Livre du Saint-Sacrement
Livre du Saint-Sacrement ("The Book of the Blessed Sacrament") is a collection of pieces for organ on the subject of the Eucharist by the French composer Olivier Messiaen. It was composed from 1984-1985 and first performed in 1986.
Genesis and composition
Le livre du Saint-Sacrement was commissioned by Ray Ferguson and the Detroit, Michigan chapter of the American Guild of Organists, and was intended to be premiered at an AGO national conference.[1] Messiaen had been the organist at the Église de la Sainte-Trinité, Paris since 1931, and by his own account he brought to summation his years of experience improvising music for the liturgy in the composition of the Livre.[2]
The work contains 18 named sections:
- Adoro te (I adore Thee)
- La Source de Vie (The Fountain of Life)
- Le Dieu caché (The hidden God)
- Acte de Foi (Act of Faith)
- Puer natus est nobis (Unto us is born a Son)
- La manne et le Pain de Vie (The manna and the Bread of Life)
- Les ressuscités et la lumière de Vie (The resurrected ones and the Light of Life)
- Institution de l'Eucharistie (Institution of the Eucharist)
- Les ténèbres (The darkness)
- La Résurrection du Christ (The Resurrection of Christ)
- L'apparition du Christ ressuscité à Marie-Madeleine (The appearance of the risen Christ to Mary Magdalene)
- La Transsubstantiation (Transubstantiation)
- Les deux murailles d'eau (The two walls of water)
- Prière avant la communion (Prayer before Communion)
- La joie de la grâce (The joy of grace)
- Prière après la communion (Prayer after Communion)
- La Présence multipliée (The Presence multiplied)
- Offrande et Alleluia final (Offering and final Alleluia)
Premiere and Reception
Le Livre du Saint-Sacrement was premiered at the Metropolitan United Methodist Church in Detroit, Michigan on July 1, 1986, by the organist Almut Rössler.[3] Reviews of the premiere in both The Diapason and The American Organist were positive, despite the unfavorable acoustic of the church and mechanical problems with the organ.[4]
- Luchese, Diane (2016). "Appreciating Messiaen's Livre du Saint Sacrement: Culmination of Techniques and Methods of Expression". Musforum. Retrieved 12 July 2017.
- Riley, Malcolm. "Messiaen Livre du Saint Sacrement". Gramophone. Retrieved 12 July 2017.