Nasza Księgarnia
Nasza Księgarnia (Our Bookstore) is the oldest publisher of children's books in Poland. It was founded by Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego in 1921 as a joint stock company.
During World War II, Nasza Księgarnia continued to release new books.
The company, located in Warsaw, currently has 40 employees and an annual turnover of $11.03 million.[1] It publishes numerous children's and educational books in the Polish language.[2][3]
Book series
Title of the series in Polish / English translation of series title
- Bawimy sie i Uczymy (English, "We Play and Learn")
- Biblioteka Harcerza (English, "The Scout's Library")
- Biblioteka Mlodego Technika (English, "The Young Engineer's Library")
- Biblioteka Plomyczka
- Biblioteka Polskiego Towarzystwa Krajoznawczego: Piekno Polski
- Biblioteka Prasy (English, "Press Library")
- Biblioteka "Ruch" (English, "Movement Library")
- Klasyka Dziecieca (English, "Children's Classics")
- Klub Siedmiu Przygod (English, "The Seven Adventures Club")
- Kolekcja Jubileuszowa (English, "Jubilee Collection")
- Ksiazeczki z Misiowej Poleczki (English, "Books from Teddy Bear Poleczki")
- Miedzynarodowa Seria Ksiazek dla Dzieci Najmlodszych (English, "International Series of Books for the Youngest Children")
- Mieszkancy Naszych Wod (English, "Inhabitants of Our Waters")
- Moje Ksiazeczki (English, "My Books")
- Od Ksiazeczki do Biblioteczki (English, "From the Books to the Bookcase")
- Poczytaj Mi Mamo (English, "Read to Me, Mum")
- Stalo Sie Jutro: opowiadan fantastycznych zbior czwarty (English, "It Happened Tomorrow")
- Swiat w Obrazach (English, "The World in Pictures")
- Teatr Szkolny (English, "School Theatre" or "School Drama")
- Technika Wokol Nas (English, "Technology Around Us")
- Teoria i Krytyka Literatury dla Dzieci i Mlodziezy (English, "Theory and Criticism of Literature for Children and Young People")
- Ze Swiata Przyrody (English, "From the World of Nature")
- Z Praktyki Szkolnej (English, "On School Practice")
- WYDAWNICTWO NASZA KSIĘGARNIA SP Z O O, Dun & Bradstreet, Retrieved 17 January 2021.
- "About us", Retrieved 8 December 2021.
- Wydawnictwo "Nasza Księgarnia", Retrieved 17 January 2021.
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