List of Greek and Latin roots in English/P–Z
The following is an alphabetical list of Greek and Latin roots, stems, and prefixes commonly used in the English language from P to Z. See also the lists from A to G and from H to O.
Some of those used in medicine and medical technology are not listed here but instead in the entry for List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes.
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
pac- | peace | Latin | pax, pacis | appease, Pacific, pacifism, pacifist, pacify |
pach-[1] | thick | Greek | παχύς (pakhús), πάχος, πάχεος (pákhos, pákheos) | pachydermata, pachyglossia, pachynsis, Pachypodium |
pact- | fasten | Latin | pangere "to fix, fasten" | compact, impact, impaction, impinge, page, propagate |
pact- | agreement | Latin | pacisci "to covenant, to agree, make a treaty" | pact |
pae-[2] | strike | Greek | παίειν (paíein), (paistos) | anapaest, anapaestic, anapest, anapestic |
paed-, ped-[3] | child | Greek | παῖς, παιδός (paîs, paidós), παιδικός (paidikós) | orthopedic, paediatric, paedogenesis, paedomorphism, page, pedagogue, pedagogy, pedant, pedantic, pediatric, pedodontics, pedophilia |
pagin- | page | Latin | pagina | pagination |
pal- | stake | Latin | palus | impale, impalement, pale, palisade, pole, travail, travel |
palae-, pale-[4] | ancient, old | Greek | παλαιός (palaiós) | paleo diet, paleobiology, paleobotanic, Paleocene, Paleogene, Paleolithic, paleology, paleomagnetism, paleontology, paleopolyploidy, paleopsychology, Paleozoic |
palin-, palim-[5] | back | Greek | πάλιν (pálin) | palimpsest, palindrome, palingenesis, palinspastic |
pall- | be pale | Latin | pallere | pallid, pallor |
palli- | cloak | Latin | palliare "to cover, cloak", from pallium "cloak" | pall, palliate, palliative, pallium |
palm- | palm | Latin | palma | palmate |
palp- | touch | Latin | palpare | palp, palpable, palpate, palpation, palpitant, palpitation |
palustr- | in marshes | Latin | paluster | palustral |
pan- | Pan | Greek | πάειν, Πάν (Pán), Πανικός (Panikós) | panic |
pan-, pam-[6] | all | Greek | πᾶς, παντός (pantós), πᾶν (pân), πασῶν, παντότης, πάντοθεν | diapason, panacea, pandemic, pandemonium, panoply, panoptic, pantology, parrhesia |
pan- | bread | Latin | pānis | accompaniment, accompany, appanage, companion, company, empanada, impanate, impanation, panelle, panetela, panetella, panettone, panivorous, pannier, pantry |
pand-, pans- | spread | Latin | pandere, pansus/passus | compass, dispand, dispansion, encompass, encompassment, expand, expanse, expansion, expansive, expansivity, impassable, impasse, pace, pandiculate, pandiculation, passus, repand, spawn, subrepand |
par-, para-[7] | beside, near | Greek | παρά (pará) | parable, parabola, parallel, parallelepiped, parameter, parapagus |
par- | equal | Latin | par | compare, disparage, par, parity, peer, subpar |
par- | order, prepare, provide, procure | Latin | parare | apparat, apparatus, co-emperor, comprador, disparate, disrepair, dissever, disseverance, emperor, empery, empire, empress, imperant, imperative, imperator, imperious, inseparable, irreparable, parade, pare, parison, parry, parure, preparation, preparative, preparatory, prepare, repair, reparable, reparation, reparative, separability, separable, separate, separation, separative, separator, separatory, separatrix, sever, severability, severable, several, severance, vituperate |
par-, para-[8] | beside, near | Greek | παρά (pará) | parable, paradox, parallel, parameter, parody |
parc-, pars- | spare, save | Latin | parcere, parsus | parcity, parsimonious, parsimony |
pariet- | wall | Latin | paries, parietis | parietal |
part- | part | Latin | pars, partis | apart, bipartite, compartment, depart, impartial, parcel, part, partial, participate, particle, partisan, partition |
parthen-[9] | virgin | Greek | παρθένος (parthénos) | parthenocarpy, parthenogenesis, Parthenon, Parthenope |
parv- | little | Latin | parvus | parvovirus, parvorder |
pasc-, past- | feed | Latin | pāscere, pāstus | antepast, antipasto, pabulum, pastel, pastern, pastiglia, pastille, pastor, pastorage, pastoral, pastorale, pastorate, pastorium, pasturable, pasturage, pastural, pasture, repast, repasture |
pass-[10] | sprinkle | Greek | πάσσειν (pássein), παστός (pastós) | paste |
pass- | pace, step | Latin | passus | |
passer- | sparrow | Latin | passer | passeriform, passerine |
pat-[11] | path | Greek | πάτος (pátos), πατεῖν (pateîn), πατητός, πατητής, πατητήριον | peripatetic, peripateticism |
pat- | be open | Latin | patere | impatent, patefaction, patella, patellar, patelliform, paten, patency, patent, patera, patin |
path-[12] | feeling, disease | Greek | πάσχειν (páskhein), παθητικός (pathētikós), πάθος (páthos) | allopath, allopathy, antipathy, apathetic, apathy, empathy, etiopathogenesis, homeopathic, homeopathy, idiopathic, pathetic, pathoclisis, pathogen, pathogenesis, pathogenic, pathologist, pathology, pathos, psychopath, psychopathic, psychopathy, sympathectomy, sympathetic, sympathy |
pater-, patr-[13] | father | Greek | πατήρ, πατρός (patḗr, patrós), πατριά (patriá), πατριώτης (patriṓtēs) | allopatric, allopatry, eupatrides, patriarch, patriarchy, patriot, patriotic, patriotism, patrology, patronym, patronymic, sympatric, sympatry |
pater-, patr- | father | Latin | pater (genitive patris) | compadre, compaternity, compère, impetrate, impetration, impetrative, impetrator, Jupiter, padre, padrone, paterfamilias, paternal, paternity, paternoster, patriate, patriation, Patricia, patrician, patriciate, patricidal, patricide, Patrick, patriclinous, patricliny, patrifocal, patrilateral, patrilineage, patrilineal, patrilineality, patrilinear, patrilocal, patrilocality, patrimonial, patrimony, patron, patronage, patronal, patronate, patroness, patroon, patter, pattern, père, perpetrable, perpetrate, perpetration, perpetrator, repatriate, repatriation |
pati-, pass- | suffer, feel, endure, permit | Latin | pati, passus | compassion, compassionate, compatibility, compatible, dispassion, dispassionate, impassible, impassion, impassive, impassivity, impatible, impatience, impatient, incompatibility, incompatible, interpatient, noncompatible, nonpassible, passibility, passible, passion, passional, passionary, passionate, passive, passivity, patible, patience, patient, patientive, perpession |
pauc- | few | Latin | paucus | paucal, pauciloquent, paucity |
pav- | beat | Latin | pavire | pavage, pave, pavement, pavior |
pecc- | sin | Latin | peccatum "sin, fault, error", from peccare "to miss, mistake" | impeccable, peccadillo, peccant, peccavi |
pect- | fixed | Greek | πηκτός (pēktós) | pectic, pectin |
pector- | chest | Latin | pectus, pectoris | pectoral |
pecu- | property | Latin | pecunia "property", from pecu "cattle" | peculiar, pecuniary, pecunious |
ped- | foot | Latin | pes, pedis | biped, bipedal, centipedal, centipede, decempedal, expediency, expedient, expeditate, expedite, expedition, expeditionary, expeditious, impeach, impeachable, impeachment, impede, impediment, impedition, impeditive, inexpedient, interpetiolar, intrapetiolar, millipede, multiped, multipede, octopede, oppidum, pawn, pedal, pedate, pedatifid, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicel, pedicle, pedicure, pediform, pedigerous, pedigree, peduncle, pedunculate, peon, peonage, petiolar, petiolate, petiole, petiolular, petiolulate, petiolule, piedfort, piedmont, pioneer, quadruped, quadrupedal, repedation, revamp, semiped, semipedal, sesquipedal, stapes, stapedius, subpetiolate, suppedaneum, tripedal, trivet, vamp, velocipede |
peg-, pect-[14] | fix | Greek | πηγνύναι (pēgnúnai), πηκτός (pēktós), πηκτικός (pēktikós), πῆξις (pêxis), πῆγμα (pêgma), πάγη (págē), πάγος (págos), πάγιος (págios), παγιότης (pagiótēs), πάσσαλος (pássalos) | hysteropexy, pagophobia, parapagus, pectic, pectin, rheopectic, rheopecty, rheopexy |
pejor- | worse | Latin | pejor | pejorative |
pel-[15] | clay, mud | Greek | πηλός (pēlós) | pelite, pelitic |
pelag-[16] | sea | Greek | πέλαγος (pélagos), πελαγικός (pelagikós) | abyssopelagic, allopelagic, archipelagic, archipelago, bathypelagic, epipelagic, hadopelagic, mesopelagic, pelagic, pelagonym |
pelarg-[17] | stork | Greek | πελαργός (pelargós), πελαργώδης | pelargonic, Pelargonium |
pell-, puls- | drive, push | Latin | pellere, pulsus | appulse, compel, compulsory, dispel, expel, expulsion, impel, impulse, propel, propellent, propulsion, propulsive, propulsor, pulsate, pulse, push, repel, repellent, repulsive |
pemp-, pomp- | send | Greek | πέμπειν (pémpein), πομπή (pompḗ) | apopemptic, hypnopompic, pomp, psychopomp |
pen- | almost | Latin | paene | peninsula, penultimate, penumbra |
pen-, poen-, puni- | punish | Latin | punire "punish" (earlier poenire), from poena "punishment" | impune, impunity, pain, penal, penalize, penalty, penance, penitence, penitent, penitentiary, pine, punish, punitive, repent, subpoena |
pend-, pens- | hang | Latin | pensare, frequentative of pendere | append, penchant, pendant, pending, pendulum, pensive, prepense, suspend, suspense |
penia- | deficiency | Greek | πενία (penía) | leukopenia |
penn-, pinn- | feather | Latin | penna, pinna | pennate, pinnacle, pinnate, pinnule |
pent-[18] | five | Greek | πέντε (pénte), πεντάς, πεντάδος (pentás, pentádos), πεντάκις (pentákis) "five times", πενταπλάσιος (pentaplásios) "five-fold", πενταχοῦ | diapente, pentachoric, pentad, pentagon, pentagram, pentalpha, pentapolis, pentatonic, pentatope, pentode |
pentacosi-[19] | five hundred | Greek | πεντακόσιοι (pentakósioi) | pentacosiomedimni |
pentecont-[20] | fifty | Greek | πεντήκοντα (pentḗkonta), πεντηκοντάς, πεντηκοντάδος (pentēkontás, pentēkontádos) | pentecontad, pentecontagon |
pentecost-[21] | fiftieth | Greek | πεντηκοστός (pentēkostós) | Pentecost, pentecostalism |
peper-[22] | pepper | Greek | πέπερι, πεπέρεως | paprika, pepper |
pepon-[23] | ripe | Greek | πέπων, πέπονος (pépōn, péponos) | pumpkin |
pept- | digest | Greek | πέσσειν (péssein), πεπτός (peptós), πεπτικός (peptikós), πέψις (pépsis) | dipeptide, dyspepsia, dyspeptic, eupepsia, eupeptic, monopeptide, oligopeptide, pepsin, peptic, peptide, peptone, polypeptide, tetrapeptide, tripeptide |
per- | wallet | Greek | πήρα (pḗra), πηρίδιον (pērídion) | peridium |
per-, pel- | thoroughly, through | Latin | per | pellucid, perfection, permeate, pernicious, persistence, peruse, pervade |
peran- | across, beyond | Greek | πέραν (péran) | Perates |
perdic-[24] | partridge | Greek | πέρδιξ, πέρδικος (pérdix, pérdikos) | Melanoperdix, partridge |
peri-[25] | around | Greek | περί (perí) | Pericles, pericope, perigee, perihelion, perimeter, period, periphery, periscope |
persic-[26] | peach | Greek | περσικός (persikós) | |
pessim- | worst | Latin | pessimus | pessimal |
pet- | strive toward | Latin | petere | appetite, compete, competition, impetus, petition, petulant, propitiate, repeat, repetition |
petr-[27] | rock | Greek | πέτρα (pétra) | epipetric, petroglyph, petrographic, petrography, petroleum, petrology, petrosomatoglyph |
phae-, phe-[28] | dark | Greek | φαιός (phaiós) | phaeohyphomycosis, phaeomelanin, pheochrome, pheochromocytoma |
phag- | eat | Greek | φαγεῖν (phageîn), φαγία (phagía) | autophagosome, autophagy, bacteriophage, dysphagia, esophagitis, geophagia, hematophagy, macrophage, odynophagia, phagocyte, phagocytosis, phagolysosome, phagophilia, phagophobia, phagosome, phagy, polyphagia, pseudodysphagia, sarcophagus |
phalang-[29] | close formation of troops, finger bones | Greek | φάλαγξ, φάλαγγος (phálangos) | aphalangia, phalanges, phalanx |
phalar-[30] | having a patch of white | Greek | φάλαρος (phálaros)[31] | phalarope |
pharmac-[32] | drug, medicine | Greek | φάρμακον (phármakon) | alexipharmic, pharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics, pharmacogenomic, pharmacokinetics, pharmacology, pharmacophobia, pharmacy |
phan-, phen-[33] | to show, visible | Greek | φαίνειν (phaínein), φαντός (phantós), φαινόμενον (phainómenon), φάσις (phásis) | diaphanous, emphasis, epiphany, fantasy, phanerozoic, phantasm, phantom, phase, phene, phenetic, phenology, phenomenon, phenotype, photic, prophase, sycophant, telophase, theophany, tryptophan |
pheb-, phob-[34] | fear | Greek | φέβεσθαι (phébesthai), φόβος (phóbos), φοβέω | autophobia, hydrophobia, panphobia, phobophobia |
pher-, phor-[35] | bear, carry | Greek | φέρειν (phérein), φορά (phorá), φόρος (phóros) | adiaphora, adiaphorism, anaphor, metaphor, pheromone, phoresis, phoresy, phosphor, prosphora, pyrophoric |
pheug-, phyg-[36] (ΦΥΓ) | flee | Greek | φεύγειν (pheúgein), φυγή, φυγάς, φυγάδος (phugás, phugádos) "fugitive", φυγαδικός | apophyge, hypophyge |
phil-, -phile[37] | love, friendship | Greek | φίλος (phílos), φιλικός (philikós), φιλεῖν (phileîn), φιλία (philía), φίλτρον (phíltron) | bibliophile, heterophil, hydrophile, paraphilia, philanthropy, philharmonic, philophobia, philosophy, philter, philtre, philtrum |
phim-[38] | muzzle | Greek | φῑμός (phīmós), φιμοῦν (phimoûn), φιμωτικός, φίμωσις (phímōsis) | paraphimosis, phimosis, phimotic |
phleb-[39] | vein | Greek | φλέψ, φλεβός (phléps, phlebós), φλέβιον | phlebitis, phlebography, phlebosclerosis, phlebotomist, phlebotomize, phlebotomy, thrombophlebitis |
phleg-, phlog-[40] | burn, heat, inflammation | Greek | φλέγειν (phlégein), φλέγμα (phlégma), φλόξ (phlóx) "flame" | phlegm, phlegmasia, phlegmatic, phlegmon, phlegmonous, phlogistic, phlogiston, Phlox |
phloe-[41] | tree bark | Greek | φλοιός (phloiós) | hypophloeodic, phlobaphene, phloem, phloeophagy |
phlog- | ||||
phob- | fear | Greek | φόβος (phóbos) | acrophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, ergophobia, homophobia, hydrophobia, zeusophobia |
phon-[42] | sound | Greek | φωνή (phōnḗ), φωνητικός (phōnētikós), φώνημα (phṓnēma) | acrophonic, acrophony, allophone, antiphon, antiphony, aphonia, aphonic, apophony, archiphoneme, cacophony, diaphony, diplophonia, dysphonia, euphonic, euphonious, euphonize, euphony, heterophonic, heterophony, homophone, homophonous, homophony, hypophonesis, ideophone, idiophone, isophone, logophonetic, megaphone, microphone, misophonia, monophonic, monophony, morphophonology, phonaesthesia, phonaesthetics, phone, phonemic, phonesthemic, phonetic, phonetics, phonics, phonogram, phonograph, phonology, phonophobia, phonosemantics, phonotactics, polyphonic, polyphony, stereophonic, symphonic, symphony, telephonic, telephony |
phos-, phot- | light | Greek | φῶς, φωτός (phōtós) | aphotic, biophoton, cataphote, diphoton, euphotic, microphotograph, phosphor, phosphorus, photic, photo, photobiology, photocatalysis, photochromism, photoelectric, photogenic, photogram, photograph, photography, photolysis, photometer, photometric, photometry, photon, photoperiod, photophobia, photophone, photophore, photopic, photoptarmosis, photosynthesis, phototaxis, phototherapy, phototroph, telephoto |
phrag-[43] (ΦΡΑΓ) | fence | Greek | φράσσειν (phrássein), φράξις (phráxis), φράγμα (phrágma) | diaphragm |
phren-, phron-[44] | mind | Greek | φρήν, φρενός (phrḗn, phrenós) | euneirophrenia, euphrasy, Euphrosyne, frantic, frenetic, frenzy, oneirophrenia, phrenetic, -phrenia, phrenic, phrenitis, phrenology, phronema, phronesis, phronetic, schizophrenia, sophrosyne |
phryn-[45] | toad, toad-like | Greek | φρύνη (phrúnē) | Phrynobatrachus |
phtheg-[46] | utter | Greek | φθέγγεσθαι (phthéngesthai), φθεγκτός, φθεγκτικός, φθέγξις, φθέγμα, φθέγματος (phthégma, phthégmatos), φθεγματικός, φθόγγος (phthóngos), φθογγή | apophthegm, apophthegmatic, diphthong, diphthongize, monophthong, monophthongize |
phyc-[47] | seaweed | Greek | φῦκος, φύκεος (phûkos, phúkeos) | phycology, Phycomyces, schizophyceous |
phyl- | tribe | Greek | φύλον (phúlon) | phylogenetics, phylum |
phyll-[48] | leaf | Greek | φύλλον (phúllon) | chlorophyll, phyllotaxis |
phys-[49] | bladder | Greek | φῦσα (phûsa) | physogastric, physostomous, Triplophysa |
physi- | nature | Greek | φύσις (phúsis) | physics, physician |
physalid- | bladder | Greek | φυσαλ(λ)ίς (phusal(l)is) | physalis |
phyt- | plant | Greek | φύειν (phúein), φυτόν (phutón) | archaeophyte, autophyte, bryophyte, dermatophyte, neophyte, phytonym, phytoplankton |
pi- | kind, devout, pity | Latin | pius | expiate, impious, piety, pious, pity |
pic- | pitch | Latin | pix, picis | piceous |
piez-[50] | squeeze | Greek | πιέζειν (piézein), πιεστός (piestós), πίεσις, πίεσμα, πίεσματος, πιεστήρ | isopiestic, piezochromism, piezoelectric, piezometer |
pil- | hair | Latin | pilus | depilatory, epilator |
pil- | pillar, ball | Latin | pila | pile, pill, pillar, pillory |
pin-[51] (ΠΟ) | drink | Greek | πίνειν (pínein), πῶμα | pinocytosis |
pin- | pine | Latin | pinus | pineal gland |
ping-, pict- | paint | Latin | pingere, pictus | depiction, picture, pigment |
pingu- | fat | Latin | pinguis | Pinguicula, pinguitude |
pir-[52] | try | Greek | πεῖρα, πείρας (peîra, peíras), πειρᾶν (peirân), πειρατής (peiratḗs), πειρατικός (peiratikós), (peirāteía), πειράζω, πείρασις, πειρασμός | antipiracy, apeirogon, apeirohedron, piracy, pirate, piratic |
pir- | pear | Latin | pirus | piriformis muscle |
pisc- | fish | Latin | piscis | Pisces, piscivore |
pis-[53] | pea | Greek | πίσος (písos) | pisoid, pisolite |
pithec-[54] | ape, monkey | Greek | πίθηκος (píthēkos) | australopithecine, Australopithecus, caenopithecine |
plac-[55] | plain, plate, tablet | Greek | πλάξ, πλακός (pláx, plakós) | Aplacophora, placenta, placode |
plac- | calm | Latin | placare, placatus | implacable, placable, placate, please, supple |
plac-, plea- | please | Latin | placēre, placitus | complacent, complaisant, displease, placebo, placid, plea, please, pleasure |
plag-[56] | oblique | Greek | πλάγος (plágos), πλάγιος (plágios), πλαγιότης | plage, plagiocephaly, plagioclase, plagiotropic, playa |
plan-[57] | wander | Greek | πλάνος, πλανάομαι, πλανᾶσθαι (planâsthai), (planáein), πλανητός (planētós), πλανήτης (planḗtēs) | aplanetic, aplanogamete, aplanospore, exoplanet, planet, planetoid, planetonym, planoblast, planogamete, planospore, protoplanet |
plan- | flat | Latin | plānus | applanate, applanation, aquaplane, complanar, complanate, coplanar, coplanarity, deplanate, deplane, emplane, esplanade, explain, explanation, explanatory, peneplain, pianissimo, piano, pianoforte, plain, plaintext, plan, planar, planarian, planary, planate, planation, plane, planification, planiform, planish, planula, planular, planulate |
plang-, planct- | strike, beat; lament, mourn | Latin | plangere, planctus | plangent |
plas-[58] | mould | Greek | πλάσσειν (plássein), πλαστός (plastós), πλαστικός (plastikós), πλάσις (plásis), πλάσμα, πλάσματος (plásma, plásmatos), πλάθω (pláthō) | plasma, plastic, plastique, plastochron, plastromancy, plastron, prosoplasia, protoplasm, pseudoplastic, symplast |
plat-[59] | flat, broad | Greek | πλατύς (platús), πλατεῖα (plateîa) | piazza, place, plaice, plateau, platitude, platyhelminth, platypus, Platyrrhini, platysma, Platyzoa, plaza |
plaud-, -plod-, plaus-, -plos- | approve, clap | Latin | plaudere, plausus | applaud, applause, explode, explosion, implode, plaudits, plausible |
ple-[60] (ΠΛΕ) | fill, full | Greek | πιμπλάναι (pimplánai), πλέως/πλέος, πλειότερος, πλειότης, πλήρης (plḗrēs), πληρόω, πλήρωσις (plḗrōsis), πλήρωμα (plḗrōma), πλήθειν (plḗthein), πλῆθος (plêthos), πληθύς, πληθύω, πληθύνω (plēthúnō), πληθυντικός, πληθώρα/πληθώρη (plēthṓra), πληθωρικός (plēthōrikós), πληθυσμός (plēthusmós) | pleroma, plethodontid, plethora, plethoric, plethysm, plethysmograph, plethysmometry |
ple-[61] | sail, swim | Greek | πλεῖν (pleîn), πλεῦσις (pleûsis), πλόος | pleon, pleopod, pleuston |
ple-, plet- | fill | Latin | plere | complement, complete, deplete, implement, replete, suppletion, supply |
pleb- | people | Latin | plebs, plebis | plebeian, plebs |
plec-, ploc-[62] | plait, interweave | Greek | πλέκειν (plékein), πλεκτός (plektós), πλεκτικός (plektikós), πλέξις (pléxis), πλέγμα (plégma), πλοκή (plokḗ), πλόκος | plectics, plexogenic, ploce, symplectic, symplectomorphism, symploce |
plect-, plex- | plait | Latin | plectere, plexus | perplex |
pleg-[63] (ΠΛΗΓ) | strike | Greek | πλήσσειν (plḗssein), πληκτός (plēktós), πλήκτης, πληγή (plēgḗ), πλῆξις (plêxis), πλῆγμα, πλήκτης, πλῆκτρον | apoplectic, apoplexy, cataplectic, cataplexy, hemiplegia, monoplegia, paraplegia, plectrum, pleximeter, tetraplegia |
plen- | full | Latin | plenus | plenary, plenitude, plenty, replenish |
plesi- | near | Greek | πλησίος (plēsíos), πλησιότης (plēsiótēs) | plesiosaur |
pleth- | ||||
pleur-[64] | rib, side | Greek | πλευρά (pleurá), πλευρόν (pleurón) | metapleural, pleura, pleurisy, pleuritis, pleurodynia, pleuron |
plic- | fold | Latin | plicare, plicatus | appliance, applicability, applicable, applicant, applicate, application, applicative, applicator, applicatory, appliqué, apply, centuplicate, centuplication, complicacy, complicant, complicate, complication, complice, complicity, conduplicate, conduplication, duplication, explicate, explicit, implicate, implicit, imply, plait, pleat, pliable, pliant, plight, ply, replica, replicate, replication, replicative, replicator, reply, splay, subduplicate, supplicant, supplicate, supplication, triplicate, triplicity |
plinth-[65] | brick | Greek | πλίνθος (plínthos) | plinth, Plinthograptis |
ploc- | ||||
plor- | cry out, complain | Latin | plorare | deplorable, deploration, deplore, exploration, exploratory, explore, imploration, imploratory, implore |
plu- | rain | Latin | pluere, see also pluvia | pluvial |
plum- | feather | Latin | pluma | plumage, plumate |
plumb- | lead | Latin | plumbum | plumber |
plur-, plus- | more | Latin | plus, pluris | double, plural, pluralist, plus, quadruple, surplus, triple |
plurim- | most | Latin | plurimus | plurimal |
plut-[66] | wealth | Greek | πλοῦτος (ploûtos) | ploutonion, plutarchy, plutocracy, plutocrat, plutolatry, plutomania, plutonomics, Plutus |
pne-[67] | blow, breathe, lung | Greek | πνεῖν (pneîn), πνεῦμα (pneûma), πνεύμων (pneúmōn) | anapnograph, anapnoic, apnea, apnoea, dyspnoea, pleuropneumonia, pneumatic, pneumatology, pneumonia, pneumonic, pneumotaxic |
pnig-, pnict-[68] | choke | Greek | πνίγειν (pnígein), πνῖγος, πνῖγμα, πνιγμός, πνικτός, πνικτικός | pnictide, pnictogen |
po-, pin-[69] (ΠΟ) | drink | Greek | πίνειν (pínein), πόσις, πῶμα | pinocytosis, pinosome, symposium |
pod-[70] | foot | Greek | πούς, ποδός (podós), ποδικός (podikós), ποδία (podía), πόδιον (pódion), πέδον (pédon), πεδίον, πέζα | amphipod, antipode, decapod, podiatry, podium, podomancy, podomere, podopaediatric, polyp, polyposis, sympodium, tetrapod, tripod |
pogon-[71] | beard | Greek | πώγων, πώγωνος (pṓgōn, pṓgōnos), πωγωνίας (pōgōnías) | pogonia, pogoniasis, pogonology, pogonophobia, pogonotrophy, Triplopogon |
poie-, poe-[72] | make | Greek | ποιϝέω, ποιεῖν (poieîn), ποιητός (poiētós) "made", ποιητικός (poiētikós), ποίησις (poíēsis), ποίημα (poíēma), ποιητής (poiētḗs) "maker" | allopoiesis, autopoiesis, onomatopoeia, piyyut, poem, poesy, poet, poetaster, poetic, poiesis |
pol-[73] | pole | Greek | πόλος (pólos) | dipole, polar |
pole-[74] | sell | Greek | πωλεῖν (pōleîn), πώλησις, πώλης "seller" | duopoly, monopolist, monopolize, monopoly, oligopolist, oligopoly |
polem-[75] | war | Greek | πολεμεῖν (polemeîn), πόλεμος (pólemos), πολεμικός (polemikós) | polemarch, polemic, polemology |
poli-[76] | city | Greek | πόλις, πόλιος (pólis, pólios), πολίτης (polítēs), πολιτικός (politikós) | acropolis, biopolitics, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, Decapolis, ecumenopolis, eperopolis, geopolitics, heptapolis, hexapolis, isopolity, megalopolis, megapolis, metropolis, pentapolis, police, policy, polis, politeia, politic, politicize, politics, politologist, politology, politonym, polity, propolis, tetrapolis, Tripoli |
poli-[77] | gray, grey | Greek | πολιός (poliós), πολιότης | poliomyelitis, poliosis |
poll-[78] | many | Greek | πολλός (pollós) | |
pollic- | thumb | Latin | pollex, pollicis | pollicate |
pollin- | fine flour | Latin | pollen, pollinis | pollination |
poly-[79] | many | Greek | πολύς (polús), πολλός (pollós), πολλότης (pollótēs), πολλάκις (pollákis) "many times", πολλαπλάσιος/πολυπλάσιος, πλείων (pleíōn) "more", πλεῖστος (pleîstos) "most", πολλοστός (pollostós) | hoi polloi, pollakanth, polyadic, polyandry, polygamy, polygon, polyphase, polysaccharide, polytheistic |
pomp- | ||||
pomph-[80] | blister | Greek | πομφός (pomphós), πομφόλυξ | podopompholyx, pompholyx |
pon-, posit- | put | Latin | ponere, positus | apposite, apropos, component, depose, deposit, exponent, expose, expound, impose, impound, opponent, position, positive, postpone, posture, propone, proponent, proposition, propound, repose |
ponder- | weight | Latin | pondus, ponderis, ponderare | ponder, preponderance |
pont- | bridge | Latin | pons, pontis | pontoon |
popul- | people | Latin | populus, populare | population, popular, populous |
por-[81] | passage | Greek | πόρος (póros), πορεύω, πορίζειν (porízein), πόρισμα (pórisma) | aporetic, aporia, emporium, gonopore, ozopore, polypore, pore, porism, porismatic |
porc- | pig | Latin | porcus | porcine, pork |
porn-[82] | prostitute | Greek | πόρνη (pórnē) | pornographic, pornography |
porphyr-[83] | purple | Greek | πορφύρα (porphúra) | porphyrin, porphyritic, porphyrophobia, porphyry |
port- | carry | Latin | portare "to carry", porta "gate" | comportment, deport, export, import, port, portable, portage, portal, porter, portfolio, purport, rapport, report, support, transport |
portion- | part, share | Latin | portio | portion, proportion |
post- | after, behind | Latin | post | posterior, posterity, postscript |
pot- | power | Latin | potere "be powerful", from potis "powerful, able" | despot, impotent, possess, potent, potentate, potential, power |
pot- | drink | Latin | potus, potare | potable, potion |
potam-[84] | river | Greek | ποταμός (potamós) | autopotamic, hippopotamus, Mesopotamia, potamic, potamodromous, potamology, potamonym, potamophobia, potamoplankton |
prag-[85] | do | Greek | πράσσειν (prássein), πράττειν (práttein), πρασσόμενον, πρακτός (praktós), πρακτικός (praktikós), (prāktikḗ), πρᾶξις (prâxis), πρᾶγμα (prâgma) | apraxia, dyspraxia, parapraxis, practic, practice, pragma, pragmatic, pragmatism, pragmatist, praxis |
pras-[86] | leek | Greek | πράσον (práson), πράσινος (prásinos) "leek-green", πρασιά | chrysoprase, prasinous |
prat- | meadow | Latin | pratum | |
prav- | crooked | Latin | pravus | depravity |
pre- | before | Latin | prae | previous |
prec- | pray | Latin | precāri "to ask, beg, pray", from prex "prayer" | deprecation, imprecation, pray, prayer, precarious |
pred- | prey | Latin | praedari "plunder", from praeda "prey" | depredate, predation, predator, predatory, prey |
prehend-, prend-, prehens- | grasp | Latin | prehendere, prehensus | apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive, enterprise, prehensility, prehension, prey, prison, prize, reprehend, surprise |
prem-, -prim-, press- | press | Latin | premere, pressus | compress, compression, compressor, depress, depression, depressive, espresso, express, expression, expressive, impress, impression, impressive, imprimatur, imprint, oppress, oppression, oppressive, oppressor, press, pressure, print, repress, repression, repressive, reprimand, suppress, suppression, suppressor |
presby-[87] | old | Greek | πρέσβυς (présbus), πρεσβύτερος (presbúteros), (presbutérion) | archpriest, presbyter, Presbyterianism, presbyterium, presbytery, priest, protopresbyter |
preter- | past | Latin | praeter | preterite, pretermission |
preti- | price | Latin | pretium, pretiare | |
pri-[88] | saw | Greek | πρίειν (príein), πρῖσις (prîsis), πρίων, πρίονος (príōn, príonos) | prion |
priap-[89] | Greek | πριάπος | priapism, Priapus | |
prim- | first | Latin | primus | coprime, nonprime, prima facie, primacy, primal, primality, primary, primate, prime, primer, primeval, primine, primitive, primogeniture, primordial, primrose, Primula, semiprime, subprimal, subprime |
prior- | former | Latin | prior | prior, priority, priory, pristine, repristinate, subprior |
prism-[90] | to saw, something sawed | Greek | πρίσμα, πρίσματος (prísma, prísmatos), πρισμάτιον (prismátion) | antiprism, prism, prismatic, prismatoid |
priv- | own | Latin | privus, privare, privatus | deprivation, deprive, privacy, private, privateer, privation, privative, privilege, privity, privy, semiprivate |
pro-[91] | before, in front of | Greek | πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros) "former", πρῶτος (prôtos) | prologue, prostate, prow |
pro- | for, forward | Latin | pro | procrastinate, propel, propulsion |
prob- | worthy, good | Latin | probare "prove to be worthy", probus | approbation, approve, disapprobation, opprobrium, probable, probation, probe, probity, proof, prove, reprobate, reprove |
proct-[92] | anus | Greek | πρωκτός (prōktós) | Ectoprocta, Entoprocta, epiproct, hypoproct, paraproct, periproct, proctalgia, proctology |
prodig- | waste | Latin | prodigus "wasteful", from prodigere "drive away, waste" | prodigal, prodigality |
prodig- | prodigy | Latin | prodigium "prodigy" | prodigious, prodigy |
propri- | property; one's own | Latin | proprietas "appropriateness, property, ownership", from proprius "one's own" | appropriate, proper, property, proprietary, proprietor, propriety |
pros-[93] | forth, forward | Greek | πρός (prós), πρόσθεν (prósthen), πρόσθιος (prósthios) | prosenchyma, prosophobia, prosthesis, prosthion |
prosop-[94] | face | Greek | πρόσωπον (prósōpon) | aprosopia, diprosopus, prosopography, prosoponym, prosopopoeia, prosopospasm |
prot-[95] | first | Greek | πρῶτος (prôtos) [note 1] | amphiprotic, antiproton, protagonist, protanomaly, protanopia, protein, protist, protocol, proton, protoplasm, prototype, Protozoa |
proter-[96] | former | Greek | πρό (pró), πρότερος (próteros), προτερέω | Proterozoic |
proxim- | nearest | Latin | proximus, proximare | approximate, proximity |
prun- | plum | Latin | prunus | prune |
psa-[97] | rub | Greek | ψᾶν (psân), ψαφαρός, ψήχειν, (psēstós) | palimpsest |
psall-[98] | pluck | Greek | ψάλλειν (psállein), ψαλμός (psalmós) | psalm, psalmodicon, psalmody, psalter, psaltery, psaltikon |
psamath- | sand | Greek | ||
psamm- | sand | Greek | ψάμμος (psámmos), ψάμαθος (psámathos) | psammite, psammitic, psammoma, psammophile, Psammophis, psammophyte, psammosere, psammous |
pseph- | pebble | Greek | ψάω, ψῆφος (psêphos), ψηφίζειν (psēphízein) | isopsephy, psephite, psephitic, psephocracy, psephology |
pseud-[99] | false | Greek | ψεύδω, ψεῦδος (pseûdos) | pseudonym |
pseud- | false | Greek | ψεύδομαι, ψευδής (pseudḗs) | pseudonym |
psil-[100] | bare | Greek | ψιλοῦν (psiloûn), ψιλός (psilós), ψιλότης, ψίλωσις (psílōsis) | epsilon, psilanthropism, psilanthropy, psilocybin, psilosis, psilotic, upsilon |
psithyr-[101] | whisper | Greek | ψίθυρος, ψιθυρίζω, ψιθυρισμός | Psithyrisma |
psittac-[102] | parrot | Greek | ψιττακός, ψιττακοῦ (psittakós, psittakoû) | psittacine, psittacism, psittacosis |
psoph-[103] | noise | Greek | ψόφος (psóphos), ψοφεῖν, ψοφητικός, ψόφησις, ψόφημα, ψοφοειδής | Psophiidae, Psophocichla, psophometer, psophometric |
psor-[104] | itch | Greek | ψωρός (psōrós), ψώρα (psṓra), ψωριᾶν (psōriân), (psōríāsis) | psora, psoriasis, psoric, psorosis |
psych-[105] | mind | Greek | ψύχειν (psúkhein), ψυχή (psukhḗ), ψυχικός (psukhikós) | hylopsychism, panpsychism, psyche, psychiatry, psychic, psychoanalysis, psychologist, psychology, psychopathic, psychopathy, psychopomp, psychosis, psychotherapy, psychotic, psychoticism |
psychr-[106] | cold | Greek | ψύχω, ψυχρός (psukhrós), ψυχρότης | psychroalgia, psychrometer, psychrophile, psychrophilic, psychrophily |
pter-[107] | wing | Greek | πτερόν, πτεροῦ (pterón, pteroû), πτέρυξ, πτέρυγος (ptérux, ptérugos), (pterugōtós), πτερίσκος | apterous, apterygote, archaeopteryx, brachypterous, brachyptery, Chiroptera, chiropterologist, Endopterygota, exopterygote, helicopter, hemipterous, heteropterous, homopterous, Neoptera, peripteros, pterodactyl, pteron, pteropod, pterosaur, pterostigma, pterygote, tetrapterous |
pterid-[108] | fern | Greek | πτερίς, πτερίδος (pterís, pterídos) | pteridology, pteridophyte, pteridosperm |
pto-[109] | fall | Greek | πίπτειν (píptein), πτωτός (ptōtós), πτωτικός (ptōtikós), πτῶσις (ptôsis), πτῶμα, πτῶματος (ptôma, ptômatos) | anaptotic, asymptomatic, apoptosis, peripeteia, peripety, polyptoton, proptosis, proptotic, ptomaine, ptosis, ptotic, symptom, symptomatic, symptosis |
ptoch-[110] | poor | Greek | πτωχός (ptōkhós), πτωχότης | ptochocracy, ptochology |
pty-[111] | spit | Greek | πτύειν, πτύον (ptúon), πτύσις (ptúsis), πτύαλον | hemoptysis, ptyalin, pyoptysis |
ptych-[112] | fold, layer | Greek | πτύσσειν (ptússein), πτύγμα (ptúgma), πτύξ (ptúx), πτυχός (ptukhós), πτυχή (ptukhḗ) | anaptyctic, anaptyxis, diptych, heptaptych, hexaptych, octaptych, pentaptych, polyptych, tetraptych, triptych |
pub- | sexually mature | Latin | pubes, puberis | pubescent, pubic |
public- | public | Latin | publicus | publication, publicity |
pude- | shame | Latin | pudere | impudent, pudendum, repudiate |
pug-, pugn- | fight | Latin | pugnare "to fight", from pugnus "fist" | impugn, pugilism, pugnacious, repugnant |
pulchr- | beautiful | Latin | pulcher, pulchri | pulchritude |
pulmon- | lung | Latin | pulmo, pulmonis | pulmonary |
pulver- | dust | Latin | pulvis, pulveris | pulverize |
pung-, punct- | prick | Latin | pungere, punctus | acupuncture, expunge, poignant, point, punch, punctual, punctuation, puncture, pungent |
pup- | doll | Latin | pupa | pupa, pupate, puppet |
pur- | pure | Latin | purare "to purify", from purus "pure" | impurity, pure, puree, purge, purify, purity |
purg- | cleanse | Latin | purgare | expurgate, purgatory, purge |
purpur- | purple | Latin | purpura | purpurate, purpureal |
put- | prune, reckon | Latin | putāre | amputation, compute, dispute, impute, putative, reputation |
py-[113] | pus | Greek | πύον (púon), (pyeîn) | empyema, pyemia, pyemesis, pyesis, pyocyst, pyogenesis, pyorrhea, pyorrhoea, pyosis, pyoureter |
pyel-[114] | trough | Greek | πύελος (púelos), πυελίς | pyelectasis, pyelitis, pyelogram, pyelography, pyelonephritis, pyeloscopy |
pyg-[115] | rump | Greek | πυγή (pugḗ) | callipygian, pygopagus, pygostyle, steatopygia |
pyl-[116] | gate | Greek | πύλη (púlē), πυλών, πυλῶνος (pulṓn, pulōnos) | apopyle, micropyle, propylaea, prosopyle, pylon, pyloric, pylorus, tetrapylon, Thermopylae |
pyr-[117] | fire | Greek | πύρ, πυρός (púr, purós), πυρά (purá), πυρότης, πυρετός, πυρέττειν | antipyretic, Empyreuma, pyre, pyrite, pyroclastic, pyrolysis, pyromancy, pyromania, pyromaniac, pyrometric, pyrophobia, pyrophoric, pyrosis, pyrosome, pyrotechnic |
pyramid-[118] | Greek | πυραμίς, πυραμίδος | dipyramid, pyramid, pyramidion | |
pyrrh-[119] | flame-colored | Greek | πῦρ, πυρρός, πυρρότης, πυρράζω | pyrrhic |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
quadr- | four | Latin | quattuor | quadrangle, quadrennial, quadriceps, quadrifarious, quadrifid, quadrifolium, quadrifrons, quadrilateral, quadrilingual, quadriliteral, quadrillion, quadrimester, quadrinational, quadrinodal, quadrinomial, quadrinominal, quadripara, quadrireme, quadrisection, quadrivalent, quadrivium, quadruped, quadruple, quadruplet, quadruplex, quadruplicate, quatrain, quatre, quatrefoil |
quadragen- | forty each | Latin | quadrageni | quadragenarian, quadragenary |
quadragesim- | fortieth | Latin | quadragesimus | Quadragesima, quadragesimal |
quart- | fourth | Latin | quartus | inquartation, interquartile, quadroon, quart, quartal, quartan, quartary, quarte, quarter, quartermaster, quartet, quartic, quartile, quartine, quarto, semiquartile |
quasi- | as if | Latin | quasi | quasar |
quatern- | four each | Latin | quaternī | biquaternion, quatern, quaternary, quaternate, quaternion, quaternity, quire |
quati-, -cuti-, quass-, -cuss- | shake | Latin | quatere | cassate, cassation, concussion, concussive, conquassate, decussation, discuss, discussion, discussive, discutient, excuss, excussio, excussion, fracas, percuss, percussion, percussive, percussor, quash, quassation, recussion, repercussion, rescue, squash, squassation, subconcussive, succuss, succussation, succussion, succussive |
quer-, -quir-, quesit-, -quisit- | search, seek | Latin | quaerere, quaesītus | acquest, acquire, acquiree, acquirement, acquisite, acquisition, acquisitive, acquisitory, conquer, conquest, corequisite, disquisition, exquire, exquisite, inquest, inquire, inquiry, inquisition, inquisitive, inquisitor, inquisitorial, inquisitory, perquisite, perquisition, prerequisite, quaere, quaestor, query, quest, question, questionable, questionary, questionnaire, questor, reconquer, reconquest, request, require, requirement, requisite, requisition, requisitive, requisitor, requisitory |
qui- | rest | Latin | quies, quiētus | acquiesce, acquiescence, acquiescent, acquit, acquittal, acquittance, inquietude, quiescence, quiescent, quiet, quietude, quietus, quit, requiem, requiescat |
quin- | five each | Latin | quini | biquinary, quinarius, quinary, quinate |
quindecim- | fifteenth | Latin | quindecimus | quindecimal |
quinden- | fifteen each | Latin | quindeni | quindenary |
quinque- | five | Latin | quinque | cinquain, cinque, quinquefoil, quinquennial, quinquennium, quinquepartite, quinquevalent |
quint- | fifth | Latin | quintus | biquintile, quint, quinta, quintal, quintan, quintant, quintary, quinte, quintessence, quintessential, quintic, quintile, quintipara, quintus, semiquintile |
quot- | how many, how great | Latin | quotiens | quota, quotient, subquotient |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
rad-, ras- | scrape, shave | Latin | rādere, rāsus | abrade, abrasion, abrasive, corrade, corrasion, erase, erasure, nonabrasive, radula, radular, raduliform, rase, rash, rasorial, raster, rasure, subradular |
radi- | beam, spoke | Latin | radius, radiāre | radiance, radiation |
radic- | root | Latin | rādix, rādīcis | eradicate, radical |
ram- | branch | Latin | rāmus | ramification, ramose |
ran- | frog | Latin | rāna | Rana |
ranc- | rancidness, grudge, bitterness | Latin | rancere | rancid, rancor |
rap- | rob, seize | Latin | rapere, raptus | arreption, arreptitious, enrapt, enrapture, rapacious, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity, rapine, rapt, raptio, raptor, raptorial, rapture, rapturous, raptus, ravenous, ravine, ravish, subreption, subreptitious, surreptitious |
rap- | turnip | Latin | rāpum | rapeseed |
raph-[120] | sew, seam | Greek | ῥάπτειν (rháptein), ῤαφή (raphḗ) | raphae, raphe |
rar- | rare | Latin | rārus | rarity |
rauc- | harsh, hoarse | Latin | raucus | raucous |
re-, red- | again, back | Latin | re- | recede, redact |
rect-, reg-, -rig- | straight, direct | Latin | regere "to direct, lead straight, guide", related rectus "straight, right" | correct, direct, dirigible, erect, erection, ergo, rectangle, rectify, rectitude, rectum, regent, regime, regimen, regiment, region, surge |
reg-, rex- | king | Latin | rex (genitive regis) | regal, regency, regicide, Regis, regulation, reign, rex, royal |
regul- | rule | Latin | rēgula "to rule" | regular, regulate, regulation, rule |
rem- | oar | Latin | rēmus | bireme, trireme |
ren- | kidney | Latin | rēnēs | renal |
rep-, rept- | crawl, creep | Latin | rēpere, reptus | reptile |
resid- | left behind | Latin | residere "remain behind" (see also sedere) | reside, residence, resident, residual, residue |
ret- | net | Latin | rēte | reticle, retina |
retro- | backward, behind | Latin | retrō | retrograde, retrospective, retrovirus |
rhabd-[121] | rod | Greek | ῥάβδος (rhábdos) | Rhabdodon, rhabdoid, rhabdom, rhabdomancy, rhabdomyolysis, rhabdomyosarcoma |
rhach-, rach- [122] | spine | Greek | ῥάχις, ῥάχεως (rhákhis, rhákheōs) | rachipagus, rachis, rachischisis, rhachiodont, rhachis |
rhag-, rheg-[123] | rend, tear | Greek | ῥηγνύναι (rhēgnúnai), ῥαγίζω, ῥῆξις (rhêxis), ῥῆγμα (rhêgma) | bronchorrhagia, hemorrhage, menorrhagia, regma, rhagades, rhegma, rhegmatogenous, rhexis |
rhe-[124] | flow | Greek | ῥεῖν (rheîn), ῥυτός (rhutós), ῥύσις (rhúsis), ῥεῦμα (rheûma), ῥοία (rhoía), ῥυθμός (rhuthmós) | antiarrhythmic, arrhythmia, arrhythmic, diarrhoea, dysrhythmia, endorheic, eurhythmia, eurhythmic, eurhythmy, gonorrhoea, hemorrhea, logorrhea, polyrhythm, rheology, rheometer, rheostat, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatism, rheumatoid, rheumatology, rhythm, rhythmic, rhyton |
rhetin-[125] | resin | Greek | ῥητίνη (rhētínē), ῥητινώδης, ῥητινόω | retinite |
rhig-[126] | chill | Greek | ῥῖγος (rhîgos) | rhigosaurus |
rhin-[127] | nose, snout | Greek | ῥίς, ῥινός (rhís, rhinós) | catarrhine, haplorhine, platyrrhine, rhinoceros, rhinophyma, rhinoplasty, strepsirrhine |
rhiz-[128] | root | Greek | ῥίζα (rhíza), ῥιζοῦν (rhizoûn), ῥίζωμα (rhízōma) | ectomycorrhiza, rhizoid, rhizomatous, rhizome, rhizomorph, rhizomorphous, rhizophagous, rhizophagy, Rhizopogon, Rhizopus, rhizosphere |
rho-[129] | R, r | Greek | Ρ, ρ, ῥῶ (rhô) | rho, rhotacism, rhotacize, rhotic |
rhod-[130] | rose | Greek | ῥόδον (rhódon) | rhododendron, rhodophyte, rhodopsin |
rhomb- | spinning top | Greek | ῥόμβος (rhómbos) | orthorhombic, rhomb, rhombic, rhomboid, rhombus, rhumb |
rhynch-[131] | snout | Greek | ῥύγχος (rhúnkhos) | Oncorhynchus, Rhynchobatus, rhynchophore |
rid-, ris- | laugh | Latin | ridere "to laugh" (past participle risus) | deride, derision, ridicule, ridiculous, risible |
robor- | oak, strength | Latin | rōborāre "to strengthen", from rōbur, rōbus "strength" | corroborant, corroborate, corroboration, corroborative, corroborator, robust |
rod-, ros- | gnaw | Latin | rōdere, rōsus | corrode, erosion, rodent |
rog- | ask | Latin | rogāre | abrogate, arrogant, arrogate, derogate, derogation, derogatory, interrogation, prerogative, prorogue, rogation, rogue, surrogate |
rostr- | beak, prow | Latin | rōstrum | brevirostrate, curvirostral, lamellirostral, rostellate, rostelliform, rostellum, rostral, rostrate, rostriform, rostrulum, rostrum |
rot- | wheel | Latin | rota, rotāre | arrondissement, circumrotation, contrarotation, control, controller, decontrol, enroll, enrollee, enrollment, irrotational, multirole, multiroll, redondilla, reenroll, rodeo, role, roll, rondeau, rondel, rondelle, rondo, rotary, rotate, rotation, rotational, rotator, rotatory, rotavirus, rotelle, rotifer, Rotifera, rotiferous, rotiform, rotula, rotund, rotunda, rotundifolious, rotundity, roulette, round, roundel, roundelay, roundlet, rowel, semiround |
ruber-, rubr- | red | Latin | ruber | erubescence, erubescent, rubella, Rubio, rubious, rubric, rubricate, rubrication, rubricator, ruby |
rudi- | unskilled, rough, unlearned | Latin | rudis | erudite, erudition, rude, rudiment, rudimentary, rudity |
rug- | wrinkle | Latin | rūga, rugare | corrugant, corrugate, corrugation, erugate, rugose |
rumin- | throat | Latin | rūmen, rūminis | rumen, rumenic acid, ruminal, ruminant, ruminate, rumination, ruminator |
rump-, rupt- | break, burst | Latin | rumpere, ruptus | abrupt, abruption, corrupt, corruptible, corruption, corruptor, disrupt, disruption, disruptive, disruptor, disrupture, erumpent, erupt, eruption, eruptive, incorrupt, incorruptibility, incorruptible, interrupt, interruptible, interruption, irrupt, irruption, irruptive, maleruption, noneruptive, reroute, rout, route, routine, rupture, subroutine, supereruption |
rur- | countryside, farm | Latin | rūs, rūris | nonrural, roister, roisterous, rural, rustic, rusticate, rustication, rusticity |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
sacc-[132] | bag | Greek | σάκκος (sákkos) | sack |
sacchar-[133] | sugar | Greek | σάκχαρ, σάκχαρον (sákkharon) | disaccharide, heteropolysaccharide, homopolysaccharide, lipooligosaccharide, lipopolysaccharide, monosaccharide, oligosaccharide, pentasaccharide, polysaccharide, saccharin, trisaccharide |
sacr-, -secr- | sacred | Latin | sacrare, from sacer (genitive sacri) | consecrate, desecrate, sacrament, sacred, sacrosanct |
sagac- | wise | Latin | sagax, sagacis | sagacious, sagacity |
sagitt- | arrow | Latin | sagitta | sagittal plane, Sagittaria |
sal- | salt | Latin | sal, salis, salere | salinity |
sali-, -sili-, salt- | jump | Latin | salire, saltus | assail, assailable, assailant, assailment, assault, assaultive, consilience, desultory, dissilience, dissilient, exult, exultant, exultation, insult, insultation, irresilient, resile, resilement, resilience, resiliency, resilient, result, resultant, salacious, salacity, salience, salient, sally, saltando, saltant, saltation, saltatorial, saltatory, saltigrade, saltire, salto, saltus, sault, sauté, sauteuse, sautille, sautoir, somersault, soubresaut, subsultory, transilience, transilient |
salic- | willow | Latin | salix, salicis | salicin |
salping-[134] | trumpet | Greek | σάλπιγξ, σάλπιγγος (sálpinx, sálpingos) | endosalpingiosis, hysterosalpingography, salpiglossis, salpinx |
salu- | health, welfare | Latin | salus | salubrious, salubrity, salutary, salute |
salv- | save | Latin | salvus, salvare | salvage, salvation, salve |
san- | healthy | Latin | sanus | insane, insanity, sanatorium, sane, sanitarian, sanitarium, sanitary, sanitation, sanity |
sanc- | holy | Latin | sancire (past participle sanctus) | sacrosanct, saint, sanctify, sanction, sanctuary |
sanguin- | blood | Latin | sanguis, sanguinis | consanguinity, sanguinary, sanguine |
sapi-, -sipi- | taste, wise | Latin | sapere "to have a taste, be wise", related to sapor "taste, flavor" | insipid, insipience, sapient |
sapon- | soap | Latin | sapo, saponis | saponification |
sapphir-[135] | a precious stone | Greek from Hebrew | σάπφειρος (sáppheiros) | sapphire, sapphirine |
sapr-[136] | rotten | Greek | σήπειν, σαπρός (saprós), σαπρότης | sapraemia, saprogenic, saprophagous, saprophyte, saprotrophic |
sarc-[137] | flesh | Greek | σάρξ, σαρκός (sárx, sarkós) | perisarc, sarcasm, sarcastic, sarcocele, sarcoid, sarcoidosis, sarcoma, sarcophagus, Sarcopterygii, sarcosine, sarcosinemia, sarcosome |
sarc- | tailor | Latin | sartor "tailor", from sarcire "to mend" | consarcination, sartor, sartorial, sartorius |
sati- | enough | Latin | satis | asset, sate, satiate, satiety, satisfy, saturate |
saur-[138] | lizard, reptile | Greek | σαύρα (saúra), σαῦρος (saûros) | dinosaur, Saurischia, sauropod |
sax- | rock | Latin | saxum | saxatile, saxicavous, saxicoline, saxifrage, saxifragous |
scab- | scratch | Latin | scabere | scabies |
scal- | ladder, stairs | Latin | scala | scalar, scale |
scalen-[139] | uneven | Greek | σκαληνός (skalēnós) | scalene, scalene muscles, scalene triangle, scalenohedron |
scand-, -scend-, scans-, -scens- | climb | Latin | scandere | ascend, ascendency, ascendent, ascension, ascent, condescend, condescendence, condescension, descend, descendent, descension, descent, scansion, transcend, transcendence, transcendent, transcendental |
scandal- | snare | Greek | σκάνδαλον (skándalon), σκανδαλίζω (skandalízō) | scandal, scandalize |
scap-[140] | shaft | Greek | σκᾶπος (skâpos) | scape, scapus |
scaph- | anything hollow, bowl, ship | Greek | σκάφη, σκάφος | Scaphirhynchus, scaphoid bone, scaphopod |
scat-[141] | dung | Greek | σκῶρ, σκατός (skôr, skatós) | scatemia, scatology, scatoma, scatomancy, scatophagy, scatoscopy |
sced-[142] | scatter | Greek | σκεδαννύναι (skedannúnai), σκέδασις (skédasis), (skedastós), (skedastikós) | heteroscedastic, homoscedastic |
scel-[143] | leg, thigh | Greek | σκέλος, σκέλεος (skéleos) | isosceles, triskele, triskelion |
scen-[144] | booth, tent | Greek | σκηνή (skēnḗ) | parascenium, proscenium, scene, scenic, scenography |
scept-, scop- | look at, examine, view, observe | Greek | σκέπτεσθαι (sképtesthai), σκέψις (sképsis), σκέμμα, σκεπτικός (skeptikós), σκοπεῖν (skopeîn), σκοπός, σκοποῦ (skopós) | Abroscopus, diascopic, diascopy, endoscope, endoscopic, endoscopy, epidiascope, episcope, episcopic, gastroscopy, kaleidoscope, macroscopic, microscope, microscopic, panendoscopy, periscope, periscopic, scope, scopophobia, skeptic, stereoscopic, stereoscopy, stethoscope, telescope, telescopic, Telescopium |
schem- | plan | Greek | σχῆμα (skhêma) | schema, schematic, schematism, schematize, scheme |
schid-[145] (ΣΧΙΔ)[146] | split | Greek | σχίζειν (skhízein), σχιστός (skhistós), σχίσις (skhísis), σχίσμα (skhísma), σχίζα | diaschisis, diaschisma, schisis, schism, schisma, schismatic, schizocarp, schizogamy, schizogony, schizoid, schizophrenia, schizotrichia |
sci-[147] | shade, shadow | Greek | σκιά (skiá), σκιάς | sciamachy, sciaphobia |
sci- | know | Latin | scire | conscience, conscious, conscientious, omniscious, omniscient, prescient, science, scienter |
scind-, sciss- | split | Latin | scindere | rescind, scissors |
scler-[148] | hard | Greek | σκέλλειν (skéllein), σκληρός (sklērós), σκληρότης (sklērótēs) | sclera, sclerectomy, scleredema, sclereid, sclerema, sclerenchyma, sclerite, scleritis, scleroderma, sclerophyll, sclerophyllous, sclerosis, sclerotic, sclerotium, sclerotize |
scolec-[149] | worm | Greek | σκώληξ, σκώληκος (skṓlēx, skṓlēkos) | scolex |
scoli-[150] | crooked | Greek | σκολιός (skoliós), σκολιότης | scoliokyphosis, scoliosis |
scombr-[151] | mackerel | Greek | σκόμβρος (skómbros) | scombrid, scombroid |
scop- | Greek | |||
scot-[152] | darkness | Greek | σκότος, σκότου, σκοταῖος | scotobiology, scotochromogen, scotogenic, scotograph, scotoma, scotoperiod, scotophase, scotophilia, scotophilic, scotophobe, scotophobia, scotophobic, scotophobotaxis, scotopic, scotoscope, scotosis, scototactic, scototaxis, scototherapy |
scrib-, script- | write | Latin | scribere, scriptus | describe, inscribe, manuscript, prescribe, scribble, scribe, script, scripture, subscribe |
scrupl- | uneasiness | Latin | scrupus "sharp stone" | scruple, scrupulous, unscrupulous |
sculp- | carve | Latin | sculpere, sculptus | insculp, resculpt, sculp, sculpsit, sculpt, sculptile, sculptor, sculptress, sculptural, sculpture |
scut- | shield | Latin | scutum | scute |
scyph-[153] | cup | Greek | σκύφος (skúphos) | scyphoid, Scyphozoa, scyphus |
se-, sed- | apart | Latin | se | secede, sedition, seditious, seduce |
seb- | tallow | Latin | sebum | sebaceous, sebum |
sec-, sect-, seg- | cut | Latin | secare | secant, section, segment |
sed- | settle, calm | Latin | sedare, sedatus | sedative |
sed-, -sid-, sess- | sit | Latin | sedere, sessus | assiduous, insidious, obsession, possess, preside, president, reside, resident, sedentary, sediment, sedimentary, sedulity, sedulous, session, subside, supersede |
sedec- | sixteen | Latin | sedecim | sedecimal |
seget- | in cornfields | Latin | segetum | |
sei-[154] | shake | Greek | σείειν (seíein), σεισμός (seismós), σεῖστρον (seîstron) | aseismic, microseism, microseismic, paleoseismology, seism, seismic, seismogram, seismograph, seismology, seismometer, seismonasty, sistrum, teleseism, teleseismic |
selen- | moon | Greek | σελήνη (selḗnē) | paraselene, selaphobia, Selene, selenium, selenocentric, selenography, selenology |
sell- | saddle, seat | Latin | sella | sella turcica |
sema- | sign | Greek | σῆμα (sêma) | aposematic, asemasia, asemia, asemic, pentaseme, polyseme, polysemic, polysemous, polysemy, semantics, semaphore, semasiology, sematic, seme, sememe, semiotic, tetraseme, triseme |
semi- | half | Latin | semis | semiannual, semicolon, semiconductor, semiconscious, semifinal, seminatural |
semin- | seed | Latin | semen, seminis | insemination |
sen- | old man | Latin | senex, senis | senator, senescent, senile, senility, senior |
sen- | six each | Latin | seni | senary |
sent-, sens- | feel | Latin | sentire, sensus | assent, consensus, consent, dissent, resent, scent, sensation, sense, sensible, sensitive, sensory, sentence, sentient, sentience, sentiment |
sep- [155] | rot | Greek | σήψ (sḗps), σήπειν (sḗpein), σηπτός (sēptós), σηπτικός (sēptikós), σῆψις (sêpsis), σηπία (sēpía) | antisepsis, antiseptic, asepsis, aseptic, sepia, sepsis, septic |
sept- | fence, partition, enclosure | Latin | saeptum | transept |
sept- | seven | Latin | septem | septennial |
septen- | seven each | Latin | septeni | septenary |
septim- | seventh | Latin | septimus | septimal, septime |
septuagen- | seventy each | Latin | septuageni | septuagenary |
septuagesim- | seventieth | Latin | septuagesimus | septuagesima, septuagesimal |
septuagint- | seventy | Latin | septuaginta | Septuagint |
sequ-, secut- | follow | Latin | sequere, from sequi, see also secutus | consecutive, consequence, ensue, non sequitur, obsequious, prosecute, pursue, second, sequel, sequence, subsequent |
ser-[156] | silk | Greek | σήρ (sḗr), σηρικός | sericin, serigraph |
ser- | sow | Latin | serere, satus | disseminate, dissemination, insemination, postseason, preseason, sation, sative, season, seasonable, seasonal, semen, semenuria, seminal, seminar, seminarian, seminary, semination, seminiferous |
ser- | attach, join | Latin | serere, sertus | assert, assertion, assertive, curviserial, desert, desertion, desertrix, dissert, dissertation, dissertator, exert, exertion, insert, insertion, multiseriate, reassert, reassertion, rectiserial, semidesert, serial, seriate, seriatim, series, sermon, uniseriate |
ser- | whey | Latin | serum | serac, serosa, serous, subserous |
ser- | late | Latin | sērus | serein, serotine, serotinous, serotiny, soiree |
serp- | crawl, creep | Latin | serpere, serptus | serpent |
serr- | saw, saw-toothed | Latin | serra, serrare | biserrate, serrate, serration, serrature, serriform, serrulate, sierra, sierran |
serv- | save, protect, serve | Latin | servare | conserve, deserve, observe, preserve, reserve, servant, service, servile, servitude, subservient |
sesqui- | one and a half | Latin | sesqui | sesquialteral, sesquicentennial, sesquipedal, sesquiplicate, sesquitertian |
set- | bristle, hair | Latin | saeta | seta, setose |
sever- | stern, strict, serious | Latin | severus | asseverate, asseveration, perseverance, perseverant, perseverate, perseveration, perseverative, persevere, severe, severity |
sex-, se- | six | Latin | sex | semester, sexangle, sexangular, sexavalent, sexennial, sexennium, sexireme, sexivalent, sexpartite, sexradiate, sextain |
sexagen- | sixty each | Latin | sexageni | sexagenarian, sexagenary |
sexagesim- | sixtieth | Latin | sexagesimus | Sexagesima, sexagesimal |
sext- | sixth | Latin | sextus | bissextile, bissextus, semisextile, sestet, sestina, Sext, sextain, sextan, sextans, sextant, sextary, sextic, sextile, sextillion, siesta, sixte |
sibil- | hiss | Latin | sibilus, sibilare | sibilance |
sicc- | dry | Latin | siccare "to dry", from siccus "dry, thirsty" | desiccate, desiccation, sec, siccative |
sicy- | cucumber | Greek | σίκυος (síkuos) | Sicyos |
sider- | iron | Greek | σίδηρος (sídēros), σιδήρεος | siderodromophobia, siderophile |
sider- | star | Latin | sidus, sideris | sidereal |
sigm-[157] | S, s | Greek | σίγμα, σῖγμα (sîgma) | sigma, sigmatism, sigmatropic, sigmoid, sigmoidoscopy |
sign- | sign | Latin | signum | design, designate, insignia, signal, signature, significant |
sil- | quiet or still | Latin | silere | silence |
silv- | forest | Latin | silva | silviculture |
simi- | ape, monkey | Latin | simia | simian |
simil-, simul- | likeness, imitating | Latin | simulare "to emulate", from similis "alike" | assimilate, dissimilate, dissemble, ensemble, resemble, semblance, similar, similarity, simile, similitude, simulacrum, simular, simulate, simulation, simulator, simultaneous, verisimilar, verisimilitude |
sinap-[158] | mustard | Greek | σίναπι (sínapi), (sināpízein), (sināpismós) | sinapine, sinapism |
singul- | one each | Latin | singulus | singular |
sinistr- | left | Latin | sinister, sinistri | sinistral |
sinu- | (to draw) a line | Latin | sinuare | insinuate |
sinus- | hollow, bay | Latin | sinus | sinusoidal |
siop-[159] | silence | Greek | σιωπή (siōpḗ), σιωπᾶν (siōpân), σιωπητέος (siōpētéos), σιώπησις (siṓpēsis) | aposiopesis, aposiopetic |
siph-[160] | tube | Greek | σίφων (síphōn) | siphon, siphonoglyph |
sist- | cause to stand | Latin | sistere | assist, consist, desist, exist, insist, persist, resist, solstice, subsist |
sit-[161] | food, grain, wheat | Greek | σῖτος, σίτου (sîtos, sítou) | ectoparasite, endoparasite, endoparasitoid, epiparasite, hyperparasitism, kleptoparasitism, mesoparasite, parasite, parasitic, parasitism, parasitoid, sitology, syssitia |
siz-[162] | hiss | Greek | σίζω, σίξις (síxis) | |
smaragd-[163] | emerald | Greek | σμάραγδος (smáragdos), σμαράγδινος (smarágdinos) | smaragdine |
smil-[164] | carving knife | Greek | σμίλη (smílē), σμιλεύω, σμιλευτός, σμίλευμα | smilodon |
soci- | group | Latin | socius, sociare | associate, association, associative, consociate, consociation, consociational, disassociate, disassociation, dissociable, dissocial, dissociate, dissociation, dissociative, interassociation, nonassociative, sociability, sociable, social, sociality, societal, society |
sol- | sun | Latin | sol, solis | circumsolar, extrasolar, insolate, insolation, solar, solarium, soliform, soliscence, solstice, subsolar |
sol- | comfort, soothe | Latin | solari | consolation, console, solace |
sol- | alone, only | Latin | solus | desolate, desolation, desolatory, saudade, sole, soliloquy, solitaire, solitary, solitude, solitudinarian, solitudinous, solivagous, solo, sullen |
sole- | accustomed | Latin | solere "be accustomed" | insolence, insolent, obsolescence, obsolescent, obsolete |
solen-[165] | channel, pipe | Greek | σωλήν (sōlḗn) | solenocyte, solenodon, solenogaster, solenoid, Solenopsis |
solv-, solut- | loosen, set free | Latin | solvere, solutus | absolute, absolve, dissolute, dissolve, resolute, resolve, soluble, solute, solution, solve, solvent |
soma-[166] | body | Greek | σῶμα, σώματος (sôma, sṓmatos) | allosome, asomatous, autosome, centrosome, chromosome, decasomy, disomic, disomy, episome, gonosome, heptasomy, heterochromosome, heterodisomic, heterodisomy, hexasomy, isodisomic, isodisomy, macrosomia, metasomatic, metasomatism, microsome, microsomia, monosome, monosomic, monosomy, pentasomic, pentasomy, plasmosome, polysomic, polysomy, pyrosome, somatic, somatomancy, somatoparaphrenia, somatopleure, somatotype, somite, tetrasomic, tetrasomy, trisomic, trisomy |
somn- | sleep | Latin | somnus | insomnia, somnambulist, somnifacient, somniferous, somnific, somniloquy, somnolent |
somni- | dream | Latin | somnium | somnial |
son- | sound | Latin | sonus | absonant, ambisonic, assonance, assonant, assonate, consonance, consonant, consonous, dissonance, dissonant, inconsonance, inconsonant, infrasonic, infrasound, magnisonant, resonance, resonant, resonate, resound, sonance, sonant, sonata, sondage, sonnet, sonorant, sonority, soun, sound, subsonic, supersonic, triconsonantal, ultrasonic, ultrasound |
soph-[167] | wise | Greek | σοφός (sophós), σοφία (sophía), σόφισμα (sóphisma), σοφισμός (sophismós) | antisophism, pansophism, pansophist, pansophy, philosophize, philosophy, sophism, sophist, sophistry, sophisticate, Sophocles, sophomania, sophomaniac, sophomore, sophomoric |
sopor- | deep sleep | Latin | sopor | sopor, soporific |
sorb-, sorpt- | suck | Latin | sorbere | absorb, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, absorptive, absorptivity, adsorb, adsorbent, adsorption, exsorption, insorption, malabsorption, resorb, resorption, resorptive, sorbent, sorbile, sorbition, sorption |
sord- | dirt | Latin | sordere, sordes | sordes, sordid |
soror- | sister | Latin | soror | cousin, sororal, sororate, sororicide, sorority |
spa-[168] | draw, pull | Greek | σπᾶν (spân), σπάσις (spásis), σπασμός (spasmós), σπάσμα (spásma), σπαστικός (spastikós), σπώμενον (spṓmenon), σπάδιξ (spádix), σπαδίζω | antispasmodic, palinspastic, perispomenon, properispomenon, spadix, spasm, spasmatic, spasmodic, spasmogenic, spasmolytic, spastic |
spad-[169] | eunuch | Greek | σπάδος (spádos), σπάδων (spádōn), σπαδοειδής | epispadias, hypospadias |
sparg-, -sperg-, spars-, -spers- | scatter, sprinkle | Latin | spargere | asperse, aspersion, aspersive, dispersal, disperse, dispersion, dispersive, insperse, inspersion, interspersal, intersperse, interspersion, nonaspersion, nondispersive, nonsparse, sparge, spargefaction, sparse, sparsity |
spath- | blade | Greek | σπάθη (spáthē) | spade, spatha, spathe, spay |
spati- | space | Latin | spatium | interspace, interspatial, space, spatial, spatiate, subspace |
spec-, -spic-, spect- | look | Latin | specere, spectare, speculari | aspect, aspectual, auspicate, auspice, auspicious, biaspectual, bispecific, bispecificity, circumspect, circumspection, circumspective, conspecific, conspecificity, conspectus, conspicuous, despection, despicable, despiciency, despise, despite, disrespect, disrespectable, especial, expect, expectancy, expectant, expectation, inauspicious, incircumspect, inconspicuous, infraspecific, inspect, inspection, inspector, inspeximus, interspecies, interspecific, intraspecies, intraspecific, introspection, introspective, irrespective, multispecific, multispecificity, multispectral, nonspecific, perspective, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspicuous, prospect, prospective, prospector, prospectus, prospicience, prospicient, reinspect, respect, respectability, respectable, respectant, respective, respite, retrospection, retrospective, special, speciality, speciation, specie, species, specific, specification, specificity, specimen, speciosity, specious, spectacle, spectacular, spectacularity, spectant, spectation, spectator, spectatorial, spectral, spectre, spectrum, specular, speculate, speculation, speculative, speculator, speculatory, speculum, spice, spite, subspeciality, subspecies, suspect, suspicion, suspicious, transpicuous, trispecific, unispecific |
speir-, spor-[170] | sow | Greek | σπείρω (speírō), σπαρτός, σπορά, σποράς, σποράδος (sporás, sporádos), σποραδικός (sporadikós), σπόρος (spóros) | aplanospore, archesporium, carpospore, chlamydospore, diaspora, diaspore, endospore, esparto, eusporangium, exospore, heterosporous, heterospory, homosporous, isosporous, leptosporangium, megasporangium, megaspore, microsporangium, microspore, mitospore, sporadic, sporangiospore, sporangium, spore, sporocarp, sporophyte, teliospore, tetraspore, tetrasporophytic, zygospore |
spele- | cavern | Greek | σπέος (spéos), σπήλαιον (spḗlaion) | speleogen, speleogenesis, speleology, Speleomantes, speleomorphology, speleoseismite, speleothem, speleotherapy |
spelyng-[171] | cave | Greek | σπῆλυγξ, (spêlynx, spēlyng-) | spelunk |
spend-, spond-[172] | Greek | σπένδειν (spéndein), σπονδή, σπονδάς (spondḗ, spondás), σπονδεῖος, σπονδικός | spondaic, Sponde, spondee | |
sper- | hope | Latin | spes, sperare | despair, desperado, desperate, desperation, esperance, prosper, prosperity, prosperous |
sperm-[173] | seed | Greek | σπέρμα, σπέρματος (spérma, spérmatos) | angiosperm, endosperm, gymnosperm, perisperm, sperm, spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogenesis, spermatogonium, spermatozoon, stenospermocarpy |
sphal-[174] (ΣΦΑΛ[175]) | cause to fall | Greek | σφάλλειν (sphállein), σφαλερός (sphalerós), σφαλλόμενον | sphalerite, sphaleron |
sphen-[176] | wedge | Greek | σφήν, σφηνός (sphḗn, sphēnós) | sphenic, Sphenodon, sphenoid |
spher-[177] | ball | Greek | σφαῖρα (sphaîra) | aspheric, hemisphere, hypersphere, mesosphere, pseudosphere, sphere, spherics, spheroid, spherometer, spherulite, stratosphere, trimetasphere |
sphing-, sphinct- | strangle | Greek | σφίγγειν (sphíngein), Σφίγξ sphings, σφιγκτήρ | sphincter |
sphondyl- | vertebra | Greek | σφόνδυλος, σφονδύλου (sphóndulos, sphondúlou) | spondylitis, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylosis, Temnospondyli |
sphrag- | seal | Greek | σφραγίς (sphragís), (sphragistikós), σφραγίζω | sphragistic |
sphyg- | pulse | Greek | σφύζειν (sphúzein), σφυγμός (sphugmós), (sphugmikós), (sphúxis) | asphyxia, sphygmic, sphygmochronograph, sphygmograph, sphygmomanometer, sphygmus |
spic- | spike | Latin | spica | spica, spicate, spicose, spicosity, spicular, spiculate, spicule, spiculiform |
spin- | thorn | Latin | spina | infraspinate, infraspinatus, interspinal, spinal, spine, spinel, spinescent, spiniferous, spiniform, spinose, spinous |
spir- | breathe | Latin | spirare | aspire, conspire, expire, inspire, perspire, respiration, spirit |
splen- | spleen | Greek | σπλήν (splḗn), splēnikós | asplenia, hypersplenism, hyposplenia, polysplenia, splenectomy, splenic, splenitis, splenoid, splenomegaly |
spond- | Greek | |||
spond-, spons- | a surety, guarantee; give assurance, promise solemnly | Latin | spondere, sponsus | correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponsive, cosponsor, despond, despondency, despondent, desponsage, desponsate, desponsation, disespouse, espousage, espousal, espouse, interspousal, irresponsibility, irresponsible, irresponsive, nonresponsive, respond, respondee, respondence, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible, responsion, responsive, responsivity, riposte, sponsal, sponsion, sponsional, sponsor, spousal, spouse |
spondyl- | vertebra | Greek | σπόνδυλος (spóndulos) | platyspondyly, spondylid, spondylolisthesis, spondylolysis, spondylopyosis, spondyloschisis, spondylosis, spondylosyndesis, Spondylus |
spor- | Greek | |||
spu-, sput- | spew, spit | Latin | spuere | exspuition, sputum |
squal- | scaly, dirty, filthy | Latin | squalere | squalid, squalidity, squalor |
squam- | scale | Latin | squama | squamous |
squarros- | spreading at tips | Latin | squarrosus | squarrose |
st- (ΣΤΑ) | cause to stand | Greek | ἵστημι histēmi, histánai, στατικός, στάσις, στατήρ, στήλη | acrostatic, actinostele, anastasis, antistatic, apostasy, apostate, astasia, astasis, astatic, astatine, catastasis, chronostasis, diastase, diastasis, diastatic, diasystem, ecstasy, ecstatic, epistasis, episteme, epistemic, epistemology, eustasis, eustatic, eustele, haplostele, homeostasis, homeostatic, hydrostatic, hypostasis, hypostasize, hypostatic, hypostatize, mesostatic, metastasis, metastasize, metastatic, metasystem, orthostates, orthostatic, protostele, stasimon, stasis, stater, static, statoblast, statocyst, statolith, stela, stele, systasis, system, systematic, systematize, systematology, systemic, teleutostatic |
st- | stand | Latin | stare "to stand", also causative form statuere "to enact, set", from status "condition, position" | antestature, arrest, arrestant, arrestee, bistability, bistable, bistate, circumstance, circumstantial, consist, constable, constabulary, constancy, constant, constitute, consubstantiation, contrast, distance, distant, equidistance, equidistant, establish, estate, extant, inconstancy, inconstant, instability, instance, instant, obstacle, presto, stable, stamen, stamina, stance, stanchion, stanza, state, station, stationary, statistic, statue, status, staunch, stay, substance, substantial, substantiality, substantiate, substantiation, substantive, substate, substation, substitute, superstation, superstition, superstitious, transubstantiate, transubstantiation, tristate |
stagn- | pool of standing water | Latin | stagnare | stagnant |
stala- | dripping, trickling | Greek | σταλακτός (stalaktós) and σταλαγμός (stalagmós), both from σταλάζειν (stalázein) "to drip" | stalactite, stalagmite |
stann- | tin | Latin | stannum | stannous |
staphyl-[178] | bunch of grapes | Greek | σταφυλή (staphulḗ) | staphyledema, staphylion, staphylococcus, staphyloderma, staphyloplasty |
statu-, -stitu- | stand | Latin | statuere | institution, statute |
steat-[179] | fat, tallow | Greek | στέαρ, στέατος (stéar, stéatos) | stearic acid, steatolysis, steatolytic, steatosis |
steg-[180] | cover | Greek | στέγειν, στέγη (stégē), στεγανός (steganós) | steganography, steganopod, Stegosaurus |
stell-, stol-[181] | send | Greek | στέλλω (stéllō), στάλσις (stálsis), στολή (stolḗ) | apostle, centrostaltic, diastole, epistle, epistolic, epistolize, epistolography, eusystole, hypodiastole, peristalsis, peristaltic, peristole, stole, systaltic, systole |
stell- | star | Latin | stella | constellation, stellar |
sten- | stand | Greek | στεναί (stenaí) | apostasy, apostate |
sten-[182] | narrow | Greek | στενός (stenós) | stenography, stenosis |
stere-[183] | solid | Greek | στερεός (stereós) | allosteric, stereochemistry, stereochromy, stereographic, stereography, stereoisomer, stereometry, stereophonic, stereopsis, stereoscope, stereoscopy, stereotaxis, stereotomy, stereotype, stereotypic, steric |
stern-[184] | breastbone | Greek | στέρνον (stérnon) | metasternum, prosternum, sternum |
stern-, strat- | spread, strew | Latin | sternere, stratus | consternation, prostrate, stratify, stratum, stratus, street |
steth-[185] | chest | Greek | στῆθος (stêthos) | stethoscope |
sthen-[186] | strength | Greek | σθένος (sthénos) | asthenia, asthenosphere, callisthenics, hyposthenia, sthène, sthenia |
stich-[187] | line, row | Greek | στείχειν (steíkhein), στίχος (stíkhos) | acrostic, cadastre, distich, distichous, haplostichous, hemistich, heptastich, monostich, monostichous, orthostichy, pentastich, polystichia, polystichous, stich, stichic, stichomancy, stichometry, stichomythia, telestich |
stich-[188] | tunic | Greek | στίχη (stíkhē), στιχάριον (stikhárion) | sticharion |
stig-[189] | mark, puncture | Greek | στίζειν (stízein), στίξις (stíxis), στίγμα, στίγματος (stígma, stígmatos) | anastigmat, anastigmatic, astigmatic, astigmatism, stigma, stigmatic |
still- | drip | Latin | stilla, stillare | distillation, instill |
stimul- | goad, rouse, excite | Latin | stimulus | stimulate |
stin- | stand | Latin | stinare | destination, obstinate |
stingu-, stinct- | apart | Latin | stinguere | distinction, distinguish |
stoch-[190] | aim | Greek | στόχος (stókhos), στοχαστικός (stokhastikós), στόχασμα | stochastic |
stom- | mouth | Greek | στόμα, στόματος (stóma, stómatos) | anastomosis, anastomotic, deuterostome, monostomous, ozostomia, pentastomid, protostome, stoma, stomach, stomatalgia, stomatic, stomatoplasty, -stome |
stor-[191] (ΣΤΟΡ)[192] | spread, strew | Greek | στορέννυμι (storénnumi), στόρνυμι, στρῶμα (strôma) | biostrome, stroma |
strat- | army | Greek | στρατός (stratós), στρατηγία (stratēgía) | stratagem, strategic, strategist, strategus, strategy, stratocracy, stratography, stratonic |
streper- | noise | Latin | strepere | obstreperous |
streph-, stroph-, strob-, stromb-[193] | turn | Greek | στρέφειν (stréphein), στρεπτός (streptós), στροφή (strophḗ) | anastrophe, antistrophe, apostrophe, boustrophedon, catastrophe, catastrophic, catastrophism, epistrophe, monostrophe, monostrophic, strophe, strophic |
strept- | twisted | Greek | στρέφειν, στρεπτός (streptós), στρεψίς (strepsís) | Strepsiptera, strepsirrhine, streptococcus |
strig- | compress | Latin | strix, strigis | strigogyps |
strigos- | having stiff bristles | Latin | strigosus from striga | strigose |
string-, strict- | tight, upright, stiff | Latin | stringere, strictus | astringent, constrain, constrict, constringe, restrict, strain, strict, stringent |
stroph- | turn | Greek | ||
stru-, struct- | to make up, build | Latin | struere, structus | construct, construction, construe, destroy, destruct, instruct, obstruct, structure |
stud- | dedication | Latin | studere | étude, student |
stup- | wonder | Latin | stupere | stupid, stupor |
styg-[194] | Styx | Greek | Στύξ, Στυγός (Stúx, Stugós), Στύγιος | Stygian, stygiophobia |
styl-[195] | column, pillar | Greek | στῦλος (stûlos), στυλόω (stulóō) | amphiprostyle, amphistyly, anastylosis, araeostyle, araeosystyle, blastostyle, diastyle, epistyle, eustyle, hexastyle, hyostyly, hypostyle, monostylous, octastyle, orthostyle, peristyle, prostyle, pycnostyle, stylite, Stylites, stylobate, styloid, stylus, systyle |
su-, sut- | sew | Latin | suere, sutus | couture, suture |
suad-, suas- | urge | Latin | suadere, suasus | persuasion |
suav- | sweet | Latin | suavis | assuage, suave, suavity |
sub-, su-, suf-, sug-, sup-, sus- | below | Latin | sub | submarine, submerge, suffix, suggest, support |
subter- | under | Latin | subter | subterfuge |
sucr- | sugar | Latin | succarum | sucrose |
sud- | sweat | Latin | sudare | exudate, exude, sudarium, sudoriferous, transudate |
sui- | self | Latin | sui | sui generis, suicide |
sulc- | furrow | Latin | sulcus | sulcus |
sum- | sum | Latin | summare "to sum up", from summa "sum" | consummate, consummation, sum, summa cum laude, summary, summation |
sum-, sumpt- | take | Latin | sumere, sumptus | assume, assumption, consume, consumption, presumption, subsume |
super- | above, over | Latin | super | insuperable, soprano, sovereign, summit, superable, superb, supercilious, supercomputer, superficial, superfluous, superimpose, superior, superlative, supermarket, supernal, supernatural, supernova, superposition, superpower, superscript, supersede, supersonic, superstition, supervene, supervise, supreme, supremum, surname, surplus, surround, survive |
supin- | lying back | Latin | supinus | supination, supine |
supra- | above, over | Latin | supra | supranationalism |
surd- | deaf | Latin | surdus | absurdity |
surg- | rise | Latin | surgere | insurgent, insurrection, resurgent, resurrection |
sybar-[196] | Sybaris | Greek | Σύβαρις, συβάρεως, Συβαρίτης Sybarī́tēs, Συβαριτικός | Sybarite, sybaritic, sybaritism |
syc- | fig | Greek | συκῆ, σῦκον (sûkon) | sycomancy, sycophant |
syn-, sy-, syg-, syl-, sym-, sys-[197] | with | Greek | σύν (sún) | syllogism, symbol, symmetry, sympathy, synonym, synchronous, system |
syring- | pipe | Greek | σύριγξ, σύριγγος (súrinx, súringos) | syringe, Syringodea, Syringoderma, Syringogaster, syringoma, syringomyelia, syrinx |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
tac-, -tic- | be silent | Latin | tacere, tacitus | reticent, reticence, tacit, taciturn |
tach- | swift | Greek | ταχύς (takhús), τάχος (tákhos) | tachometer, tachycardia, tachyrhythmia, tachytelic |
taeni- | ribbon | Greek | τείνειν (teínein), ταινία (tainía), ταινίδιον (tainídion) | diplotene, leptotene, pachytene, taenia, taenidia, taenidium, taeniodont, Taeniolabis, zygotene |
tag- (ΤΑΓ)[198] | arrange, order | Greek | τάσσειν (tássein), τακτός (taktós), τακτικός (taktikós), τάξις (táxis), τάγμα (tágma) | ataxia, chemotaxis, epitaxis, eutaxy, hypotaxis, magnetotaxis, metasyntactic, parataxis, phonotactic, phonotactics, phototaxis, rheotaxis, syntactic, syntagma, syntagmatic, syntax, tactic, tagma, taxis, taxonomy, thermotaxis |
tal- | ankle | Latin | talus | talus |
tang-, -ting-, tact-, tag- | touch | Latin | tangere (past participle tactus) | attain, contact, contagious, contingent, contingency, contiguous, intact, tactile, tangent, tangible |
tapet- | carpet | Latin | tapete, tapetis | tapestry, tapetum, tapis |
tarac- (ΤΑΡΑΧ)[199] | stir | Greek | ταράσσειν (tarássein), ταρακτός, ταρακτικός, τάραγμα, θράσσω | ataractic, ataraxia |
tard- | slow | Latin | tardus | retard, tardigrade, tardy |
tars- | ankle | Greek | ταρσός (tarsós, "a flat basket") | metatarsus, tarsal, tarsoclasis, tarsometatarsus, tarsus |
taur- | bull | Greek | ταῦρος (taûros) | Minotaur, taurobolium, taurocholic, tauromachy |
taur- | bull | Latin | taurus | Taurus |
tec- (ΤΑΚ)[200] | melt | Greek | τήκειν | eutectic, eutectoid |
tec-, toc- (ΤΕΚ)[201] | childbirth | Greek | τίκτειν, τόκος (tókos) | ditokous, dystocia, embiotocid, monotocous, teknonymous, teknonymy, tokophobia |
techn- (ΤΕΚ)[202] | art, skill | Greek | τίκτειν (tíktein), τέχνη (tékhnē), τέκτων, τέκτονος (téktōn, téktonos), τεκτονικός (tektonikós) | architect, polytechnic, techne, technique, technocracy, technocrat, technogaianism, technology, technophilia, technophobia, tectonic |
tecn- (ΤΕΚ)[203] | child | Greek | τίκτω, τέκνον, τέκνου (téknon, téknou) | teknonymous, teknonymy |
teg-, tect- | cover | Latin | tegere, tectus | contection, detect, detectible, detection, detective, detector, integument, integumentary, obtect, pretectal, pretectum, protect, protection, protective, protector, protectorate, protectory, protectress, protectrix, protégé, protégée, tectrix, tectum, tegmen, tegmental, tegula, tegular, tegument, tile, tog, toga, togate, togavirus, toggery |
tele- | far, end | Greek | τῆλε (têle) | telegram, telegraph, telemetry, telepathy, telephone, telescope, television |
tele- | complete | Greek | τέλος, τέλεος (télos, téleos), τέλεσις (télesis) | atelectasis, ateleiosis, atelophobia, teleology, telesis, toll |
tem-, tom- [204] (ΤΕΜ[205]) | cut | Greek | τέμνειν (témnein), τομός (tomós), τόμος (tómos), τομή (tomḗ), τμῆσις (tmêsis) | acrotomophilia, anatomy, apotemnophilia, atom, atomic, autotomy, diatom, dichotomous, dichotomy, ectomy, entomology, entomomancy, entomophagous, entomophilous, epitome, monatomic, pentatomic, polyatomic, polytomy, Temnospondyli, tmesis, tome, tomogram, tomography, trichotomous, trichotomy |
temn-, tempt- | – | Latin | temnere | contemn, contemnible, contempt, contemptible, contumacious, contumacy, contumelious, contumely |
tempor- | time | Latin | tempus, temporis | contemporaneous, contemporary, extemporaneous, tempo, temporal, temporary |
ten-, ton- [206] (ΤΑΝ[207]) | stretch | Greek | τείνειν (teínein), τεινόμενον, τανύειν (tanúein), τετανός (tetanós), τόνος (tónos), τονικός (tonikós), τονή (tonḗ), τάσις (tásis), ταινία | anhemitonic, atelectasis, atonic, atritonic, barytone, catatonia, catatoniac, catatonic, decatonic, diatonic, ditone, dodecatonic, dystonia, ectasia, enneatonic, entasia, entasis, epitasis, hemitonia, hemitonic, heptatonic, hexatonic, hyperisotonic, hypertonia, hypertonic, hypotenuse, hypotonia, hypotonic, isotonic, microtone, monotone, monotonic, monotonous, monotony, neoteny, octatonic, oxytone, paroxytone, pentatonic, peritoneum, polytonic, proparoxytone, protasis, pyelectasis, syntonic, tetanolysin, tetanospasmin, tetanus, tetany, tetratonic, tone, tonic, tonoplast, tritonic, tune |
ten-, -tin-, tent- | hold, keep | Latin | tenere, tentus | abstain, abstention, abstinence, abstinent, appertain, appertinent, appurtenance, appurtenant, contain, containment, content, contentive, contentment, continence, continent, continental, continual, continuance, continuant, continuation, continuative, continue, continuity, continuous, continuum, contratenor, countenance, detain, detainder, detainee, detainer, detainment, detention, detinue, discontent, discontentment, discontinuance, discontinuation, discontinue, discontinuity, discontinuous, entertain, entertainment, equicontinuity, equicontinuous, impertinence, impertinent, incontinence, incontinent, intenible, intercontinental, irretentive, lieutenant, maintain, maintenance, malcontent, obtain, obtainment, obtention, pertain, pertinacious, pertinacity, pertinence, pertinent, purtenance, reobtain, retain, retainer, retainment, retention, retentive, retinue, se-tenant, sustenance, sustentacular, sustentaculum, sustentation, sustention, tenable, tenace, tenacious, tenacity, tenancy, tenant, tenet, tenor, tenure, tenurial, tenuto, transcontinental |
tend-, tens- | stretch, strain | Latin | tendere (past participle tensus) | ambitendency, attempt, attend, attendee, attent, attention, attentive, coextend, coextension, coextensive, contend, contention, contentious, detent, détente, distend, distension, distent, distention, entendre, entente, extend, extensible, extension, extensional, extensionality, extensive, extensivity, extensor, extent, inattention, inattentive, inextensible, intend, intense, intensification, intension, intensional, intensity, intensive, intent, obtend, obtension, ostensible, ostension, ostensive, ostensory, ostent, ostentation, ostentatious, portend, portension, portent, portentous, pretend, pretense, pretension, subtend, subtense, superintend, superintendency, superintendent, tempt, temptation, tend, tendency, tendential, tendentious, tender, tense, tensible, tensile, tensility, tension, tensure, tent, tentacle, tentacular, tentage, tentation, tentative, tentiginous, tentorium |
tenu- | slender, thin | Latin | tenuare "make thin", from tenuis "thin" | attenuate, extenuate, tenuous |
tep- | be warm | Latin | tepere | subtepid, tepefaction, tepid, tepidarium, tepidity, tepor |
ter-, trit- | rub, wear | Latin | terere, tritus | attrition, contrite, contrition, detriment, detrimental, detrital, detrition, detritivore, detritivorous, detritus, retriment, tribulation, trite, triturate, trituration, triture |
tere- | guard | Greek | τηρεῖν (tēreîn), τήρησις (tḗrēsis) | synteresis |
teret- | rounded | Latin | teres, teretis | subterete, teretial |
terg-, ters- | wipe | Latin | tergere, tersus | absterge, abstergent, abstersion, abstersive, deterge, detergency, detergent, terse |
termin- | boundary, limit, end | Latin | terminus | determine, interminable, terminal, termination |
tern- | three each | Latin | terni | ternary, ternion |
terr- | earth | Latin | terra | inter, subterranean, terrace, terracotta, terrain, terrarium, terrestrial, territory |
terti- | third | Latin | tertius | tertian, tertiary |
test- | witness | Latin | testis | attest, contest, detest, protest, testament, testify, testimony |
tetart-[208] | fourth | Greek | τέταρτος (tétartos) | tetartanopsia, tetartohedric |
tetr- | four | Greek | τέτϝαρες, τέσσαρες, τεσσάρων (téssares, tessárōn) | diatessaron, tetragon, tetrahedron, tetralogy, tetrameter, tetraphobia, tetrapod, tetrode |
teuch- | make | Greek | τεύχειν (teúkhein), τυγχάνω, τευκτός, τευκτικός, τεῦξις (teûxis), τεῦγμα (teûgma), τεῦχος, τεύχεος (teûkhos, teúkheos), τύχη (túkhē), τυκτός (tuktós) | Heptateuch, octateuch, Pentateuch |
tex-, text- | weave | Latin | texere, textus | context, subtle, pretext, text, textile, texture |
thalam- | chamber, bed | Greek | θάλαμος (thálamos) | epithalamion, hypothalamus, prothalamion, thalamotomy, thalamus |
thalass- | sea | Greek | θάλασσα (thálassa) | Panthalassa, thalassemia, thalassic, thalassophobia |
than- (ΘΑΝ)[209][210] | death | Greek | θνήσκειν, θάνατος (thánatos) | euthanasia, thanatocoenosis, thanatoid, thanatology, thanatophobia, thanatophoric, thanatopsis |
thaumat- | miracle | Greek | θαυματ (thaumat) | thaumatology, thaumaturge |
the-, thus- | god | Greek | θεός (theós) | atheism, atheistic, ditheism, enthusiasm, monotheism, Pantheon, polytheism, Thea, theobromine, theocracy, theodicy, Theodore, theogony, theology, theophobia, Timothy, tritheism |
the- (ΘΕ)[211] | put | Greek | τιθέναι (tithénai), θετός (thetós), θετικός (thetikós), θέσις (thésis), θέμα (théma), θήκη (thḗkē) | anathema, anathematic, antithesis, antithetic, apothecium, athematic, Bibliotheca, bodega, boutique, deem, doom, enthesis, enthetic, epenthesis, epenthetic, epitheca, epithet, hypothec, hypothesis, monothematic, nomothetic, oligosynthetic, parenthesis, parenthetic, polysynthetic, prosthesis, prosthetic, prothesis, prothetic, pseudothecium, synthesis, synthetic, theca, thecium, thematic, theme, Themis, thesaurus, thesis, treasure |
thea- | view | Greek | θεᾶσθαι (theâsthai), θέατρον (théatron) | amphitheatre, metatheatre, theatre, theatric |
thel- | nipple | Greek | θηλή (thēlḗ) | athelia, endothelium, epithelium, mesothelioma, mesothelium, thelium, thelial |
theori- | speculation | Greek | θεωρητικός (theōrētikós), θεώρημα (theṓrēma), θεωρία (theōría) | theorem, theoretic, theorist, theorize, theory |
ther- | beast, animal | Greek | θήρ, θηρός (thḗr, thērós) | therianthropy, theroid, theropod, theropsid |
therap- | serve | Greek | θεράπων (therápōn), θεραπεύειν (therapeúein), θεραπευτός, θεραπευτικός (therapeutikós), θεραπεία (therapeía) | therapeutic, therapist, therapy |
therm- | heat, warm | Greek | θέρεσθαι (théresthai), θέρμη (thérmē), θερμός (thermós) | thermal, athermancy, diathermancy, ectotherm, endotherm, endothermic, exothermic, geothermic, homeothermy, hyperthermia, hypothermia, isotherm, poikilotherm, thermobaric, thermochromism, thermodynamic, thermolysis, thermometer, thermophilic, thermophobia, thermoplastic, thermoplegia, thermos, thermosphere, thermostat, thermostatic |
thig- (ΘΙΓ)[212] | touch | Greek | θιγγάνειν (thingánein), θίξις (thíxis), θίγημα (thígēma) | antithixotropic, thigmonasty, thigmotaxis, thixotropic, thixotropy |
thorac- | chest | Greek | θώραξ, θώρακος (thṓrax, thṓrakos) | hemothorax, pneumothorax, thoracic, thorax |
thym- | mood | Greek | θυμός (thumós) | dysthymia |
thyr- | door | Greek | θύρα (thúra) | thyratron |
thyre- | large shield | Greek | θυρεός (thureós) | Thyreophora, thyroid, thyrotropin, thyroxine |
tim- | be afraid | Latin | timere | timid, timorous |
ting-, tinct- (TING)[213] | dye, moisten | Latin | tingere, tinctus | aquatint, distain, mezzotint, tinct, tinctorial, tincture, tinge, tingent, tint |
tom- | cut | Greek | τομή (tomḗ), τόμος (tómos) | anatomy, appendectomy, atom, dichotomy, ectomy, embolectomy, tome, tonsillectomy, vasectomy |
ton- (ΤΑΝ)[214] | stretch | Greek | τείνειν (teínein), τόνος (tónos), τονικός (tonikós) | isotonic, monotone, tone |
top- [215] | place, location | Greek | τόπος (tópos) | atopic, atopy, dystopia, ectopia, ectopic, entopic, epitope, eutopia, isotope, nomotopic, polytope, topiary, topic, topography, topology, toponomastics, toponym, toponymy, topos, utopia, zonotope |
torn-[216] | turn, rotate | Latin from Greek | tornare < τόρνος (tórnos) | tornado, tournament, turn |
torpe- | be numb | Latin | torpere | torpent, torpid, torpor |
torqu-, tort- | twist | Latin | torquere, tortus | contort, distort, extort, extortion, retort, torque, torsion, tortuous, torture |
tot- | all, whole | Latin | totus | subtotal, total, totality |
tox-[217] | arrow, bow, poison | Greek | τόξον (tóxon) | anatoxin, antitoxin, autotoxin, exotoxin, intoxicate, neurotoxin, psychotoxic, toxic, toxin, toxoid, toxology, toxoplasmosis |
trab- | beam | Latin | trabs, trabis | trabeculae |
trach-[218] | rough | Greek | τραχύς (trakhús) | trachea, tracheids, tracheitis, tracheophyte, tracheostomy, tracheotomy, trachoma |
trag-[219] | he-goat | Greek | τράγος (trágos) | tragedy, tragic, tragus |
trah-, tract- | draw, pull | Latin | tractare, frequentative of trahere, tractus | abstract, attract, contract, detract, retract, subtract, subtrahend, tractable, traction, tractor |
trans-, tra-, tran- | across | Latin | trans | intransigent, tradition, transact, transcend, transient, transitory, transparent, transport |
trapez-[220] | four-legged, table | Greek | τράπεζα (trápeza), τραπέζιον, (trapézion) | trapeze, trapezium, trapezius, trapezohedron, trapezoid |
traum-[221] | wound | Greek | τραῦμα, τραῦματος (traûma, traûmatos) | trauma, traumatic, traumatize, traumatophobia |
trecent- | three hundred | Latin | trecenti | trecentennial, trecentillion |
trech-, troch-[222] | run, wheel | Greek | τρέχειν (trékhein), τρεχόμενον, τρόχος (tróchos), τροχός, τροχοῦ (trochós), τρόχωσις, τροχαῖος (trochaîos), τροχαϊκός (trochaïkós), τροχοειδής | ditrochee, epitrochoid, hypotrochoid, trochaic, trochanter, trochee, trochelminth, trochlea, trochophore, trochoid |
tredec- | thirteen | Latin | tredecim | tredecimal |
treiskaidek- | thirteen | Greek | τρεισκαίδεκα (treiskaídeka) | triskaidekaphobia |
trem- | tremble | Latin | tremere | tremor |
trema- | hole | Greek | τετραίνω, τρῆμα (trêma) | monotrematous, monotreme, trema, tréma, trematode |
trep-, trop-[223] | turn | Greek | τρέπειν (trépein), τρέψις (trépsis), τρόπος, τρόπου (trópos), τροπή, τροπῆς (tropḗ), τροπικός (tropikós) | allotrope, anisotropy, Atropos, ectropion, entropic, entropion, entropy, heliotropism, isentropic, isotrope, isotropic, isotropy, pleiotropic, pleiotropy, polytrope, protrepsis, protreptic, psychotropic, treponeme, treponematosis, treponemiasis, trope, tropic, tropism, tropopause, troposphere, trove |
treph-, troph-[224] | feed, grow | Greek | τρέφειν (tréphein), τροφός (trophós), τροφή (trophḗ), θρέμμα | amyotrophic, atrophy, autotroph, auxotrophy, chemolithoautotroph, dystrophy, hemidystrophy, heterotroph, hypertrophy, lithoautotroph, lithotroph, mixotroph, organotroph, phagotrophy, photoheterotroph, phototroph, phototrophic, phototrophy, pogonotrophy, poliodystrophy, prototrophy, trophectoderm, trophic, trophobiosis, trophobiotic, trophoblast, trophoblastic, trophozoite |
trepid- | tremble | Latin | trepidare "to tremble, hurry", from trepidus "alarmed, scared" | intrepid, trepid, trepidation |
tri-[225] | three | Greek | τρεῖς, τρία (tría), τριάς | atritonic, triad, triadic, Triassic, tricycle, trigon, triode, tripod, trisyllabic, tritonic |
tri- | three | Latin | trēs | triangle, triumvirate, trivia |
trib-, tript-[226] | rub | Greek | τρίβειν (tríbein), τριπτός, τρῖψις | diatribe, tribochromism, tribology, trypsin, tryptic |
tribu- | pay | Latin | tribuere "to pay", from tribus | attribute, contribute,distribute, retribution, tribe, tribulation, tribunal, tribune, tributary, tribute |
tricen- | thirty each | Latin | triceni | tricenary |
tricesim-, trigesim- | thirtieth | Latin | tricesimus | trigesimal |
trich- | hair | Greek | θρίξ, τριχός (trikhós) | peritrichous, trichopathophobia, Trichoptera |
trin- | three each | Latin | trini | trinary, trine, trinity |
trit- [227] | third | Greek | τρίτος (trítos) | tritagonist, tritanomaly, tritanopia, trite, tritium |
tritic- | wheat | Latin | triticum | triticale |
troch- | wheel | Greek | τροχός (trokhós) | trochlea |
trop- | turn | Greek | τρόπος (tropos) | contrive, heliotropism, isotrope, psychotropic, retrieve, trope, tropic, tropism, troposphere, troubadour, trove |
troph- | feed, grow | Greek | τροφή, τροφός (trophós) | dystrophy, pogonotrophy, trophic |
truc- | fierce | Latin | trux, trucis | truculence, truculency, truculent |
trud-, trus- | thrust | Latin | trudere, trusus | abstrude, abstruse, abstrusion, abstrusity, detrude, detrusion, detrusor, extrude, extrusible, extrusion, extrusive, inobtrusive, intrude, intrusion, intrusive, nonintrusive, obtrude, obtrusion, obtrusive, protrude, protrudent, protrusile, protrusion, protrusive, retrude, retruse, retrusion, retrusive |
trunc- | cut off | Latin | truncare "to maim, mutilate", from truncus "mutilated, cut off" | detruncate, detruncation, entrench, entrenchment, intrench, intrenchment, obtruncate, obtruncation, omnitruncation, retrench, retrenchment, tranche, tranchet, trench, trenchancy, trenchant, truncate, truncation, truncheon, trunk, trunnion |
tryp-[228] | bore | Greek | τρυπᾶν (trupân), τρύπανον (trúpanon) | trepan, trypanophobia, trypanosome |
tum- | be swollen | Latin | tumere | detumescence, detumescent, intumescence, tumefacient, tumefaction, tumesce, tumescence, tumescent, tumid, tumidity, tumor, tumorous, tumular, tumulose, tumulous, tumult, tumultuary, tumultuous, tumulus |
turb- | disturb | Latin | turba | disturb, disturbance, nonperturbative, perturb, perturbance, perturbation, perturbative, trouble, troublous, turbid, turbidity, turbinate, turbine, turbulence, turbulent |
tuss- | cough | Latin | tussis, tussire | pertussis, tussive |
tymb-[229] | mound | Greek | τύμβος (túmbos), τυμβεύω, τύμβευμα | entomb, tomb |
tympan- | drum | Greek | τύμπανον (túmpanon) | timbre, timpanist, tympani, tympanum |
typ-[230] (ΤΥΠ[231]) | stamp, model | Greek | τύπτειν (túptein), τύπος (túpos), τυπικός (tupikós), τύμπανον (túmpanon) | allotype, archetype, ecotype, ectype, epitype, ergatotype, heterotype, heterotypic, holotype, homeotypic, homotype, homotypic, isosyntype, isotype, lectotype, logotype, monotypic, neotype, paralectotype, paratype, phenotype, prototype, schizotypic, syntype, type, typography, typology |
typh-[232] | smoke | Greek | τύφειν (túphein), τῦφος (tûphos), τυφώδης | typhoid, typhous, typhus |
tyrann-[233] | terrible, tyrant | Greek | τύραννος (túrannos) | tyrannize, tyrannosaurus, tyranny, tyrant |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
uber- | fruitful, udder | Latin | ūber, uberare | exuberance, exuberant, exuberate, uberous, uberty |
uligin- | in marshes | Latin | uligo, uliginis | uliginous |
ul-[234] | gums | Greek | οὖλον (oûlon) | ulorrhea |
ul-[235] | woolly | Greek | οὖλος (oûlos) | Ulotrichi |
ultim- | farthest | Latin | ultimus | ultimate, ultimatum |
ultra- | beyond | Latin | ultra | ultrasonic |
umbilic- | navel | Latin | umbilicus | umbilical, umbilicate, umbilication |
umbr- | shade, shadow | Latin | umbra | adumbral, adumbrant, adumbrate, adumbration, adumbrative, antumbra, inumbrate, obumbrant, obumbrate, obumbration, penumbra, penumbral, somber, sombrero, subumbellate, umbel, umbellate, umbelliferous, umbelliform, umbellulate, umbellule, umber, umbra, umbraculum, umbrage, umbrageous, umbral, umbrella, umbriferous, umbrose |
un- | one | Latin | ūnus, unius | adunation, biunique, coadunate, coadunation, disunite, disunity, malunion, nonuniform, nonuniformity, nonunion, nonunique, nonunity, onion, reunification, reunion, reunite, triune, unanimous, unary, unate, unicorn, unific, unification, uniform, uniformity, unify, union, unique, unite, unity, universal, universe, university |
unc- | hook | Latin | uncus | adunc, aduncity, aduncous, unciform, Uncinaria, uncinate, Uncinia |
unci- | ounce, twelfth | Latin | uncia | inch, ounce, quincuncial, semiuncial, uncial |
und- | wave | Latin | unda | abound, abundance, abundant, inundant, inundate, inundation, redound, redundancy, redundant, superabound, superabundance, superabundant, surround, undine, undulant, undulate, undulation, undulatory, undulatus, undulose |
undecim- | eleventh | Latin | undecimus | undecimal |
unden- | eleven each | Latin | ūndēni | undenary |
ungu- | claw, hoof, nail | Latin | unguis, ungula | ungual, unguiferous, unguiform, ungular, ungulate, unguligrade |
ur-[236] | tail | Greek | οὐρά, οὐρᾶς (ourá, ourâs) | anthurium, Anura, brachyurous, colure, cynosure, Diplura, Protura, uroborus, urochord, uroid, uropod |
ur-[237] | urine | Greek | οὐρεῖν (oureîn), οὖρον, οὔρου (oûron, oúrou), οὔρησις (oúrēsis), οὐρητήρ (ourētḗr), οὐρήθρα (ourḗthra) | antidiuretic, cystinuria, diuresis, diuretic, dysuria, enuresis, homocystinuria, lithuresis, polyurea, polyuria, strangury, uraemia/uremia, urea, uremic, uresiesthesia, uresis, ureter, ureteroscopy, urethra, urology |
uran-[238] | heaven, sky | Greek | οὐρανός, οὐρανοῦ (ouranós, ouranoû), οὐρανόθεν (ouranóthen) | uraninite, uranium, uranography, uranology, uranometry, uranophobia, Uranus |
urb- | city | Latin | urbs, urbis | conurbation, exurb, exurban, interurban, inurbane, inurbanity, nonurban, suburb, suburban, suburbanite, urban, urbane, urbanity |
urg- | work | Greek | ||
urg- | work | Latin | urgere | urgency, urgent |
urs- | bear | Latin | ursus | Ursa Major, ursine, Ursus |
ut-, us- | use | Latin | uti, usus | abuse, disuse, use, usual, utilitarian, utility |
uv- | grape | Latin | uva | uvea |
uxor- | wife | Latin | uxor | uxoricide |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
vac- | empty | Latin | vacare | evacuate, vacancy, vacant, vacate, vacation, vacuous, vacuum |
vacc- | cow | Latin | vacca | vaccary, vaccination, vaccine |
vacil- | waver | Latin | vacillare "sway, be untrustworthy" | vacillate, vacillation |
vad-, vas- | go | Latin | vadere | evade, pervasive |
vag- | wander | Latin | vagus, vagare | vagabond, vague |
val- | strength, worth | Latin | valere | ambivalence, avail, equivalent, evaluate, prevail, valence, valiant, valid, valor, value |
van- | empty, vain, idle | Latin | vanus "empty", also vanescere "vanish" | evanescent, vain, vanish, vanity |
vap- | steam | Latin | vapor | evaporate, evaporation, evaporative, evaporator, evaporite, nonevaporative, vapid, vapidity, vapor, vaporescence, vaporescent, vaporific, vaporous |
vari- | vary | Latin | variare | bivariate, covariate, covariation, intervarietal, invariable, invariance, invariant, variable, variance, variant, variate, variation, variegate, varietal, variety, variola, variolation, variorum, various, vary |
varic- | straddle | Latin | varicare "to straddle", from varus "bowlegged" | prevaricate |
veh-, vect- | carry | Latin | vehere "to carry", vectus | invective, inveigh, vector, vehement, vehicle |
vel- | veil | Latin | velum | revelation, velate |
vell-, vuls- | pull | Latin | vellere, vulsus | convulsion |
veloc- | quick | Latin | velox, velocis | velocity |
ven- | vein | Latin | vena | intravenous, venosity, venule |
ven- | hunt | Latin | venari | venison |
ven-, vent- | come | Latin | venire | advent, adventure, avenue, circumvent, contravene, convene, convenient, convention, event, intervene, intervention, invent, prevent, revenue, souvenir, supervene, venue, venture |
vend- | sell | Latin | vendere | vend, vendor |
vener- | respectful | Latin | venus, veneris | venerable, veneration, venereal |
vent- | wind | Latin | ventus | ventilation, ventilator |
ventr- | belly | Latin | venter, ventris | ventral |
ver- | true | Latin | verus | aver, veracious, verdict, verify, verisimilar, verisimilitude, verity, very |
verb- | word | Latin | verbum | verbal, verbatim, verbosity |
verber- | whip | Latin | verber | reverberation |
verm- | worm | Latin | vermis | vermiform, vermin |
vern- | spring | Latin | ver, vernus | vernal |
vers-, vert- | turn | Latin | versus, past participle of vertere | adverse, adversity, advertise, anniversary, avert, controversy, controvert, conversant, conversation, converse, convert, diversify, divert, extrovert, introvert, inverse, invert, perverse, pervert, reverse, revert, subvert, tergiversate, transverse, universe, versatile, verse, version, versus, vertebra, vertex, vertical, vertigo |
vesic- | bladder | Latin | vesica | vesical |
vesper- | evening, western | Latin | vespera | vesperal |
vest- | clothing, garment | Latin | vestire "to clothe", related to vestis "garment" | divest, invest, investiture, transvestite, travesty, vest, vestment |
vestig- | track | Latin | vestigium | investigate, vestigial |
vet- | forbid | Latin | vetare | veto |
veter- | old | Latin | vetus, veteris | inveterate, veteran |
vi- | way | Latin | via | deviate, obviate, obvious, via |
vic- | change | Latin | vicis | vicar, vicarious, vice versa, vicissitude |
vicen-, vigen- | twenty each | Latin | viceni | vicenary |
vicesim-, vigesim- | twentieth | Latin | vicesimus | vicesimary, vicesimation, vigesimal |
vid-, vis- | see | Latin | videre, visus | advice, advisable, advise, advisement, advisor, advisory, clairvoyance, clairvoyant, counterview, enviable, envious, envisage, envisagement, envision, envy, evidence, evident, evidential, evidentiality, evidentiary, improvidence, improvident, improvisation, improvisational, improvise, imprudence, imprudent, inadvisable, inevident, interview, interviewee, invidious, invisibility, invisible, nonevidentiary, nonsupervisory, nonvisual, preview, previse, provide, providence, provident, provision, provisional, provisionality, proviso, provisory, prudence, prudent, prudential, purvey, purveyance, purveyor, purview, review, reviewal, revisal, revise, revision, revisionary, revisit, supervise, supervision, supervisor, supervisory, survey, surveyor, surview, survise, videlicet, video, view, vis-à-vis, visa, visage, visibility, visible, vision, visionary, visit, visitation, visor, vista, visual, visuality, voilà, voyeur |
vigil- | watchful | Latin | vigil, also vigilare | invigilate, reveille, surveillance, vigil, vigilance, vigilant, vigilante |
vil- | cheap | Latin | vilis | revile, vile, vilify |
vill- | country house | Latin | villa | villa, village, villain |
vill- | shaggy hair | Latin | villus | intervillous, velour, velvet, villiform, villose, villosity, villous, villus |
vin- | wine | Latin | vinum | vigneron, vignette, vinaceous, vinaigrette, vine, vineal, vinegar, viniculture, vinosity, vinous |
vinc-, vict- | conquer | Latin | vincere (past participle victus) | convict, conviction, convince, evict, evince, invincible, province, vanquish, vanquishment, victor, victorious, victory |
vir- | man | Latin | vir | decemvir, decemvirate, duumvirate, quadrumvirate, septemvir, septemvirate, triumvir, triumvirate, vigintivirate, virago, virile, virilescence, virility, virilocal, virilocality, virtual, virtuality, virtue, virtuosity, virtuoso, virtuous |
vir- | green | Latin | virere | verdure, virid, viridescent, viridian, viridity |
vir- | poison, venom | Latin | vīrus | retroviral, retrovirus, rotavirus, togavirus, viral, virality, viricidal, viricide, virucidal, virucide, virulence, virulent, virus |
virg- | rod, twig | Latin | virga | virga, virgate, virgula, virgularian, virgulate, virgule |
virgin- | maiden | Latin | virgō, virginis | virgin, virginal, virginity, Virgoan |
visc- | thick | Latin | viscum | viscosity |
viscer- | internal organ | Latin | viscus, visceris | eviscerate, visceral |
vit- | life | Latin | vita | vital, vitality, vitamin |
vitell- | yolk | Latin | vitellus | vitellogenesis |
viti- | fault | Latin | vitium | vice, vitiate, vituperate |
vitr- | glass | Latin | vitrum | vitreous, vitriol |
viv- | live | Latin | vivere "to live", related to vita "life" | convivial, revive, survive, viable, victual, vivacious, vivacity, vivid, vivisection |
voc- | call, voice | Latin | vocare (to call), from vox "voice" (genitive vocis) | advocacy, advocate, advocation, advocator, advocatory, advoke, advowson, avocation, avouch, avow, avowal, avowry, convocate, convocation, convocator, convoke, disavow, disavowal, equivocal, equivocate, equivocation, evocable, evocation, evocative, evocator, evoke, invocable, invocate, invocation, invocative, invocator, invoke, prevocational, provocate, provocateur, provocation, provocative, provocator, provoke, reavow, reinvoke, revocable, revocation, revoke, vocabulary, vocal, vocation, vocational, vocative, vociferous, voice, vouch, vouchee, voucher, vouchsafe |
vol- | fly | Latin | volare | avolation, circumvolant, circumvolation, nonvolatile, volatile, volatility, volitant, volitation |
vol- | will | Latin | voluntas "will" from velle "to wish" | benevolence, benevolent, involuntary, malevolence, malevolent, omnibenevolence, velleity, volitient, volition, volitional, volitive, voluntary, Voluntaryism, volunteer, voluptuary, voluptuous |
volv-, volut- | roll | Latin | volvere, volutus | advolution, archivolt, circumvolute, circumvolution, circumvolve, coevolution, coevolutionary, coevolve, convolute, convolution, devolve, evolve, involve, revolve, valve, vault, volte, voluble, volume, voluminous, volva, Volvox, volvulus, voussoir, vulva |
vom- | discharge | Latin | vomere | vomit, vomition, vomitory, vomitus |
vor-, vorac- | swallow | Latin | vorare, vorax | carnivore, carnivorous, devoration, devoré, devour, herbivore, herbivorous, locavore, omnivore, omnivorous, voracious, voracity, voraginous |
vov-, vot- | vow | Latin | vovere, votus | devote, devotee, devotion, devotional, devout, devove, devow, votary, vote, votive, vow |
vulg- | crowd | Latin | vulgus | divulge, vulgarity, vulgate |
vulner- | wound | Latin | vulnus, vulneris | vulnerable |
vulp- | fox | Latin | vulpēs, vulpis | vulpine |
Lists of Greek and Latin roots in English beginning with other letters:
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
xanth-[239] | yellow | Greek | ξανθός (xanthós), ξανθότης (xanthótēs) "yellowness" | axanthism, heteroxanthine, xanthan, xanthelasma, xanthic, xanthine, Xanthippe, xanthium, xanthochromia, xanthochromism, xanthogenic, Xanthoidea, xanthoma, xanthomatosis, xanthophobia, xanthophore, xanthophyll, xanthopsia, xanthopterin, xanthosis, xanthous |
xe-[240] | scrape, shave | Greek | ξεῖν/ξέειν (xéein), ξέσις (xésis), ξέσμα (xésma) | arthroxesis |
xei-, xi-[241] | ks | Greek | Ξ, ξ, ξεῖ/ξῖ | xi |
xen-[242] | foreign | Greek | ξένϝος, ξένος (xénos), ξενικός, ξενία (xenía) | axenic, Xenarthra, xenia, xenic, xenobiotic, xenoblast, xenogamy, xenograft, xenolith, xenology, xenon, xenophobia |
xer-[243] | dry | Greek | ξηρός (xērós), ξηρότης (xērótēs) | elixir, xerasia, xerochilia, xeroderma, xerography, xeromorph, xerophagy, xerophile, xerophthalmia, xerophyte, xerosis |
xiph-[244] | sword | Greek | ξίφος (xíphos) | xiphisternum, xiphoid, xiphopagus, xiphophyllous |
xyl-[245] | wood | Greek | ξύλον (xúlon) | metaxylem, protoxylem, xylem, xylene, xylitol, xylocarp, Xylocarpus, xyloid, xylophagous, xylophobia, xylophone, xylostroma |
Root | Meaning in English | Origin language | Etymology (root origin) | English examples |
ze-[246] | boil | Greek | ζεῖν (zeîn), ζεστός (zestós), ζέσις, ζέμα, ζέματος (zéma, zématos) | eczema, eczematous |
zel-[247] | jealousy, zeal | Greek | ζῆλος (zêlos), ζηλωτής, ζηλωτοῦ (zēlōtḗs) | zeal, zealot, zealous |
zephyr-[248] | west wind | Greek | Ζέφυρος (Zéphuros) | zephyr |
zet-[249] | Z, z | Greek | Ζ, ζ, ζῆτα (zêta) | zed, zeta |
zete-[250] | seek | Greek | ζητεῖν (zēteîn), ζητητός (zētētós), ζητητικός (zētētikós) | zetetic |
zizyph-[251] | jujube | Greek | ζίζυφον (zízuphon) | Ziziphus |
zo-[252] | animal, living being | Greek | ζῶ, ζῷον (zôion) | anthrozoology, azoic, azotemia, cryptozoology, ectozoon, entozoon, epizoon, Eumetazoa, Mesozoic, Metazoa, protozoa, zoanthropy, zodiac, zoic, zoo, zoochore, zoogamete, zoogeography, zooid/zoöid, zoologic, zoology, zoomorphism, zoon, zoonosis, zoophagy, zoopoetics, zoospore, zootoxin, zooxanthella |
zon-[253] | belt, girdle | Greek | ζωννύναι (zōnnúnai), ζώνη (zṓnē), ζωστήρ (zōstḗr), ζῶστρον | phylozone, zonal, zone, zonohedron, zonotope, zoster |
zyg-[254] (ΖΥΓ)[255] | yoke | Greek | ζευγνύναι (zeugnúnai), ζεῦγμα (zeûgma), ζυγωτός (zugōtós), ζυγός, ζυγόν (zugón) | azygous, diazeugma, dizygotic, heterozygote, heterozygous, hyperzeuxis, hypozeugma, hypozeuxis, mesozeugma, monozygotic, prozeugma, synezeugmenon, zeugitae, zeugma, zygoma, zygomorphic, zygomorphism, zygomycosis, zygomycota, zygon, Zygoptera, zygote |
zym-[256] | ferment | Greek | ζέω, ζύμη (zúmē) | alloenzyme, azyme, azymite, enzyme, lysozyme, microzyme, zymase, zyme, zymogen, zymology, zymolysis, zymosis, zymotic, zymurgy |
- Contracted from *πρόατος
- παχύς in Liddell and Scott
- παίω in Liddell and Scott
- παῖς in Liddell and Scott
- παλαιός in Liddell and Scott
- πάλιν in Liddell and Scott
- πᾶς in Liddell and Scott
- παρά in Liddell and Scott
- παρά in Liddell and Scott
- παρθένος in Liddell and Scott
- πάσσω in Liddell and Scott
- πάτος in Liddell and Scott
- πάσχω in Liddell and Scott
- πατήρ in Liddell and Scott
- πήγνυμι in Liddell and Scott
- πηλός in Liddell and Scott
- πέλαγος in Liddell and Scott
- πελαργός in Liddell and Scott
- πέντε in Liddell and Scott
- πεντακόσιοι in Liddell and Scott
- πεντήκοντα in Liddell and Scott
- πεντηκοστός in Liddell and Scott
- πέπερι in Liddell and Scott
- πέπων in Liddell and Scott
- πέρδιξ in Liddell and Scott
- περί in Liddell and Scott
- περσικός in Liddell and Scott
- πέτρα in Liddell and Scott
- φαιός in Liddell and Scott
- φάλαγξ in Liddell and Scott
- φάλαρος in Liddell and Scott
- "phalaros" in LSJ
- φάρμακον in Liddell and Scott
- φαίνω in Liddell and Scott
- φέβομαι in Liddell and Scott
- φέρω in Liddell and Scott
- φεύγω in Liddell and Scott
- φίλος in Liddell and Scott
- φιμός in Liddell and Scott
- φλέψ in Liddell and Scott
- φλέγω in Liddell and Scott
- φλοιός in Liddell and Scott
- φωνή in Liddell and Scott
- φράσσω in Liddell and Scott
- φρήν in Liddell and Scott
- φρύνη in Liddell and Scott
- φθέγγομαι in Liddell and Scott
- φῦκος in Liddell and Scott
- φύλλον in Liddell and Scott
- φῦσα in Liddell and Scott
- πιέζω in Liddell and Scott
- πίνω in Liddell and Scott
- πεῖρα in Liddell and Scott
- πίσος in Liddell and Scott
- πίθηκος in Liddell and Scott
- πλάξ in Liddell and Scott
- πλάγος in Liddell and Scott
- πλάνος in Liddell and Scott
- πλάσσω in Liddell and Scott
- πλατύς in Liddell and Scott
- πίμπλημι in Liddell and Scott
- πλέω in Liddell and Scott
- πλέκω in Liddell and Scott
- πλήσσω in Liddell and Scott
- πλευρά in Liddell and Scott
- πλίνθος in Liddell and Scott
- πλοῦτος in Liddell and Scott
- πνέω in Liddell and Scott
- πνίγω in Liddell and Scott
- πίνω in Liddell and Scott
- πούς in Liddell and Scott
- πώγων in Liddell and Scott
- ποιέω in Liddell and Scott
- πόλος in Liddell and Scott
- πωλέω in Liddell and Scott
- πολεμέω in Liddell and Scott
- πόλις in Liddell and Scott
- πολιός in Liddell and Scott
- πολλός in Liddell and Scott
- πολύς in Liddell and Scott
- πομφός in Liddell and Scott
- πόρος in Liddell and Scott
- πόρνος in Liddell and Scott
- πορφύρα in Liddell and Scott
- ποταμός in Liddell and Scott
- πράσσω in Liddell and Scott
- πράσον in Liddell and Scott
- πρέσβυς in Liddell and Scott
- πρίω in Liddell and Scott
- πριάπος in Liddell and Scott
- πρίσμα in Liddell and Scott
- πρό in Liddell and Scott
- πρωκτός in Liddell and Scott
- πρός in Liddell and Scott
- πρόσωπον in Liddell and Scott
- πρῶτος in Liddell and Scott
- πρότερος in Liddell and Scott
- ψάω in Liddell and Scott
- ψάλλω in Liddell and Scott
- ψεῦδος in Liddell and Scott
- ψιλόω in Liddell and Scott
- ψίθυρος in Liddell and Scott
- ψιττακός in Liddell and Scott
- ψόφος in Liddell and Scott
- ψωρός in Liddell and Scott
- ψύχω in Liddell and Scott
- ψύχω in Liddell and Scott
- πτερόν in Liddell and Scott
- πτερίς in Liddell and Scott
- πίπτω in Liddell and Scott
- πτωχός in Liddell and Scott
- πτύω in Liddell and Scott
- πτύσσω in Liddell and Scott
- πύον in Liddell and Scott
- πύελος in Liddell and Scott
- πυγή in Liddell and Scott
- πύλη in Liddell and Scott
- πύρ in Liddell and Scott
- πυραμίς in Liddell and Scott
- πυρρός in Liddell and Scott
- ῥάπτω in Liddell and Scott
- ῥάβδος in Liddell and Scott
- ῥάχις in Liddell and Scott
- ῥήγνυμι in Liddell and Scott
- ῥέω in Liddell and Scott
- ῥητίνη in Liddell and Scott
- ῥῖγος in Liddell and Scott
- ῥίς in Liddell and Scott
- ῥίζα in Liddell and Scott
- ῥῶ in Liddell and Scott
- ῥόδον in Liddell and Scott
- ῥύγχος in Liddell and Scott
- σάκκος in Liddell and Scott
- σάκχαρ in Liddell and Scott
- σάλπιγξ in Liddell and Scott
- σάπφειρος in Liddell and Scott
- σήπω in Liddell and Scott
- σάρξ in Liddell and Scott
- σαύρα in Liddell and Scott
- σκαληνός in Liddell and Scott
- σκᾶπος in Liddell and Scott
- σκῶρ in Liddell and Scott
- σκεδάννυμι in Liddell and Scott
- σκέλος in Liddell and Scott
- σκηνή in Liddell and Scott
- σχίζω in Liddell and Scott
- σχίζω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- σκιά in Liddell and Scott
- σκέλλω in Liddell and Scott
- σκώληξ in Liddell and Scott
- σκολιός in Liddell and Scott
- σκόμβρος in Liddell and Scott
- σκότος in Liddell and Scott
- σκύφος in Liddell and Scott
- σείω in Liddell and Scott
- σήψ in Liddell and Scott
- σήρ in Liddell and Scott
- σίγμα in Liddell and Scott
- σίναπι in Liddell and Scott
- σιωπή in Liddell and Scott
- σίφων in Liddell and Scott
- σῖτος in Liddell and Scott
- σίζω in Liddell and Scott
- σμάραγδος in Liddell and Scott
- σμίλη in Liddell and Scott
- σωλήν in Liddell and Scott
- σῶμα in Liddell and Scott
- σοφός in Liddell and Scott
- σπάω in Liddell and Scott
- σπάδος in Liddell and Scott
- σπείρω in Liddell and Scott
- σπῆλυγξ in Liddell and Scott
- σπένδω in Liddell and Scott
- σπέρμα in Liddell and Scott
- σφάλλω in Liddell and Scott
- σφάλλω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- σφήν in Liddell and Scott
- σφαῖρα in Liddell and Scott
- σταφυλή in Liddell and Scott
- στέαρ in Liddell and Scott
- στέγω in Liddell and Scott
- στέλλω in Liddell and Scott
- στενός in Liddell and Scott
- στερεός in Liddell and Scott
- στέρνον in Liddell and Scott
- στῆθος in Liddell and Scott
- σθένος in Liddell and Scott
- στείχω in Liddell and Scott
- στίχη in Liddell and Scott
- στίζω in Liddell and Scott
- στόχος in Liddell and Scott
- στορέννυμι in Liddell and Scott
- στορέννυμι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- στρέφω in Liddell and Scott
- Στύξ in Liddell and Scott
- στῦλος in Liddell and Scott
- Σύβαρις in Liddell and Scott
- σύν in Liddell and Scott
- τάσσω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ταράσσω in Liddell and Scott
- τήκω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- τίκτω in Liddell and Scott
- τίκτω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- τίκτω in Liddell and Scott
- τέμνω in Liddell and Scott
- τέμνω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- τείνω in Liddell and Scott
- "Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, τείνω". Retrieved 2014-10-29.
- τέταρτος in Liddell and Scott
- θνήσκω in Liddell and Scott
- θνήσκω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- τίθημι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- θιγγάνω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- tingō. Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short. A Latin Dictionary on Perseus Project.
- τείνω
- τόπος in Liddell and Scott
- τόρνος in Liddell and Scott
- τόξον in Liddell and Scott
- τραχύς in Liddell and Scott
- τράγος in Liddell and Scott
- τράπεζα in Liddell and Scott
- τραῦμα in Liddell and Scott
- τρέχω. Liddell, Henry George; Scott, Robert; A Greek–English Lexicon at the Perseus Project
- τρέπω in Liddell and Scott
- τρέφω in Liddell and Scott
- τρεῖς in Liddell and Scott
- τρίβω in Liddell and Scott
- τρίτος in Liddell and Scott
- τρυπάω in Liddell and Scott
- τύμβος in Liddell and Scott
- τύπτω in Liddell and Scott
- τύπτω in Middle Liddell and Scott
- τύφω in Liddell and Scott
- τύραννος in Liddell and Scott
- οὖλον in Liddell and Scott
- οὖλος in Liddell and Scott
- οὐρά in Liddell and Scott
- οὐρέω in Liddell and Scott
- οὐρανός in Liddell and Scott
- ξανθός in Liddell and Scott
- ξέω in Liddell and Scott
- ξεῖ in Liddell and Scott
- ξένος in Liddell and Scott
- ξηρός in Liddell and Scott
- ξίφος in Liddell and Scott
- ξύλον in Liddell and Scott
- ζέω in Liddell and Scott
- ζῆλος in Liddell and Scott
- Ζέφυρος in Liddell and Scott
- ζῆτα in Liddell and Scott
- ζητέω in Liddell and Scott
- ζίζυφον in Liddell and Scott
- ζῶ in Liddell and Scott
- ζώννυμι in Liddell and Scott
- ζεύγνυμι in Liddell and Scott
- ζεύγνυμι in Middle Liddell and Scott
- ζέω in Liddell and Scott
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