List of Ribes species

This list of Ribes species shows many of the approximately 200 accepted species in the plant genus Ribes, the single genus in the Saxifragales family Grossulariaceae.[1] Traditionally, these have been divided into a number of subgenera, such as subgenus Ribes (currants) and subgenus Grossularia (gooseberries).[2]

  • Ribes acerifolium T.J Howell – maple currant, mapleleaf currant
  • Ribes achurjani Mulk.
  • Ribes aciculare Sm. – needle-spined gooseberry
  • Ribes acidum Turcz. ex Pojark.
  • Ribes acuminatum Wall. ex G.Don
  • Ribes affine Kunth
  • Ribes albifolium Ruiz & Pav.
  • Ribes alpestre Wall. ex Decne.
  • Ribes alpestris (Decne) A.Berger – hedge gooseberry
  • Ribes alpinum L. – alpine currant
  • Ribes altamirani Jancz.
  • Ribes altissimum Turcz. ex Pojark. – tall currant
  • Ribes amarum McClatchie – bitter gooseberry
  • Ribes ambiguum Maxim.
  • Ribes americanum Mill. – American blackcurrant, wild blackcurrant
  • Ribes amictum Greene
  • Ribes andicola Jancz.
  • Ribes aridum Greene
  • Ribes armenum Pojark.
  • Ribes ascendens Eastw.
  • Ribes atropurpureum C.A.Mey.
  • Ribes aucheziense Jancz.
  • Ribes aureum Pursh – buffalo currant, clove currant, golden currant. Includes well-known cultivar 'Gwen.'
  • Ribes austroecuadorense Freire-Fierro
  • Ribes bethmontii Jancz.
  • Ribes binominatum A.Heller – ground gooseberry
  • Ribes bracteosum Douglas ex Hook. – stink currant
  • Ribes burejense F.Schmidt
  • Ribes californicum Hook. & Arn. – Hillside gooseberry, California gooseberry, Monterey gooseberry
  • Ribes canthariforme Wiggins – Moreno currant
  • Ribes cereum Douglas – Squaw currant, wax currant, white field currant, whiskey currant
  • Ribes ceriferum Coville & Rose
  • Ribes ciliatum Humb. & Bonpl.
  • Ribes colandina Weigend
  • Ribes coloradense Cov. – Colorado currant
  • Ribes contumazensis Weigend
  • Ribes cruentum Greene – shinyleaf currant, Oregon currant
  • Ribes curvatum Small – Granite gooseberry
  • Ribes cynosbati L. – prickly gooseberry, eastern prickly gooseberry, dogberry, dog bramble
  • Ribes diacanthum Pall. – Siberian currant
  • Ribes dikuscha Fisch. ex Turcz.
  • Ribes distans Jancz. – scarlet currant
  • Ribes divaricatum Douglas – spreading gooseberry, wild gooseberry, coast gooseberry, coastal black gooseberry, Parish's gooseberry, Worcesterberry[3]
  • Ribes echinellum (Cov.) Rehder – Miccosukee gooseberry
  • Ribes emodense Rehder – smooth rock currant
  • Ribes erectum Freire-Fierro - Colombia, Ecuador
  • Ribes erythrocarpum Coville & Leiberg – Crater Lake currant
  • Ribes fasciculatum Siebold & Zucc. – Japanese currant
  • Ribes fuscescens (Jancz.) Jancz.
  • Ribes futurum Jancz.
  • Ribes gardonianum Lem.
  • Ribes gayanum (Spach) Steud. – leather-leaved gooseberry
  • Ribes giraldii Jancz.
  • Ribes glabricalycinum L.T.Lu
  • Ribes glabrifolium L.T.Lu
  • Ribes glaciale Wallich – glacier currant
  • Ribes glanduliferum A.Heller
  • Ribes glandulosum Grauer ex Weber – skunk currant, fetid currant
  • Ribes glutinosum Benth.
  • Ribes gongshanense T.C.Ku
  • Ribes goodingii M.E.Peck
  • Ribes gracile Michx.
  • Ribes grande Rose
  • Ribes graveolens Bunge.
  • Ribes griffithii Hook.f. & Thomson
  • Ribes grossularioides Maxim. – Japanese gooseberry, catberry
  • Ribes guangxiense C.Z.Gao
  • Ribes haoi C.Y.Yang & Han
  • Ribes hartwegianum Jancz.
  • Ribes hendersonii C.L.Hitchc.
  • Ribes henryi Franch.
  • Ribes heterotrichum C.A.Mey.
  • Ribes himalense Royle ex Decne.
  • Ribes hirtellum Michx. – North American gooseberry, hairystem gooseberry, currant gooseberry
  • Ribes hirticaule J.F.Macbr.
  • Ribes hirtum Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.
  • Ribes hispidulum (Jancz.) Pojark.
  • Ribes hittellianum Eastw.
  • Ribes holocericeum Otto & A.Dietr.
  • Ribes horridum Rupr. – thorny currant
  • Ribes houghtonianum Jancz.
  • Ribes howellii Greene
  • Ribes hudsonianum Richards – northern blackcurrant, Hudson Bay currant, western blackcurrant
  • Ribes humile Jancz.
  • Ribes hunanense Chang Y.Yang & C.J.Qi
  • Ribes huronense Rydb.
  • Ribes incarnatum Wedd.
  • Ribes incertum J.F.Macbr.
  • Ribes indecorum Eastw. – white-flowered currant
  • Ribes inebrians Lindl.
  • Ribes inerme Rydb. – whitestem gooseberry, Klamath gooseberry
  • Ribes integrifolium Phil.
  • Ribes irriguum Douglas
  • Ribes janczewskii Pojark.
  • Ribes japonicum Maxim. – Japanese blackcurrant, thornless blackcurrant
  • Ribes jessoniae Stapf.
  • Ribes jorullense Kunth
  • Ribes kansuense K.S.Hao
  • Ribes kialanum Jancz.
  • Ribes koehneanum Jancz.
  • Ribes kolymense (Trautv.) Kom.
  • Ribes komarovii Pojark.
  • Ribes kunthii Berland.
  • Ribes laciniatum Hook.f. & Thomson
  • Ribes lacustre (Pers.) Poir. – black gooseberry, prickly currant, black swamp gooseberry
  • Ribes lasianthum Greene – alpine gooseberry
  • Ribes latifolium Jancz. – broadleaf currant
  • Ribes laurifolium Jancz. – evergreen currant
  • Ribes laxiflorum Pursh – trailing blackcurrant
  • Ribes lehmannii Jancz.
  • Ribes leiobotrys Koehne
  • Ribes lentum (M.E.Jones) Coville & Rose
  • Ribes leptanthum A.Gray – trumpet gooseberry
  • Ribes leptosma (Coville) Fedde
  • Ribes leptosmum (Coville) Standl.
  • Ribes lindeni Jancz.
  • Ribes liouanum Kitag.
  • Ribes lioui C.Wang & Chang Y.Yang
  • Ribes lobbii A.Gray – gummy gooseberry
  • Ribes longeracemosum Franch. – Tibet thornless blackcurrant
  • Ribes lucarense Phil.
  • Ribes luridum Hook. & Thoms. – purple currant
  • Ribes luteynii Weigend
  • Ribes macrobotrys Ruiz & Pav.
  • Ribes macrocalyx Hance
  • Ribes macrostachyum Jancz.
  • Ribes magellanicum Poir.
  • Ribes malvaceum Sm. – Chaparral currant
  • Ribes malvifolium Pojark.
  • Ribes mandschuricum (Maxim.) Komarov – Manchurian redcurrant
  • Ribes mariposanum Congdon
  • Ribes marshallii Greene – Hupa gooseberry
  • Ribes maximowiczianum Kom. – common Korean currant[4]
  • Ribes maximowiczii Batal.
  • Ribes melananthum Boiss. & Hohen.
  • Ribes menziesii Pursh – Canyon gooseberry, Menzies' gooseberry
  • Ribes mescalerium Coville – Mescalero currant
  • Ribes mexicanum Spreng.
  • Ribes meyeri Maxim. – Meyer's currant
  • Ribes microphyllum Kunth
  • Ribes migratorium Suksd.
  • Ribes missouriense Nutt. – Missouri gooseberry
  • Ribes mogollonicum Greene
  • Ribes molle (A.Gray) Howell
  • Ribes montanum Howell
  • Ribes monticola K.Koch
  • Ribes montigenum McClat. – gooseberry currant
  • Ribes moupinense Franch.
  • Ribes multiflorum Kit. – manyflower currant
  • Ribes nanophyllum Freire-Fierro & L.Endara
  • Ribes neglectum Rose
  • Ribes nelsonii Coville & Rose
  • Ribes nemorosum Phil.
  • Ribes nevadense Kellogg – Sierra currant, Jaeger's currant, Nevada currant
  • Ribes × nidigrolaria Rud.Bauer & A.Bauer – Jostaberry
  • Ribes nigrum L. – Blackcurrant, European blackcurrant
  • Ribes nitidissima Neger.
  • Ribes niveum Lindl. – snow gooseberry, slender-branched gooseberry
  • Ribes non-scriptum (A.Berger) Standl.
  • Ribes occidentale Hook. & Arn.
  • Ribes odoratissimum M.McMahon ex True
  • Ribes oligacanthum Eastw.
  • Ribes orientale Desf. – Siberian currant
  • Ribes orizabae Rose
  • Ribes ovalifolium Jancz.
  • Ribes oxyacanthoides L. – American mountain gooseberry, Canadian gooseberry, stream gooseberry, Henderson's gooseberry, Idaho gooseberry
  • Ribes pachyadenium Hand.-Mazz.
  • Ribes pachysandroides Oliv.
  • Ribes palczewskii (Jancz.) Pojark. – Palczjewski's ribes
  • Ribes pallidiflorum Pojark.
  • Ribes palmeri Vasey & Rose
  • Ribes panctatum Ruiz & Pav.
  • Ribes parviflorum Wedd.
  • Ribes parvifolium Phil.
  • Ribes parvulum (A.Gray) Rydb.
  • Ribes pensylvanicum Lam.
  • Ribes pentlandii Britton
  • Ribes peruvianum Jancz.
  • Ribes petiolare Fisch.
  • Ribes petraeum Wulf. – rock currant, rock redcurrant, Bieberstein's rock currant
  • Ribes pinetorum Greene – orange currant
  • Ribes polyanthum Phil.
  • Ribes polystachyum A.Berger
  • Ribes praecox J.F.Macbr.
  • Ribes pringlei Rose
  • Ribes procumbens Pall. – trailing redcurrant
  • Ribes pseudofasciculatum K.S.Hao
  • Ribes pulchellum Turcz.
  • Ribes purpurascens A.Heller
  • Ribes purpusii Koehne ex Blank.
  • Ribes quercetorum Greene – rock gooseberry
  • Ribes reniforme Nutt.
  • Ribes roezlii Reg. – Sierra gooseberry, Roezl's gooseberry
  • Ribes rosthornii Diels
  • Ribes rotundifolium Michx. – Appalachian gooseberry, round-leaved gooseberry
  • Ribes rubrisepalum L.T.Lu
  • Ribes rubrum L.redcurrant, white currant
  • Ribes rugosum Coville & Rose
  • Ribes ruizii Rehder.
  • Ribes sachalinense (F.Schmidt) Nakai
  • Ribes sanchezii Weigend
  • Ribes sanguineum Pursh – flowering currant, redflower currant, blood currant, sticky blood currant, blackseed blood currant, winter currant
  • Ribes sardoum Martelli – Sardinian currant
  • Ribes saxatile Pall.
  • Ribes saximontanum E.E.Nelson
  • Ribes saxosum Hook.
  • Ribes scandicum Hedl.
  • Ribes scuphamii Eastw.
  • Ribes sericeum Eastw. – Lucia gooseberry
  • Ribes setchuense Jancz.
  • Ribes setosum Lindl. – Missouri currant
  • Ribes sinanense F.Maek. – Chinese gooseberry
  • Ribes soulieanum Jancz.
  • Ribes spathianum Koehne
  • Ribes speciosum Pursh – fuchsia-flowered gooseberry
  • Ribes spicatum Robson – Nordic redcurrant, Nordic currant, downy currant
  • Ribes stanfordii Elmer
  • Ribes steinbachiorum Weigend & Binder
  • Ribes stenocarpum Maxim. – narrow-fruited currant
  • Ribes sucheziense Jancz.
  • Ribes suksdorfii A.Heller
  • Ribes takare D.Don
  • Ribes tenue Jancz.
  • Ribes texense (Coville & A.Berger) Standl.
  • Ribes thacherianum (Jeps.) Munz
  • Ribes tianquanense S.H.Yu & J.M.Xu
  • Ribes tolimense Cuatrec.
  • Ribes tortuosum Benth.
  • Ribes tricuspe Nakai
  • Ribes trifidum Michx.
  • Ribes trilobum Meyen.
  • Ribes tripartitum Batalin
  • Ribes triste Pall. – northern redcurrant or swamp redcurrant, wild redcurrant
  • Ribes tularense (Coville) Fedde. – Tulare gooseberry
  • Ribes turbinatum Pojark.
  • Ribes uniflorum T.C.Ku
  • Ribes urceolatum Tausch
  • Ribes ussuriense Jancz. – Korean blackcurrant
  • Ribes utile Jancz.
  • Ribes uva-crispa L. – gooseberry, wild gooseberry, European gooseberry, English gooseberry
  • Ribes valdivianum Phil.
  • Ribes valicola Greene ex Rydb.
  • Ribes van-fleetianum (A.Berger) Standl.
  • Ribes velutinum Greene – desert gooseberry, Gooding's gooseberry
  • Ribes viburnifolium A.Gray – Island gooseberry
  • Ribes victoris Greene – Victor's gooseberry
  • Ribes vilmorinii Jancz.
  • Ribes villosum Wall. ex Roxb.
  • Ribes viscosissimum Pursh – sticky currant
  • Ribes viscosum Ruiz & Pav.
  • Ribes vitifolium Host
  • Ribes warszewiczii Jancz. – downy currant
  • Ribes watkinsii Eastw.
  • Ribes watsonianum Koehne – spring gooseberry
  • Ribes weberbaueri Jancz.
  • Ribes weddellianum Jancz.
  • Ribes wolfii Rothr. – Wolf's currant
  • Ribes xizangense L.T.Lu
Redcurrant berries, Ribes rubrum
Cultivated Ribes uva-crispa


  1. "Ribes L." Plants of the World Online. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Retrieved 12 August 2020.
  2. Schultheis, Lisa M.; Donoghue, Michael J. (1 January 2004). "Molecular Phylogeny and Biogeography of Ribes (Grossulariaceae), with an Emphasis on Gooseberries (subg. Grossularia)" (PDF). Systematic Botany. 29 (1): 77–96. doi:10.1600/036364404772974239.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
  3. "Ribes divaricatum". RHS Plants. Royal Horticultural Society. Retrieved 2014-11-04.
  4. English Names for Korean Native Plants (PDF). Pocheon: Korea National Arboretum. 2015. p. 608. ISBN 978-89-97450-98-5. Archived from the original (PDF) on 25 May 2017. Retrieved 19 December 2016 via Korea Forest Service.
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