Machur مچر is a village in Naushahro Feroze District, Sindh, Pakistan. It is one of the relatively developed villages in district Naushahro Feroze. This village has all basic facilities of rural areas with Rural Health Center. Village machur have more than 10 thousand population, Nowadays it is consider7ed as town, in Village Machur there are five governmental school High school Machur for boys, Girls high school, Primary man school, Masjid school Bolani mohalla and girls primary school.[1] High School and Girls' school.[2] Most Teachers In this Village The Femous Teachers Are Sir Ali Nawaz Vistro, Sir Hazoor Bux, Sir Shah Nawaz Vistro
Early in 1800

Before 1800 it was totally village of Hindu Dewans, their name was like Punju Mal, Lilo Mal Doltani etc, all families of Hindu was well educated. They were very good in business, Mostly their Business Hub was TharuShah, some Hindu were working in British government, they worked with loyalty and very intelligently, in that time there was no name of village was selected so the English people knew this village, the village of mature people, some time passes and English people call this village Mature village, so Sindhi people call it Machur, and nowadays it is famous with Machur. Because of Having British Government jobs people of Village Machur have Revenue land and was Zamindar, they pay tax to east India Company on behalf of Permanent Settlement Act that was introduce by Cornwallis in 1793. In this regard, people of Machur got work done by Muslim poor people and settle them down in Machur..0.0
Village machur is 4 kilometres north of district Naushahro Feroze and 3 kilometres from national highway. In Machur Vistro community have more than 95% of the land they are landlord have revenue lands in all deh of district Naushahro Feroze.