Miloš Šibul

Miloš Šibul (Serbian Cyrillic: Милош Шибул; born 1977) is a politician in Serbia. He served in the Assembly of Vojvodina from 2012 to 2016 as a member of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV). He is currently the president of the League of Vojvodinian of Farmers (Lige paora Vojvodine).

Early life and private career

Šibul was born in Novi Sad, Socialist Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, in what was then the Socialist Republic of Serbia in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was raised in Kikinda, where his family has been established for several generations. Šibul is a graduate of the University of Novi Sad's Faculty of Agriculture, specializing in phytomedicine, and has worked for the private company Poljopromet as an expert advisor in the use of pesticides. He also works as a farmer.[1]

Political career

Šibul joined the LSV in 1995 and has served several terms as the leader of its Kikinda municipal committee, as well as leading the party's group in the municipal assembly.[2]

He was elected to the Assembly of Vojvodina in the 2012 provincial election for Kikinda's second constituency seat. The LSV participated in Vojvodina's coalition government during this time, and Šibul served as a supporter of the ministry. Vojvodina subsequently abolished its constituency seats and adopted a system of pure proportional representation. Šibul received the seventeenth position on the LSV's electoral list in the 2016 provincial election and was not returned when the list won nine seats.[3] He is currently the second candidate in sequence with the right to enter the assembly if another LSV representative leaves the assembly before the end of their term.

He also appeared as a LSV candidate in the 2012 and 2016 Serbian parliamentary elections, although he was not elected on either occasion.[4]

As president of the League of Vojvodinian Farmers, Šibul is an opponent of Serbia's Law on Agricultural Land, on the grounds that it allows the government to give state land to investors without clear criteria.[5] He has also criticized Serbia's government for confiscating land from indebted farmers unable to pay compulsory fees and taxes.[6]

Electoral record

Provincial (Vojvodina)

2012 Vojvodina assembly election
Kikinda II (constituency seat) - First and Second Rounds
Miloš Šibul League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina 2,644 17.38 7,741 53.81
Svetislav Vukmirica Let's Get Vojvodina Moving 3,959 26.02 6,644 46.19
Savo Dobranić (incumbent) Choice for a Better Vojvodina 2,398 15.76
Gojko Grubor Socialist Party of SerbiaParty of United Pensioners of SerbiaUnited SerbiaSocial Democratic Party of Serbia 1,284 8.44
Branislav Bajić Citizen's Group: Strength of Kikinda 1,255 8.25
Paja Francuski Preokret 941 6.18
Ferenc Lepár Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians 847 5.57
Karolj Damjanov United Regions of Serbia–Karolj Damjanov 811 5.33
Mladen Koprivica Democratic Party of Serbia 556 3.65
Nikola Jankov Serbian Radical Party 520 3.42
Total valid votes 15,215 100 14,385 100


  1. "Miloš Šibul", Slobodna Vojvodina, 20 June 2011, accessed 19 February 2019.
  2. "Miloš Šibul", Slobodna Vojvodina, 20 June 2011, accessed 19 February 2019.
  3. Изборне листе за изборе за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне покрајине Војводине (Изборна листа 4 - Ненад Чанак – Лига социјалдемократа Војводине – Дигни главу!), Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 11 May 2018.
  4. The LSV participated in the 2012 election on the Democratic Party's Choice for a Better Life list. Šibul received the 195th position out of 250; the list won sixty-seven mandates. In 2016, the LSV ran in a coalition with the Social Democratic Party and the Liberal Democratic Party. Šibul received the 227th position; the list won thirteen mandates.
  5. "Liga paora Vojvodine: Vlast bi da zemlju obrađuju tajkuni", N1, 8 April 2016, accessed 19 February 2019.
  6. "Miloš Šibul: Sramota je što država oduzima zemlju zbog dugova...Očito se više ne isplati raditi", Beta, 29 January 2017, accessed 19 February 2019.
  7. Резултати избора за посланике у Скупштину Аутономне Покрајине Војводине по већинском изборном систему (22 Кикинда II) (2012), Provincial Election Commission, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, accessed 14 April 2018.
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