List of jazz arrangers
The American Federation of Musicians defines arranging as "the art of preparing and adapting an already written composition for presentation in other than its original form. An arrangement may include reharmonization, paraphrasing, and/or development of a composition, so that it fully represents the melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structure".[1] Jazz arrangers often take music written for other forms like popular music, religious music, or classical music and alter the tempo, rhythm, and the chord structure to re-create music for a jazz idiom. They can also take so-called head arrangements and commit them to paper.
- Rüdiger Baldauf
- Louis Banks
- Eddie Barefield
- Guy Barker
- George Barnes
- John Barry
- Steve Barta
- Count Basie
- Edgar Battle
- Alan Baylock
- Jim Beard
- Heinie Beau
- John Hubbard Beecher
- Bob Belden
- Louie Bellson
- David Berkman
- Harry Betts
- Carla Bley
- David Bloom
- Mike Bogle
- Benjamín Brea
- Leon Breeden
- Buddy Bregman
- Alan Broadbent
- Bob Brookmeyer
- Dudley Brooks
- John Brooks
- Sylvia Brooks
- Raymond Harry Brown
- Steve Brown
- Gary Brunotte
- James Tim Brymn
- Miroslav Bukovsky
- Ralph Burns
- Billy Byers
- Uri Caine
- Charles Calello
- Benny Carter
- James Chirillo
- John Clayton
- Kenny Clayton
- Avishai Cohen
- Al Cohn
- Bobby Cole
- Alice Coltrane
- John Coltrane
- Chris Combs
- Frank Comstock
- Ray Conniff
- Doc Cook
- Jack Cooper
- Eric Copeland
- Don Costa
- Hank Crawford
- Roy Crimmins
- Gary Crosby
- Alexander Cuesta
- Bill Cunliffe
- Bob Curnow
- Hal Galper
- Allan Ganley
- Joe Garland
- Carlos Garnett
- Chris Geith
- James Gelfand
- Herb Geller
- Russ Gershon
- Michael Gibbs
- Andy Gibson
- Dizzy Gillespie
- Joe Gilman
- Vince Giordano
- Jimmy Giuffre
- Harry Gold
- Benny Golson
- Benny Goodman
- Gordon Goodwin
- Alain Goraguer
- Jerry Gray
- Ferde Grofé
- George Gruntz
- Dave Grusin
- Guttorm Guttormsen
- Jurre Haanstra
- Tim Hagans
- Barrie Lee Hall Jr.
- James A. Hall
- Jim Hall
- Morten Halle
- Louis Halmy
- Lenny Hambro
- Jimmy Hamilton
- Bob Hammer
- Slide Hampton
- Herbie Hancock
- George Handy
- Ken Hanna
- Buster Harding
- Tom Harrell
- Raymond Harry Brown
- Joe Haymes
- Scott Healy
- Jimmy Heath
- Neal Hefti
- Eirik Hegdal
- Fletcher Henderson
- Horace Henderson
- Luther Henderson
- Rick Henderson
- Michel Herr
- Nikolaj Hess
- André Hodeir
- Jan Gunnar Hoff
- Bill Holman
- Geir Holmsen
- Kenyon Hopkins
- Shirley Horn
- Gary Husband
- Margie Hyams
- Dick Hyman
- John LaBarbera
- Pocho Lapouble
- Charles W. LaRue
- Steve Laury
- Andy LaVerne
- Graham Lear
- Kuh Ledesma
- Amy Lee
- William Franklin Lee III
- Michel Legrand
- Brian Lemon
- Hank Levy
- John Lewis
- Magnus Lindgren
- David Lindup
- Joe Lipman
- Fred Lipsius
- Melba Liston
- Fud Livingston
- Curtis Lundy
- Arun Luthra
- Bruce Lynch
- Attila László
- Earl MacDonald
- Machito
- Dennis Mackrel
- Taj Mahal
- Willie Maiden
- Rob Madna
- Henry Mancini
- Johnny Mandel
- Gap Mangione
- André Manoukian
- Arif Mardin
- Lou Marini
- Skip Martin
- Dmitri Matheny
- Matty Matlock
- David Matthews
- Billy May
- Lyle Mays
- Gary McFarland
- Howard McGhee
- Tom McIntosh
- Neil McLean
- Jim McNeely
- Vince Mendoza
- Don Menza
- Emil Mijares
- Glenn Miller
- Bob Mintzer
- Shinji Miyazaki
- Thelonious Monk
- Phil Moore
- James Morrison
- Jelly Roll Morton
- Michael Philip Mossman
- Ken Moule
- Rob Mounsey
- Gerry Mulligan
- Jimmy Mundy
- Spud Murphy
- Ronald Myers
- Bill Ramsay
- Ray Reach
- Don Redman
- Ilja Reijngoud
- Don Rendell
- Mike Renzi
- Todd Rhodes
- Goff Richards
- Johnny Richards
- Kim Richmond
- Nelson Riddle
- Jim Riggs
- Doug Riley
- Joe Riposo
- Joe Roccisano
- Ruben Rodriguez
- Shorty Rogers
- Gene Roland
- Tony Romandini
- Jerry van Rooyen
- Florian Ross
- Rashawn Ross
- Scott Routenberg
- Pete Rugolo
- George Russell
- Bill Russo
- Philippe Saisse
- A. K. Salim
- Steve Sample Sr.
- John Sangster
- Jovino Santos Neto
- Eddie Sauter
- Jan Savitt
- Paulus Schäfer
- Lalo Schifrin
- Maria Schneider
- Vic Schoen
- Arthur Schutt
- Don Sebesky
- Cheick Tidiane Seck
- Roger Segure
- Matyas Seiber, sometimes under the pseudonym G. S. Mathis
- John Sheridan
- Yasuaki Shimizu
- Wayne Shorter
- Don Sickler
- Julian Siegel
- Terry Silverlight
- Even Kruse Skatrud
- Erlend Skomsvoll
- Harry South
- Earle Spencer
- Russ Spiegel
- Peter Sprague
- Patrick Stanfield Jones
- Bill Stegmeyer
- Lanny Steele
- Jimmy Stewart
- George Stone
- Billy Strayhorn
- Walt Stuart
- Fred Sturm
- Ed Summerlin
- Tierney Sutton
- "Arranging Music for the Real World: Classical and Commercial Aspects," Vince Corozine, 2002, p. 3
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