edibility, edible, escarole, esculent, esurience, esurient, inedia, inedible, inescation, inescate, obese, obesity |
eg-[128] | goat | Greek | αἴξ, αἰγός (aíx, aigós) | egophony |
ego-[129] | self, I (first person) | Latin, Greek | ego, ἐγώ (egṓ) | egocentric, egocentrism, egoism, egoistic, egomania, egomaniac |
eiren- (iren-)[130] | peace | Greek | εἰρήνη (eirḗnē) "peace" | irenic (eirenic), irenology |
electr-[131] | amber | Greek | ἤλεκτρον (ḗlektron) | electric, electricity, electrolysis, electrolyte, electromagnetic, electron, electronic, polyelectrolyte |
elem-, alm-[132] | pity | Greek | ἔλεος, ἐλέου (éleos, eléou), ἐλεημοσύνη (eleēmosúnē) | almoner, alms, eleemosynary |
em-, empt- | buy | Latin | emere, emptus | adeem, adempt, ademption, exemption, preempt, redeem |
eme-[133] | vomit | Greek | ἐμεῖν (emeîn), ἔμετος (émetos) | antiemetic, emesis, emetic, emetine, emetophobia, haematemesis |
emul- | striving to equal, rivaling | Latin | aemulus, aemulare | emulator |
en-, el-, em-[134] | in | Greek | ἐν (en) | emphasis, enclitic, enthusiasm, ellipsis, elliptic |
enanti-[135] | opposite | Greek | ἐναντίος (enantíos) | enantiomer, enantiomerism, enantiomorph, enantiornithine |
encephal- | brain | Greek | ἐγκέφαλος (enképhalos) | encephalopathy |
endo-[136] | inside, within | Greek | ἔνδον (éndon) | endocardial, endocerid, endocrine, endocytosis, endogamy, endogenous, endoscopy, endoskeleton, endosperm, endospore |
engy-[137] | narrow | Greek | ἐγγύς (engús) | Engystomops, hypengyophobia |
ennea-[138] | nine | Greek | ἐννέα (ennéa), ἐννεάς, ἐννεάδος (enneás, enneádos) | ennead, enneadic, enneagon, enneagram, enneahedron, enneamer, enneastyle, enneasyllabic, enneode |
ens- | sword | Latin | ensis | ensiferous, ensiform |
eo-, eos-[139] | dawn, east | Greek | Ἠώς, Ἕως (Ēṓs, Héōs) | Eocene, eohippus, Eosentomon, eosin, eosinophil, eosinophilic, Eozoic |
ep-, epi-[140] | upon | Greek | ἐπί (epí) | ephedra, ephemeral, ephemeris, epicenter, epidemic, epilog, epiphany, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, epitaph, epitaphios, epithet, epitome, epoch, eponymous |
equ-, -iqu- | even, equal, level | Latin | aequus | equal, equanimity, equate, Equator, equilibrium, equinox, equipoise, equity, equivalence, equivocal, equivocate, iniquity |
equ- | horse | Latin | equus | equestrian |
ere-[141] | row | Greek | ἐρέσσειν (eréssein), ἐρέτης (erétēs) "rower", ἐρετμόν (eretmón), εἰρεσία | trireme, trierarch, hyperetes |
erg-, org-, urg-[142] | work | Greek | ϝέργον (wérgon), έργον (érgon), ἐργάτης (ergátēs), ὄργανον (órganon), ὀργανικός (organikós), ὄργια (órgia) | allergic, allergy, argon, demiurge, dramaturgy, endoergic, energetic, energy, erg, ergate, ergatocracy, ergodic, ergometer, ergonomics, ergophobia, exoergic, gamergate, georgic, heterorganic, homorganic, liturgy, metallurgy, microorganism, organ, organic, organism, organist, organize, organogenesis, organoid, organoleptic, orgiastic, orgy, parergon, surgeon, synergism, synergy, theurgic, theurgist, theurgy, zymurgy |
erot-[143] | (sexual) love | Greek | ἔρως, ἔρωτος (érōs, érōtos) | erogenous, erotic, erotomania, erotophilia, erotophobia |
err- | stray | Latin | errare | aberrance, aberrancy, aberrant, aberration, err, errant, erratic, erratum, erroneous, error, inerrant |
erythr-[144] | red | Greek | ἐρυθρός (eruthrós), ἐρύθημα (erúthēma) | erythema, Erythraean, erythraemia, erythroblastopenia, erythrocyte, erythrocytosis, erythromelalgia, erythrophobia, erythrophore, erythroprosopalgia |
eso-[145] | within | Greek | ἔσω (ésō) | esophoria, esoteric, esotericism, esotropia |
eth-[146] | custom, habit | Greek | ἐθεῖν (etheîn), ἦθος (êthos) | ethic, ethics, ethology, ethos |
ethm-[147] | sieve, sift | Greek | ἠθεῖν (ētheîn), ἠθμός (ēthmós); ἤθειν (ḗthein) | ethmoid |
ethn-[148] | people, race, tribe, nation | Greek | ἔθνος (éthnos), ἐθνικός (ethnikós) | ethnarch, ethnarchy, ethnic, ethnoarchaeology, ethnography, ethnomusicology, polyethnic |
etym-[149] | true | Greek | ἔτυμος (étumos) | etymologic, etymologicon, etymologist, etymologize, etymology, etymon |
eu-[150] | well, good | Greek | εὖ (eû) | aneuploidy, eudaemon (eudemon), eukaryote, euphony, euphoria, euphoric, euploid, euthanasia |
eur-[151] | wide | Greek | εὐρύς (eurús), εὖρος "breadth, width" | aneurysm, Europe, eurypterid, microaneurysm |
ex-, e-, ef- | from, out | Latin | ex | exclude, exist, exit, extend, extrude |
exo-[152] | outside | Greek | ἔξω (éxō) | exogamy, exoplanet, exoskeleton, exosome, exosphere, exoteric, exothermic, exotic, exoticism, exotropia |
extra- | outer | Latin | extra, extraneus and exterus | estrange, estrangement, exterior, extra, extraneous, extraordinary, strange |
extrem- | outermost, utmost | Latin | extremus | extreme, extremity, extremophile |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
fa-, fa (FA)[153] | say, speak | Latin | fārī, see also fatērī | affable, bifarious, confess, defamation, fable, fame, fascinate, fate, ineffability, infamy, infancy, infant, infantry, nefarious, preface, profess |
fab- | bean | Latin | faba | faba bean |
fac-, fact-, -fect-, -fic- (FAC)[154] | do, make | Latin | facere, factus | affair, affect, affectation, amplify, artifact, artifice, benefactor, benefice, benefit, confection, counterfeit, defeat, defect, disaffect, edifice, effect, effectible, effection, effective, effectivity, effector, effectual, effectuality, effectuate, effectuation, efficacious, efficacity, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, enface, enfacement, facade/façade, face, facet, facette, facial, faciend, facient, facile, facilitate, facilitation, facilitative, facilitator, facilitatory, facility, facinorous, facsimile, fact, faction, factional, factionary, factious, factitious, factor, factorable, factorial, factory, factotum, factual, fake, fashion, feasible, feat, feature, feckless, fiat, forfeit, infect, inofficious, interoffice, laissez-faire, malefaction, manufacture, modify, nonofficial, office, official, officiant, officiary, officiate, officious, olfaction, omnificence, omnificent, parfait, perfect, perfecta, perfectibility, perfectible, perfection, perfective, perfector, pluperfect, prefect, prefectural, prefecture, prequalification, proficiency, proficient, profit, profitability, profitable, profiteer, profiterole, prolific, qualification, quasiperfect, rarefy, refactorable, refashion, refect, refection, refectory, reinfect, remanufacture, resurface, reunification, sacrifice, scientific, semelfactive, suboffice, subprefect, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, superficial, superficiality, surface, surfeit, surficial, transfection, trifacial, trifecta, uniface, unifacial, unifactorial, unification |
falc- | sickle | Latin | falx, falcis | defalcation, falcate, falciform, falchion, falcon |
fall-, fallac-, fals- | false, deceive | Latin | fallere, falsus, fallāx, fallācis | default, fail, fallacious, fallacy, fallible, false, falsetto, falsify, falsity, fault |
famili- | a close attendant | Latin | famulus | familiarity, family |
fasc- | bundle | Latin | fascis | fasciculation, fascism |
fatu- | foolish, useless | Latin | fatuus | fatuous, infatuation |
feder- | treaty, agreement, contract, league, pact | Latin | foederāre, from foedus (genitive foederis); see also fides "faith" | confederacy, confederation, federal, federate, federation |
fel- | cat | Latin | fēlēs, fēlis | Felinae, feline |
felic- | happy, merry | Latin | fēlīx, fēlīcis | felicity |
fell- | suck | Latin | fellāre | fellation |
femin- | women, female | Latin | fēmina | femininity |
femor- | thigh | Latin | femur (genitive femoris) | femoral, femur |
fend-, fens- | strike | Latin | fendere, -fensus | defend, fend, offend, offense |
fenestr- | window | Latin | fenestra | defenestration |
fer- | to bear, carry | Latin | ferre | aquifer, circumference, confer, conifer, defer, differ, ferry, fertile, infer, Lucifer, offer, prefer, refer, suffer, transfer, vociferous |
ferv- | boil, glow | Latin | fervēre | ferment, fervent, fervid, fervor, perfervid |
feroc- | fierce | Latin | ferōx, ferōcis | ferocity |
ferr- | iron | Latin | ferrum | ferrous |
fet- | stink | Latin | fētēre | fetid, fetor |
fic- | fig | Latin | fīcus | Ficus, fig |
fid-, fis- | faith, trust | Latin | fidēs "faith, trust", from fidere "to trust" | confidante, confidence, confident, diffident, faith, fealty, fidelity, fiduciary, infidel, perfidious, perfidy |
fig-, fing-, fict- (FIG)[155] | to form, shape | Latin | fingere "to touch, handle; devise; fabricate, alter, change" | configure, disfigure, effigy, feign, fiction, fictitious, figment, figurine, nonfiction, transfigure |
fil- | thread | Latin | fīlum | defile, filament, file, filigree, fillet, profile |
fili- | son | Latin | filius | affiliation |
fin- | end | Latin | fīnis | affinity, confine, define, final, finale, finance, fine, finish, finite, infinite, refine |
find-, fiss- (FID)[156] | cleave, split | Latin | findere, fissus | fission, fissure |
firm- | firm, strong | Latin | firmus, firmāre | affirm, confirm, confirmation, firm, firmament, infirm |
fistul- | hollow, tube | Latin | fistula | fistula |
fix- | attach | Latin | fīxāre, frequentative of fīgere | affix, fix, fixation, fixture, prefix, suffix, transfix |
fl-, fla- (FLA)[157] | blow | Latin | flāre, flātus | afflatus, conflate, deflate, flatulence, flatus, flavor, flute, inflate, insufflation, soufflé, sufflate |
flacc- | flabby | Latin | flaccus, flaccere | flaccid |
flav- | yellow | Latin | flāvus | flavonoid |
flect-, flex- | bend | Latin | flectere, flexus | circumflex, deflect, flex, flexible, flexile, flexion, flexor, genuflection, inflect, inflection, reflect, reflection, reflex |
flig-, flict- | strike | Latin | flīgere, -flīctus | afflict, conflict, inflict, profligacy, profligate |
flor- | flower | Latin | flōs, flōris | floral, florid |
flu-, fluv-, flux- | flow | Latin | fluere, fluxus | affluent, confluence, effluent, fluctuate, fluctuation, fluency, fluent, fluid, fluidity, flush, fluvial, flux, influence, influx, superfluous |
foc- | hearth | Latin | focus | bifocal, focal, focus |
fod-, foss- | dig | Latin | fodere, fossus | fossil |
foen- | hay | Latin | foenum | Foeniculum |
foli- | leaf | Latin | folium | defoliant |
font- | spring | Latin | fōns, fontis | font, fontal, fontanelle |
for- | bore, drill | Latin | forāre, forātus | foralite, foramen, foraminifer, perforation |
form- | shape | Latin | fōrma | conform, deform, form, formal, formation, formula, formulate, inform, perform, reform, uniform |
formic- | ant | Latin | formīca | formaldehyde, formic acid |
fornic- | vault | Latin | fornix, fornicis | fornication |
fort- | strong | Latin | fortis | force, fort, forte, fortify, fortitude, fortress |
fove- | shallow round depression | Latin | fovea | fovea |
frag-, frang-, -fring-, fract- | break | Latin | frangere, frāctus | defray, diffract, fractal, fraction, fractious, fracture, fragile, fragment, frangible, fray, infraction, infringe, refract, refractory, refrain |
frater-, fratr- | brother | Latin | frāter | fraternal, fraternity |
fric-, frict- | rub | Latin | fricāre, frictus | dentifrice, friction |
frig- | cold | Latin | frīgere | frigid, frigorific |
front- | forehead | Latin | frōns, frontis | confront, frontage, frontal |
fruct-, frug- | fruit | Latin | frūx, frūgis; frū̆ctus | fructose, frugivorous |
fug-, fugit- | flee | Latin | fugere | centrifuge, fugacious, fugitive, refuge |
fum- | smoke | Latin | fūmus | fume, fumigation |
fund- | bottom | Latin | fundāre "to found", from fundus "bottom, foundation" | found, founder, foundation, fund, fundament, fundamental, fundamentalism, profound, profundity |
fund-, fus- | pour | Latin | fundere, fūsus | confound, diffusion, effusion, effusive, found, fusion, infusion, perfusion, profuse, profusion, refund, suffusion, transfusion |
fulmin- | flash | Latin | fulmen "lightning flash" | fulminant, fulminate, fulmination |
fung-, funct- | do | Latin | fungī, fūnctus | function, fungibility |
fur-, furt- | thief, steal | Latin | fūr (genitive fūris) "thief", fūrāre | ferret, furtive |
furc- | fork | Latin | furca | bifurcation |
fusc- | dark | Latin | fuscus | fuscous, obfuscate, obfuscation |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
galact-[158] (ΓΛΑΚ)[159] | milk | Greek | γάλα, γάλακτος (gála, gálaktos) | galactagogue, galactic, galactorrhea, lactose, polygala, polygalactia |
gam-[160] | marriage, wedding | Greek | γάμος (gámos), γαμεῖν (gameîn), γαμέτης (gamétēs), γαμετή (gametḗ) | agamic, agamogenesis, agamospermy, agamy, allogamy, anisogamete, anisogamy, apogamy, autogamy, cleistogamous, cleistogamy, cryptogam, deuterogamist, deuterogamy, digamous, digamy, endogamous, endogamy, exogamous, exogamy, gamete, gametic, gametocyte, gametogenesis, gametophyte, geitonogamy, heterogametic, heterogamous, heterogamy, homogametic, karyogamy, misogamy, monogamous, monogamy, oogamy, planogamete, plasmogamy, polygamist, polygamy |
gamb- | leg | Latin | gamba | gam, gambit, gambol, gammon |
gamm-[161] | G, g | Greek | Γ, γ, γάμμα (gámma) | gamma |
gar- (GAR)[162] | chatter | Latin | garrire | gargantuan, gargle, gargoyle, garrulous, jargon |
gargal- | tickle | Greek | γαργαλίζειν (gargalízein), γαργαλιζόμενον (gargalizómenon), γαργαλισμός (gargalismós) | gargalesis, gargalesthesia, hypergargalesthesia |
gargar- | gargle | Greek | γαργαρίζειν (gargarízein), γαργαρισμός (gargarismós), γαργαρεών | gargarize |
gastr-[163] | stomach | Greek | γαστήρ, γαστρός (gastḗr, gastrós) | epigastric, epigastrium, gasteroid, gastric, gastrin, gastritis, gastroenterologist, gastroenterology, gastrolith, gastronomic, gastronomy, gastroparesis, gastropod, gastroptosis, gastroschisis, gastrotrich, mesogastric, Myxogastria |
ge-, geo-[164] | earth | Greek | γῆ (gê), γαῖα, γαίας (gaîa, gaías), γεω- (geō-) | apogee, biogeography, epigeous, Gaia, geocentric, geocentrism, geode, geodesy, geodetic, geography, geoid, geology, geomancy, geometry, geomorphology, geophysicist, geophysics, georgic, Georgics, geosphere, geostatic, geostrophic, geosynchronous, geosyncline, hypogeous, hypogeum, Pangea, perigee |
geiton-[165] | neighbor | Greek | γείτων, γείτονος (geítōn, geítonos), γειτόνημα | geitonogamy |
gel- | icy cold | Latin | gelum | congeal, congelation, gel, gelati, gelatin, gelatinous, gelation, gelato, gelée, gelid, gelifluction, gelignite, jellification, jelly |
gen-, gon-[166] (ΓΕΝ)[167] | birth, beget, race, kind | Greek | γίγνεσθαι (gígnesthai), and related γένος (génos), γενετικός (genetikós), γένεσις (génesis); see also γενεά (geneá) | allergen, anagenesis, antigen, autogenesis, autogenous, biogenesis, dysgenic, endogen, endogenous, epigene, epigenesis, epigenetics, epigone, erogenous, Eugene, eugenic, eugenics, exogenous, gametogenesis, gene, genealogy, genesis, genetic, genocide, genotype, gonad, heterogeneous, homogenesis, homogenetic, homogeneous, hydrogen, hypogene, hypogenesis, hypogenic, hypogenous, monogenic, oogenesis, paragenesis, pathogen, polygenous, progenesis, pseudogene, spermatogenesis |
gen- (GEN)[168] | beget | Latin | gignere, genitus, genus (genitive generis), see also generare | congenial, engender, gender, generate, generation, genial, genius, genital, genitive, genteel, gentle, genuine, genus, indigenous, ingenious, ingenuous, primogenitor, progeny |
gephyr-[169] | bridge | Greek | γέφυρα (géphura), γεφυρόω | gephyrophobia |
ger-[170] | old | Greek | γέρων, γέροντος (gérōn, gérontos) "old man", γηράσκω "grow old" | erigeron, gerascophobia, geriatric, geriatrics, gerontocracy, gerontology, gerontophile, gerontophilia, gerontophobia, gerontoplast, gerousia, progeria, progeroid |
ger-, gest- (GES)[171] | bear, carry | Latin | gerere, gestus | agger, congest, digest, gerundive, gestation, register, suggest, vicegerent |
geran-[172] | crane | Greek | γέρανος (géranos), γεράνιον (geránion), γερανώδης | Geranium |
germ- | sprout | Latin | germen, germinis | germ, German, germane, germicide, germinal, germinate, germination, nongermane, regerminate |
geu-[173] (ΓΕΥΣ)[174] | taste | Greek | γεύειν (geúein), γεύεσθαι (geúesthai), γεῦσις, γευόμενον | ageusia, dysgeusia, hypergeusia, hypogeusia, parageusia |
glabr- | hairless | Latin | glaber | glabella, glabellar, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrous |
glaci- | ice | Latin | glacies | glacé, glacial, glaciation, glacier, glacious, glacis, glance |
gladi- | sword | Latin | gladius | gladiator, gladiolus |
glauc-[175] | gray | Greek | γλαυκός (glaukós), γλαυκότης, γλαύξ, γλαῦκος | glaucophane, Glaucopsyche |
glia-[176] | glue | Greek | γλία (glía) | glial, glioblastoma, glioma, gliosis, microglia, neuroglia |
glob- | sphere | Latin | globus | global, globate, globe, globose, globosity, globular, globule, globulin, inglobate |
glori- | glory | Latin | gloria | gloriation, glorification, glorify, gloriole, glorious, glory, inglorious, vainglorious, vainglory |
gloss-, glot-[177] | tongue | Greek | γλῶσσα (glôssa), γλωττίς (glōttís) | aglossia, anthropoglot, aryepiglottic, diglossia, epiglottis, gloss, glossary, glossophobia, glottis, heterogloss, heteroglossia, idioglossia, isogloss, monoglot, monoglottism, polyglot, polyglottism |
glut-[178] | rump | Greek | γλουτός (gloutós) | gluteus |
glutin- | glue | Latin | gluten, glutinis | agglutinant, agglutinate, agglutination, agglutinative, glue, glutelin, gluten, glutinosity, glutinous, nonagglutinative |
glyc-[179] | sweet | Greek | γλυκύς (glukús) | glycogen, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycolipid, glycophyte, glycoprotein, glycoside, glycosidic, hypoglycaemia |
glyph-[180] | carve | Greek | γλύφειν (glúphein), γλυφή (gluphḗ), γλυπτός (gluptós), γλυπτικός (gluptikós) | aglyphous, anaglyph, ditriglyph, ditriglyphic, glyph, glyptic, Glyptodon, glyptograph, hieroglyph, hieroglyphic, monotriglyph, opisthoglyphous, petroglyph, proteroglyphous, solenoglyphous |
gnath-[181] | jaw | Greek | γνάθος (gnáthos), γναθμός | Agnatha, agnathous, chilognath, compsognathus, endognathion, epignathous, exognathion, gnathic, gnathophyma, hypognathous, hystricognath, mesognathion, mesognathous, prognathism |
gno-[182] (ΓΝΩ)[183] | know | Greek | γιγνώσκειν (gignṓskein), γνῶναι, γνωτός (gnônai, gnōtós), γνωστός (gnōstós), γνωστικός (gnōstikós), γνῶσις (gnôsis), γνῶσμα, γνώμη (gnôsma, gnṓmē), γνώμων (gnṓmōn) | agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, anagnorisis, diagnosis, dysanagnosia, gnomic, gnomon, gnomonic, gnosia, gnosis, Gnostic, gnosticism, pathognomonic, physiognomy, prognosis, telegnosis |
gnosc-, -gnit- | know | Latin | gnoscere | acquaint, acquaintance, agnition, agnize, cognition, cognitional, cognitive, cognitivity, cognizable, cognizance, cognizant, cognize, cognoscence, cognoscenti, cognoscible, cognovit, connoisseur, ennoble, ennoblement, ignoble, ignorant, ignoscible, incognito, nobiliary, nobilitate, nobilitation, nobility, noble, note, notice, noticeable, notion, notional, notionality, notoriety, notorious, precognition, quaint, reacquaint, recognition, recognize, reconnaissance, reconnoiter, reconnoitre |
gon-[184] | corner, angle, knee | Greek | γωνία (gōnía), γόνυ (gónu) | goniometer, gonion, gonioscope, gonitis, gonyaulax, gonycampsis, hexagon, pentagon, polygon, trigon, trigonometry |
grad-, gred-, gress- (GRAD)[185] | walk, step, go | Latin | gradi, gressus "to step", from gradus "step" | aggradation, aggression, antegrade, anterograde, centigrade, degrade, degree, egress, gradation, grade, gradient, gradine, gradual, graduality, graduate, graduation, gree, ingress, multigrade, nongraduate, postgraduate, progradation, prograde, progress, regress, retrogradation, retrograde, saltigrade, tardigrade, transgress |
gramm- | letter, writing | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γράμμα, γράμματος (grámma, grámmatos), γραμματικός (grammatikós) | anagram, anagrammatic, diagram, diagrammatic, engram, epigram, epigrammatic, grammar, grammatic, grammaticist, hologram, lipogram, monogram, pangrammatic, pentagram, program, programmatic, telegram, telegramme, tetragram, tetragrammaton, trigram |
gran- | grain | Latin | grānum | degranulation, engrain, filigree, garner, garnet, grain, granary, grange, granger, granite, granivore, granivorous, granivory, granola, granular, granularity, granulate, granulation, granule, grenade, grogram, grosgrain, ingrain, multigrain, pomegranate |
grand- | grand | Latin | grandis | aggrandisement, grandee, grandeur, grandific, grandiloquent, grandiloquous, grandiose, grandiosity, grandioso, grandity |
graph-[186] | draw, write | Greek | γράφειν (gráphein), γραφικός (graphikós), γραφή (graphḗ), γραφία (graphía), γραφεῖον (grapheîon) | allograft, anepigraphic, autograft, autograph, digraph, epigraphic, epigraphy, graft, graph, grapheme, graphemics, graphene, graphic, graphite, graphology, graphomania, graphospasm, heterograph, hexagraph, holography, homograph, isograft, logographic, micrograph, monograph, orthography, paragraph, photograph, photographic, photomicrograph, polygraph, pseudepigraphy, syngraft, telegraph, telegraphy, tetragraph, trigraph |
grat- | thank, please | Latin | grātus, see also gratia | aggrace, agree, agreeable, agreeance, agreement, congratulant, congratulate, congratulatory, congree, disagree, disagreeable, disagreement, disgrace, grace, graciosity, gracioso, gracious, gratification, gratify, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuity, gratulant, gratulate, gratulation, gratulatory, grazioso, gree, ingrate, ingratiate, ingratiation, ingratitude, maugre, noncongratulatory, nongratuitous |
grav- | heavy | Latin | gravis | aggravate, aggravation, aggravative, aggravator, aggrieve, aggrievement, degravation, gravamen, grave, gravid, gravida, gravidity, gravitas, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational, gravity, grief, grieve, grievance, grievant, grievous, ingravescence, ingravescent, multigravida, multigravidity, nongravitational, nulligravida, primigravida, reaggravate, supergravity |
greg- | flock, herd | Latin | grex, gregis | aggregate, aggregation, aggregator, congregant, congregate, congregation, congregational, desegregate, desegregation, disaggregate, disgregate, disgregation, egregious, gregarian, gregarine, gregarious, intercongregational, segregate, segregation |
gryp-[187] | hooked | Greek | γρυπός (grupós), γρυπότης, γρύπωσις (grupótēs, grúpōsis) | arthrogryposis, Grypoceras, Gryposaurus |
gubern- | govern, pilot | Latin | gubernare | gubernatorial |
gust- | taste | Latin | gustus | disgust, gustatory, gusto, gustoso |
gutt- | drop | Latin | gutta | gout, gutta, guttate, guttifer, guttiform |
guttur- | throat | Latin | guttur | goitre, guttural |
gymn-[188] | nude | Greek | γυμνός (gumnós) | gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastics, gymnophobia, gymnoplast, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, gymnospore |
gyn-, gynaec-[189] | woman | Greek | γυνή, γυναικός, (gunḗ, gunaikós) | acrogynous, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, epigyne, epigynous, epigynum, gymnogynous, gynaeceum, gynaecocracy, gynarchy, gyne, gynecocracy, gynecology, gynecomastia, gynodioecious, gynoecium, gynoid, gynophobia, heterogynous, hypogynous, misogynist, monogyny, oligogyny, philogyny, polygynist, polygyny |
gyr-[190] | ring | Greek | γῦρος (gûros), γυρός (gurós) | agyria, autogyro, gyre, gyrectomy, gyrencephalic, gyrodyne, gyroid, gyromagnetic, gyromancy, gyroscope, gyrosphere, gyrostat, gyrostatic gyrotropic, gyrus, microgyrus, micropolygyria, pachygyria, polygyria, polymicrogyria, ulegyria |
gyrin- | tadpole | Greek | γυρός, γυρῖνος (gurós, gurînos), γυρινώδης (gurinṓdēs) | Gyrinophilus |
- ăb, ā. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ἄβαξ in Liddell and Scott
- ἀκή in Liddell and Scott
- ἀκή in Liddell and Scott
- ἀκαρί in Liddell and Scott
- ἀκτίς in Liddell and Scott
- ad. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ἀδήν in Liddell and Scott
- ἀείρω in Liddell and Scott
- ἀήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ἄγω in Liddell and Scott
- ἀγάπη in Liddell and Scott
- ἀγρός in Liddell and Scott
- αἴλουρος in Liddell and Scott
- ἀλκυών in Liddell and Scott
- ἀλέω in Liddell and Scott
- ἄλγος in Liddell and Scott
- ἄλλος in Liddell and Scott
- ἀλλήλων in Liddell and Scott
- ἄλφα in Liddell and Scott
- ἀμβλύς in Liddell and Scott
- ἄμμος in Liddell and Scott
- ἀμνός in Liddell and Scott
- ἀμφί in Liddell and Scott
- ἀμυγδάλη in Liddell and Scott
- ἀνά in Liddell and Scott
- ἀνήρ in Liddell and Scott
- ἄνεμος in Liddell and Scott
- ἀντί in Liddell and Scott
- antĕ. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- ἀνθέω in Liddell and Scott
- ἀπό in Liddell and Scott
- ἄρσην in Liddell and Scott
- ἀσκός in Liddell and Scott
- ἄσπρος in Liddell and Scott
- ἀθάρη in Liddell and Scott
- αὐτός in Liddell and Scott
- αὔξω in Liddell and Scott
- ἀξία in Liddell and Scott
- ἄξων in Liddell and Scott
- βαίνω in Liddell and Scott
- βαίνω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- βάλλω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- βάπτω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- βαρύς in Liddell and Scott
- βίβλος in Liddell and Scott
- βιόω in Liddell and Scott
- βλαστάνω in Liddell and Scott
- βῶλος in Liddell and Scott
- βομβέω in Liddell and Scott
- βραχύς in Liddell and Scott
- βραδύς in Liddell and Scott
- βρόμος in Liddell and Scott
- βρόγχος in Liddell and Scott
- βροντή in Liddell and Scott
- βροτός in Liddell and Scott
- βούτυρον in Liddell and Scott
- βυσσός in Liddell and Scott
- βύσσος in Liddell and Scott
- κακός in Liddell and Scott
- καλύπτω in Liddell and Scott
- καπνός in Liddell and Scott
- καρδία in Liddell and Scott
- καρπός in Liddell and Scott
- καρπός in Liddell and Scott
- καθαρός in Liddell and Scott
- καινός in Liddell and Scott
- κοινός in Liddell and Scott
- χαίτη in Liddell and Scott
- χείρ in Liddell and Scott
- χλωρός in Liddell and Scott
- χορδή in Liddell and Scott
- χρόνος in Liddell and Scott
- χρυσός in Liddell and Scott
- κιρρός in Liddell and Scott
- κλάδος in Liddell and Scott
- καλέω in Liddell and Scott
- κόχλος in Liddell and Scott
- cum. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- "In compounds com- was unchanged before b, p, m, and in comes and its derivatives; m was usu. assimilated before r, sometimes before l, but was usu. dropped before n; before other consonants m became n, but conicio was written for coniicio. Before a vowel (or h) m was dropped."
- κῶνος in Liddell and Scott
- κόπρος in Liddell and Scott
- κόραξ in Liddell and Scott
- κόσμος in Liddell and Scott
- κοτύλη in Liddell and Scott
- κρανίον in Liddell and Scott
- κρηπίς in Liddell and Scott
- κρίκος in Liddell and Scott
- κρίνω in Liddell and Scott
- κροσσοί in Liddell and Scott
- κρύπτω in Liddell and Scott
- κτείς in Liddell and Scott
- κύβος in Liddell and Scott
- κυανός in Liddell and Scott
- κύκλος in Liddell and Scott
- κυλίνδω in Liddell and Scott
- κύων in Liddell and Scott
- κύστις in Liddell and Scott
- κύτος in Liddell and Scott
- δάω in Liddell and Scott
- δάκρυον in Liddell and Scott
- δάκτυλος in Liddell and Scott
- δαμάζω in Liddell and Scott
- δέω in Liddell and Scott
- δέκα in Liddell and Scott
- δέλτα in Liddell and Scott
- δέμω in Liddell and Scott
- δῆμος in Liddell and Scott
- δένδρον in Liddell and Scott
- δέρω in Liddell and Scott
- δεσπότης in Liddell and Scott
- δεύτερος in Liddell and Scott
- δεξιός in Liddell and Scott
- διά in Liddell and Scott
- διακόσιοι in Liddell and Scott
- δεινός in Liddell and Scott
- διπλόος in Liddell and Scott
- δίδωμι in Liddell and Scott
- δίδωμι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- δώδεκα in Liddell and Scott
- δράω in Liddell and Scott
- δράσσομαι in Liddell and Scott
- δρόσος in Liddell and Scott
- δρῦς in Liddell and Scott
- δύο in Liddell and Scott
- δύναμαι in Liddell and Scott
- ἐκ in Liddell and Scott
- ἐκτός in Liddell and Scott
- αἴξ in Liddell and Scott
- ἐγώ in Liddell and Scott
- εἰρήνη in Liddell and Scott
- ἤλεκτρον in Liddell and Scott
- ἔλεος in Liddell and Scott
- ἐμέω in Liddell and Scott
- ἐν in Liddell and Scott
- ἐναντίος in Liddell and Scott
- ἔνδον in Liddell and Scott
- ἐγγύς in Liddell and Scott
- ἐννέα in Liddell and Scott
- ἠώς in Liddell and Scott
- ἐπί in Liddell and Scott
- ἐρέσσω in Liddell and Scott
- ἔργον in Liddell and Scott
- ἔρως in Liddell and Scott
- ἐρυθρός in Liddell and Scott
- ἔσω in Liddell and Scott
- ἔθω in Liddell and Scott
- ἠθέω in Liddell and Scott
- ἔθνος in Liddell and Scott
- ἔτυμος in Liddell and Scott
- εὖ in Liddell and Scott
- εὐρύς in Liddell and Scott
- ἔξω in Liddell and Scott
- for. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- faciō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- fingō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- findō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- flō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- γάλα in Liddell and Scott
- γάλα in Middle Liddell and Scott
- γάμος in Liddell and Scott
- γάμμα in Liddell and Scott
- garriō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- γαστήρ in Liddell and Scott
- γῆ in Liddell and Scott
- γείτων in Liddell and Scott
- γίγνομαι in Liddell and Scott
- γίγνομαι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- gīgnō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- γέφυρα in Liddell and Scott
- γέρων in Liddell and Scott
- gerō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- γέρανος in Liddell and Scott
- γεύω in Liddell and Scott
- γεύω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- γλαυκός in Liddell and Scott
- γλία in Liddell and Scott
- γλῶσσα in Liddell and Scott
- γλουτός in Liddell and Scott
- γλυκύς in Liddell and Scott
- γλύφω in Liddell and Scott
- γνάθος in Liddell and Scott
- γιγνώσκω in Liddell and Scott
- γιγνώσκω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- γόνυ in Liddell and Scott
- gradus. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- γράφω in Liddell and Scott
- γρυπός in Liddell and Scott
- γυμνός in Liddell and Scott
- γυνή in Liddell and Scott
- γῦρος in Liddell and Scott
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